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Does it ever get easier?

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I talk to my SO every night on the phone. I am so proud of her. She is trying very hard to learn English and she is doing great! I miss her so much. It is hard to hang up the phone. It is difficult going through this, but, I know that I must. As all of you have told me, "someday, it will all be worth it." I now know that it is all about support from people who care and people who empathize. You are all a great support group. Every time I can support someone, I will do it. Ron

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I talk to my SO every night on the phone.  I am so proud of her.  She is trying very hard to learn English and she is doing great!  I miss her so much.  It is hard to hang up the phone.  It is difficult going through this, but, I know that I must.  As all of you have told me, "someday, it will all be worth it."  I now know that it is all about support from people who care and people who empathize.  You are all a great support group.  Every time I can support someone, I will do it. Ron


Hello Ron:

Yes, Me too, Every morning when I talk with him. We both hard to hang up the phone. We deicede when we finish talk on the phone. we say "One, Two, Three!" together and then hang up the phone. But some time it seems not work very good! :)

Well But we must. We know that we will together very soon. And yes. It will all be worth it. FOR our love....

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I talk to my SO every night on the phone.  I am so proud of her.  She is trying very hard to learn English and she is doing great!  I miss her so much.  It is hard to hang up the phone.  It is difficult going through this, but, I know that I must.  As all of you have told me, "someday, it will all be worth it."  I now know that it is all about support from people who care and people who empathize.  You are all a great support group.  Every time I can support someone, I will do it. Ron


Hello Ron:

Yes, Me too, Every morning when I talk with him. We both hard to hang up the phone. We deicede when we finish talk on the phone. we say "One, Two, Three!" together and then hang up the phone. But some time it seems not work very good! :blink:

Well But we must. We know that we will together very soon. And yes. It will all be worth it. FOR our love....


Hi: Yes, I know what you mean. We say bye, bye, back and forth about 10 or 15 times and neither wants to hang up. I envy those who have bought their SO's computers and can see each other with web cams. Of course then it would be hard to turn the camera off. Somehow we will get through this.

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I talk to my SO every night on the phone.  I am so proud of her.  She is trying very hard to learn English and she is doing great!  I miss her so much.  It is hard to hang up the phone.  It is difficult going through this, but, I know that I must.  As all of you have told me, "someday, it will all be worth it."  I now know that it is all about support from people who care and people who empathize.  You are all a great support group.  Every time I can support someone, I will do it. Ron


Nope. It doesnt get any easier until its over.


But when it is over, and she is here with you... You'll know the ordeal was worth every millisecond...


T minus 26 days until I see my girl again...

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Guest pushbrk
I talk to my SO every night on the phone.  I am so proud of her.  She is trying very hard to learn English and she is doing great!  I miss her so much.  It is hard to hang up the phone.  It is difficult going through this, but, I know that I must.  As all of you have told me, "someday, it will all be worth it."  I now know that it is all about support from people who care and people who empathize.  You are all a great support group.  Every time I can support someone, I will do it.   Ron


Hello Ron:

Yes, Me too, Every morning when I talk with him. We both hard to hang up the phone. We deicede when we finish talk on the phone. we say "One, Two, Three!" together and then hang up the phone. But some time it seems not work very good! :o

Well But we must. We know that we will together very soon. And yes. It will all be worth it. FOR our love....


Hi: Yes, I know what you mean. We say bye, bye, back and forth about 10 or 15 times and neither wants to hang up. I envy those who have bought their SO's computers and can see each other with web cams. Of course then it would be hard to turn the camera off. Somehow we will get through this.


We've been fortunate to have webcam access from very early in the relationship but she was able to arrange a computer of her own. I know Ivy has a much tougher work schedule than my wife, so even with a webcam, you'd probably be limited to your very early mornings and her late night for using one. Sherry takes a long lunch and we can talk from 8 - 10 in the West Coast evening.


Our goodbyes are kind of long too. I'm almost always the one to reach up and disconnect the voice and close my cam but she's the one who really needs to leave the computer.


In a way, you too have the advantage of being forced to learn verbal communication methods that will be an asset in the long term. I'm betting there's a computer purchase on the agenda for your next visit. ;)

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The waiting period is actually a positive. I believe it strengthens the relationship and help builds a strong foundation.

Ken  :o


agreed! being apart was never easy for us! we talked to eachother almost 6 to 10 hours a day.but we believe it really made the relationship stronger.i have a calendar i x'ed everyday. i know when the day less one day, it was one day closer to being together

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Thanks everyone. I know I'm not alone in this. It's just nice to hear how others feel. I know all of you who are apart and waiting feel the same way. At least, when she is practicing English with me on the phone, she laughs a lot and has such a great laugh. That is music to my ears. Mike is getting to know me. You could be right, Mike, about that computer.

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We've been fortunate to have webcam access from very early in the relationship but she was able to arrange a computer of her own.  I know Ivy has a much tougher work schedule than my wife, so even with a webcam, you'd probably be limited to your very early mornings and her late night for using one.  Sherry takes a long lunch and we can talk from 8 - 10 in the West Coast evening.


Our goodbyes are kind of long too.  I'm almost always the one to reach up and disconnect the voice and close my cam but she's the one who really needs to leave the computer.


In a way, you too have the advantage of being forced to learn verbal communication methods that will be an asset in the long term.  I'm betting there's a computer purchase on the agenda for your next visit.  B)



I took a laptop computer with me for my first meeting with Manyun. She bought a camera, and we do the Yahoo Messenger/Babelfish/webcam thing every night for at least 2 to 3 hours. Until Daylight Savings Time kicks in, she is 13 hours ahead, so I am on with her from about 8:30 until past 11:00 p.m. my time. She is still too embarrassed of her English skills to allow me to talk to her. But, as I will be returning to Nanning for my second visit in just under 3 weeks, she won't have any choice after that. :P


But you are right, no matter what the mode of communication, it is tough to break the "spell", as if she were right there in front of you for just a little while. Manyun takes English classes every day, and I can hardly wait to help her with the part that she considers most difficult, the "intonation" as she calls it.



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I talk to my SO every night on the phone.  I am so proud of her.  She is trying very hard to learn English and she is doing great!  I miss her so much.  It is hard to hang up the phone.  It is difficult going through this, but, I know that I must.  As all of you have told me, "someday, it will all be worth it."  I now know that it is all about support from people who care and people who empathize.  You are all a great support group.  Every time I can support someone, I will do it. Ron


RLS , the only thing i can think of is, if it was so easy, do you think you would truily be in love with your lady? When my wife and I hang up on the phone, she tells me i'm first, and I say, no you first. and on and on and on. LOL. one or the other of us will eventually hang up. We know we will be with each other soon, and we are both very secure with each other. I think perhaps that is the key, to be secure inside your own heart. Good luck with everything.

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We've been fortunate to have webcam access from very early in the relationship but she was able to arrange a computer of her own.  I know Ivy has a much tougher work schedule than my wife, so even with a webcam, you'd probably be limited to your very early mornings and her late night for using one.  Sherry takes a long lunch and we can talk from 8 - 10 in the West Coast evening.


Our goodbyes are kind of long too.  I'm almost always the one to reach up and disconnect the voice and close my cam but she's the one who really needs to leave the computer.


In a way, you too have the advantage of being forced to learn verbal communication methods that will be an asset in the long term.  I'm betting there's a computer purchase on the agenda for your next visit.  :)



I took a laptop computer with me for my first meeting with Manyun. She bought a camera, and we do the Yahoo Messenger/Babelfish/webcam thing every night for at least 2 to 3 hours. Until Daylight Savings Time kicks in, she is 13 hours ahead, so I am on with her from about 8:30 until past 11:00 p.m. my time. She is still too embarrassed of her English skills to allow me to talk to her. But, as I will be returning to Nanning for my second visit in just under 3 weeks, she won't have any choice after that. :lol:


But you are right, no matter what the mode of communication, it is tough to break the "spell", as if she were right there in front of you for just a little while. Manyun takes English classes every day, and I can hardly wait to help her with the part that she considers most difficult, the "intonation" as she calls it.




Hey Mich, my wife and I have had fun working on phonetics. She really gets a kick out of Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore, and try to sing the alphabet song with her as much as you can. Tounge twisters are really good, peter pieper picked a peck of pickeled peppers, etc etc. Oh, she really has fun with how much wood can a wood chuck chuck.... try that one. lol

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We've been fortunate to have webcam access from very early in the relationship but she was able to arrange a computer of her own.? I know Ivy has a much tougher work schedule than my wife, so even with a webcam, you'd probably be limited to your very early mornings and her late night for using one.? Sherry takes a long lunch and we can talk from 8 - 10 in the West Coast evening.


Our goodbyes are kind of long too.? I'm almost always the one to reach up and disconnect the voice and close my cam but she's the one who really needs to leave the computer.


In a way, you too have the advantage of being forced to learn verbal communication methods that will be an asset in the long term.? I'm betting there's a computer purchase on the agenda for your next visit.? :)



I took a laptop computer with me for my first meeting with Manyun. She bought a camera, and we do the Yahoo Messenger/Babelfish/webcam thing every night for at least 2 to 3 hours. Until Daylight Savings Time kicks in, she is 13 hours ahead, so I am on with her from about 8:30 until past 11:00 p.m. my time. She is still too embarrassed of her English skills to allow me to talk to her. But, as I will be returning to Nanning for my second visit in just under 3 weeks, she won't have any choice after that. :)


But you are right, no matter what the mode of communication, it is tough to break the "spell", as if she were right there in front of you for just a little while. Manyun takes English classes every day, and I can hardly wait to help her with the part that she considers most difficult, the "intonation" as she calls it.




Hey Mich, my wife and I have had fun working on phonetics. She really gets a kick out of Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore, and try to sing the alphabet song with her as much as you can. Tounge twisters are really good, peter pieper picked a peck of pickeled peppers, etc etc. Oh, she really has fun with how much wood can a wood chuck chuck.... try that one. lol


Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely give them a try. More than likely, we'll bust a gut laughing until we cry. We both have rather twisted senses of humor. :lol:

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