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My wife and I have been waiting for P4 for K-3 visa petition for 33 days now. I called today and when they gave the standard speil, I asked if the namecheck was in progress and if we were in the interview que. The name check/security check has not even begun to be done yet. What does that mean? Is that normal?


thanks everyone. i'm mostly ranting, and I know that.

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You might want to find a diversion, something else to think about for a while. I almost never believe anything someone says in answer to a telephone inquiry, my experience has been that the information I get is seldom correct. It is almost always easier to just say, "NO!", than to find out the real answer. I've been doing some tracking of my own on many couples and here's what I see as the number of days between returning P3 and receiving P4: 84, 74, 33, 55, 31, 40, 35, 41 and 40. So at 33 days, you are still on the low end of the scale. But I share your frustrations and know that the only words that will help are, "It Came!", or something similar.

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You might want to find a diversion, something else to think about for a while.  I almost never believe anything someone says in answer to a telephone inquiry, my experience has been that the information I get is seldom correct.  It is almost always easier to just say, "NO!", than to find out the real answer.  I've been doing some tracking of my own on many couples and here's what I see as the number of days between returning P3 and receiving P4: 84, 74, 33, 55, 31, 40, 35, 41 and 40.  So at 33 days, you are still on the low end of the scale.  But I share your frustrations and know that the only words that will help are, "It Came!", or something similar.


I deal. Work is picking up now. I work in the field of pest control. I am a pest control ninja, I absolutly get it done, and its done right normally the first time. I cover all of Southern Indiana, louisville and up to 60 miles north and 30 miles west of town. Spring is the busy time of the year so I got real fast moving days ahead. By looking at your records, I show I need to display much more patience.

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Well we sent our P3 in mid Jan and no P4 yet.  As many times as I have called DOS, they probably threw our case in the garbage out of disgust. :greenblob:


I wonder what happened to yours? You were right in line with Yanaln and I. I think by 4 days difference.

Rick and Yanlan :greenblob:

Edited by rlheim (see edit history)
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Well we sent our P3 in mid Jan and no P4 yet.?As many times as I have called DOS, they probably threw our case in the garbage out of disgust. :greenblob:


I wonder what happened to yours? You were right in line with Yanaln and I. I think by 4 days difference.

Rick and Yanlan :greenblob:


I don't know. I have a co-worker that sent in P3 one week after our P3 and they have interview on April 17th. They received P4 on Mar 25th.


My SO's cousin is trying to tell me that the GUZ number has something to do with the order of interviews. I disagree. who knows.

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Well we sent our P3 in mid Jan and no P4 yet.?As many times as I have called DOS, they probably threw our case in the garbage out of disgust. :greenblob:


I wonder what happened to yours? You were right in line with Yanaln and I. I think by 4 days difference.

Rick and Yanlan :greenblob:


I don't know. I have a co-worker that sent in P3 one week after our P3 and they have interview on April 17th. They received P4 on Mar 25th.


My SO's cousin is trying to tell me that the GUZ number has something to do with the order of interviews. I disagree. who knows.


How does USCONGUZ arrange the P4 waiting queue?


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Well we sent our P3 in mid Jan and no P4 yet.  As many times as I have called DOS, they probably threw our case in the garbage out of disgust. :(


I wonder what happened to yours? You were right in line with Yanaln and I. I think by 4 days difference.

Rick and Yanlan :P


It's simple Rick, Guz likes you more than they like him. :P

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Well we sent our P3 in mid Jan and no P4 yet.? As many times as I have called DOS, they probably threw our case in the garbage out of disgust. :(


I wonder what happened to yours? You were right in line with Yanaln and I. I think by 4 days difference.

Rick and Yanlan :P




Mark ('timeline') based his predictions on the P4 date being based on the 'P3 received' date, and not the 'P3 entered' date.


At least during the fall, the interview dates were filled in order, but beginning at the end of the month. That is, around the 15th or so of each month, they would begin assigning interview dates at the end of the next month. Then they would move backwards toward the first of the month.


So, if one beneficiary got the last time assigned for the month, it would be early in the month. Someone with a day or two later P3 date would be assigned (a month later) a date late in the month after that. So 2 beneficiaries with P3 dates only a couple of days apart, might have nearly a 2 month difference in interview dates.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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Looking back at our case and its timeline, (a luxury I can afford since we are now together here) the worst part was my constant fretting about the long amount of time it took for each "stage" to move onto the next one, and to finally get the interview and the visa. It seemed like it was going to take forever.


When I finally learned to relax and just let the thing unfold in its own time frame it all fell into place.


It's really best to think about something else for a change; enjoy your long-distance communications (there is a certain special excitement about them, after all), and get on with the other things in your life.


Then, almost without your realizing it, the interview will be scheduled and you'll be buying a plane ticket for her to fly here.

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew

While GUZ has speeded up considerably from what it was a few months ago, this apparant speed up does seem to have met in a bottleneck. You can take heart in that these bottlenecks are normal operating procedure for GUZ, in that there seems to be ebbs and flows in their processing. The flows happen, and many petitions are processed, and interviews sent; then, just as suddenly as the flow happens, there is an ebb for a while.

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