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Mr. King seems to think I was attacking his ethics or his ability. Nothing is farther from the truth. I was attacking the insecurity of the situation. If people believe otherwise I apologize to Mr. King and to them.

I had just been told that the women I love, the only women in 30 years that I love enough and trust enough to marry, was a fraud by my government. I was questioning every thing, including my government, Mr. King, this website, and my wife.

Mr. King’s account is substantially consistent with what I remember except for one thing. I do not remember him saying that he could fix any mistakes or faulty documents. What I quite clearly understood him to say was that if there was any fraudulent documents or if we had done any “lying” then there was nothing that he could do for us and he was done. That was fair if true. If my recollection is faulty I apologize.

Mr. King is also correct that it was a “rant”. I was and am still quite upset at the situation. I challenge anyone to go through what I am and be calm and collected. I know that none of the several people that I have met in this or a similar situation have been calm and collected. They have all been angry, scared, and frustrated.

The worst part is you can not find out what is going on. How do you defend your self or your loved one against some thing that they will not tell you? My last trip to see them they told me that my wife was living with her ex at the time of the interview. I told them I found that odd as I was living with her at the time of the interview and I did not see any Chinese men around the place. They, all three or four of them, just looked at me like I had two heads. They will not tell you, or the lawyer, what the “evidence” is. I am sure it is some kind of “third party” issue but then what. If they do not tell you what it is how do you defend against it? It is nearly impossible to “prove” some one innocent.

I love my wife and believe in my heart that she loves me but I am smart enough to know that what my heart tells me could be wrong. I have watched too many of my friends, male and female, be that last to know that the person they trusted the most is not true to them. There is no way to defend against that. I have also watched too many people drive themselves and every one else nut’s sneaking around “checking” on their spouse. I am not going to live like that. You can never “prove” some one innocent, just that that they are guilty.

Now having said all this, I still stand by my first post. I do not “know” enough about Mr. King or any of you to “trust” you. That does not mean I think you are bad guys or liars. I did not say that. What I said is that I have no information on any of you from a “trustworthy” source. At the time of my offending post I only had Mr. Kings word that he was the “King” of CFL. I also have only your word that Mr. King is as good as he said he is. I don’t know you, just what some of you post. This does not mean you are bad guys, just that I do not know you.

Now the lawyer that I am dealing with is some one that I do trust. He checks out with several sources that I do trust. He also cost’s a great deal more than Mr. “King”. If he manages to help me I will report this, in time.

In the mean time I heartily encourage any one that feels that they need a lawyer to use Mr. King. He is very personable and seems to know what he is about. It is just that I can not vouch for his skills. I have no first hand knowledge of them.

Thank you. Jim.

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Mr. Dennis,


I would like to respond to this quote by you...


"I challenge anyone to go through what I am and be calm and collected. I know that none of the several people that I have met in this or a similar situation have been calm and collected. They have all been angry, scared, and frustrated.

The worst part is you can not find out what is going on. How do you defend your self or your loved one against some thing that they will not tell you? My last trip to see them they told me that my wife was living with her ex at the time of the interview."


It is not my intention to judge you or the situation you are in. I have been victim, as well as my wife has been, of a blue slip denial. Angry at first... yes... for about 10 minutes. Then confused... THEN, I dug down deep into my gut and my heart and pulled out all the stops and brought my wife to the United States successfully without legal help.


I counted on the advice and support of my friends on CFL. I counted on my own deligence and intelligence and lastly, of the love and devotion of my wife. She ultimately is the one who decided if we passed or failed the overcome.


Mr. Dennis, you have some issues to correct. I am sorry for your troubles and in my true opinion, finger pointing is no way to resolve these troubles.


I wish you and your wife the best of luck and hope you have a desired outcome.




Eric (esun41)

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Guest pushbrk
Mr. Dennis,


I would like to respond to this quote by you...


"I challenge anyone to go through what I am and be calm and collected. I know that none of the several people that I have met in this or a similar situation have been calm and collected. They have all been angry, scared, and frustrated.

The worst part is you can not find out what is going on. How do you defend your self or your loved one against some thing that they will not tell you? My last trip to see them they told me that my wife was living with her ex at the time of the interview."


It is not my intention to judge you or the situation you are in. I have been victim, as well as my wife has been, of a blue slip denial. Angry at first... yes... for about 10 minutes. Then confused... THEN, I dug down deep into my gut and my heart and pulled out all the stops and brought my wife to the United States successfully without legal help.


I counted on the advice and support of my friends on CFL. I counted on my own deligence and intelligence and lastly, of the love and devotion of my wife. She ultimately is the one who decided if we passed or failed the overcome.


Mr. Dennis, you have some issues to correct. I am sorry for your troubles and in my true opinion, finger pointing is no way to resolve these troubles.


I wish you and your wife the best of luck and hope you have a desired outcome.




Eric  (esun41)


Or, it is one thing to feel an emtion and another to choose how to behave in response to the emotion.

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