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American Name

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Some how this turned out to be a bigger discussion than expected!! That's a good thing. Yanlan just brought it up, and I told her I love her name, and can't puicture calling her anything eles. It just would not fit. But Lulu, is only 17, I think this might be something the kids would have a good time with you know? I do not know how she would handel this.

Either case is totaly up to them as far as I am concerened. But I think Yanlan will keep her name.


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So for a K1 we can't legally change her last name until after she receives her green card?



I put how to change the name in the AOS FAQ... can happen at almost any point for K1: on marriage cert, at SS office, at AOS...


David no link? :Dah:


I couldn''t find AOS FAQ. I did find this:



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When we got married, my wife took my last name. She is now thinking about changing her first name to the phonetic - from Yirong to Eron. When people are introduced to her, they have no problem with saying Eron but at work the other day, a manager was going down the list of names and came to Yirong and had to ask who that was.

Now when she fills out an application or resume, she puts Yirong (Eron) ..

Seems to work. I would hate to call her by an American name but one time when I was in BJ, a girl wanted me to pick a name for her. She did not like the one I picked -Courtney- as she thought it was a man's name.

But remember that here you can use what ever name you want as long as you are not trying to commit fraud.

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My SO name is Lihua or Hua Li by the English version. I was asked by a friend of mine why is it most Chinese have the name of Li. The reason for it is that it is one of the oldest family names in China. The Li's are the Smith or Jones here in the US.

I asked my SO if she would like to Americanize her name and her response was that she would take my last name and would change her name to Hua Li. :clapping:

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