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What the holy heck ?


I submitted our AOS package with our Marriage Cerificate , and the other day I get an RFE from the local CIS office requesting the Marriage Certificate.


What the holy heck ?


I submitted another copy for them, both sides. I also put in a copy of the "for looks" marriage cerificate.


Make you wonder....

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No, I only sent copies. I still have the embossed (certified) copy. I keeping on to that like Fort Knox.  I really don't know what the heck they are smoking, but I may want some.


They may be wanting an original instead of a copy, you might want to check to see how long it takes to get certified copies in your locale.

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No, I only sent copies. I still have the embossed (certified) copy. I keeping on to that like Fort Knox.  I really don't know what the heck they are smoking, but I may want some.


They may be wanting an original instead of a copy, you might want to check to see how long it takes to get certified copies in your locale.


I hope not, I call make a call to them and ask them....

Another original would take about a month to get.

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Send them the original and send for another copy for yourself.

County recorders are pretty good about keeping these things available(albeit it that it may be a slow process!).


We should have it listed somewhere in the AOS FAQ to order 2 official signed embossed copys of the marriage certificate for just this reason! (or maybe 3, one for the USCIS, one for you and one for her in case one of you misplaces yours and it is needed later on for name changes or other such official BS)

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We should have it listed somewhere in the AOS FAQ to order 2 official signed embossed copys of the marriage certificate for just this reason! (or maybe 3, one for the USCIS, one for you and one for her in case one of you misplaces yours and it is needed later on for name changes or other such official BS)


The FAQ already made reference to needing certified marriage certificate for the filing and to bring one to the Social Security Office... but I added a comment in the "Pre-AOS" for K1 section to get a few certified copies for these events.

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What I read is that "copies are sufficient, but be prepared to bring the original to your interview".


I have already sent the copies to them. I suppose that means I will be getting another RFE if they want the original. I will go ahead and order 2 additional copies of the marriage certificate.


I am still going to call tomarrow and ask for clarification, I will post the results of the conversation.

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What I read is that "copies are sufficient, but be prepared to bring the original to your interview". 


I have already sent the copies to them. I suppose that means I will be getting another RFE if they want the original.  I will go ahead and order 2 additional copies of the marriage certificate.


I am still going to call tomarrow and ask for clarification, I will post the results of the conversation.


Now that you mention it, I also remember the line about copies being sufficient and to bring the originals to the interview!!! :D


I guess it's our govt workers perogative to change the rules as they go along - maybe they had a bunch of extra outdated RFE forms and didn't want to throw them away - or maybe they need to generate extra business for their office so they can come in on the weekend and collect overtime pay to process the backlog!!! :o


After some of the things I have seen our govt pull off in this process, I wouldn't be a bit suprized!!!! :D

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The confusion doesn't just sit with us... Looking at the VJ FAQ, you'll see a bullet point to include a certified copy and then lower a copy... thus supplying two versions of the marriage certificate! That may be CYA but it shouldn't be necessary to supply two...


Jason's got the right approach.. pick up the phone and get an answer as to what is wrong...

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It seems that the AOS without interview may be driving a number of the RFE's. The vaccination supplement (optional) seems to now be required. And if they are going for not having an interview and requesting an original certified marriage certificate instead of a copy seems reasonable. Especially if it helps you save half a day of vacation time or more for an interview.


But, it would be nice if they would be specific in their requests and instructions.

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