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Interview question

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That my friend is the $64 question. :whistling: Technically, no. Some people have had it come up when the SO was before the VO, but in my opinion, their case may have been a little shaky and that is how tho VO reacted. In our case, I felt it important for me to be there if for no other reason that Jen wanted my support. After being involed with the run around to get everything done, to me it was the right call. Besides, the chance to be there and share in the joy of Jen passing the interview was well worth it.

My best advice it to talk with your SO. If they want you to be there, make sure you can go. If not, still be prepare because if anything does come up, you might be on a plane to overcome a blue slip. But as for a bonafide need to be there, Quangzhou does not require it.

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I didn't go to China for my wife's (then fiancee ofcourse) interview. It really wouldn't have been a good time for me to travel, and in our situation (we dated for 4 years while I lived in China and knew each other for like 10), I didn't think it would add much to our application.


Some people feel that it does. In the event that your SO fails the interview, being there might help you get the documents and other evidence quickly to allow her to resubmit and overcome the process. But, if what you need is in the U.S., obviously being there won't help.


One thing to keep in mind is (unlike the AOS interview) it's completely her interview - you're not even allowed in the Consulate while it's taking place (well, you can go to the American citizen services section, but not the interview area).

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I echo what the others have said. Being there can certainly help reduce the stress and build confidence - like jim julian says, confidence is a very important component of the interview. And, as Feathers268 says, the look on your fiancee's face when you see her smile after a successful interview is priceless.


In addition, having both of us in China after the interview allowed us to say our goodbyes to the family, get the packing done, clean up a few odds and ends, and be together at the POE when we arrived in the US. Since Jingwen's English is limited, my being with her to clear immigration and customs was an important consideration.

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Ask your wife not us whether she needs you with her. This is a question of does she need your support, does she need a porter to carry the bags, can you find your way to the consulate better than her?


As for the technicality of being there it seems it is only an issue if there is a real chance of denial that can be over come by you being there. I think the only time this has come up was regarding ability to communicate together. The required VHS recording to prove that was able to be made the same day.


My wife preferred to do it alone so she wouldn't feel dependent and then have to face the VO alone anyway.


Whatever you do, good luck. The wait is coming to an end.

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Just had another thought. As others have said definitely talk to your SO and see what she thinks. If she really wants you there and you can take the time to go, go. It will help build confidence.


If the consideration is not being there for the actual interview, but rather helping her pack up to come back to the U.S., remember that she'll have 6 months after the interview to leave China and enter the U.S.; so if you're going to help her move and go through immigration, you can pick a time that's best for the both of you. That's what my wife and I did - I went to China a couple of months after her interview, stayed there about 6 weeks, and then we flew to the U.S. together.

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But vacations these days are typically at the convenience of the bean-counters - if you don't use it by Dec. 31, you lose it. So he could conceivably end up with unused vacation time that he has to hurry up and use if the interview turns out to be AFTER the 1st of the year. Hopefully, you'll have enough notice that this won't be a problem.


But, yeah - more than a few of us have found ourselves with no vacation time at interview time. Don't feel bad if this happens.


Good luck!

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What other kinds of things might you save your vacation for that are more meaningful than interview day?


Guz doesn't need you there. If your SO doesn't need you there and you don't feel the need to be there, then don't go. Actually, there is not anything particularly useful for you to do except have fun. Ask her about saving the money, not the vacation. Bet she says 'don't spend the money.'

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