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I-129F question 18

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Guest pushbrk
discribe how you meet?


on the internet on AFF ?

what's a nice way to put it that INS will like ?



we meet on the internet, wrote to each other and then meet in person while I traveled to beijing ?


If I remember correctly you are first filing an I-130. If so, you'll find that the instructions for the I-129F indicate your answers to questions 17 and 18 are "N/A" if you are filing for your wife. Please read the instructions. This is number 11 in the instructions for I-129F.

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discribe how you meet?


on the internet on AFF ?

what's a nice way to put it that INS will like ?



we meet on the internet, wrote to each other and then meet in person while I traveled to beijing ?


If I remember correctly you are first filing an I-130. If so, you'll find that the instructions for the I-129F indicate your answers to questions 17 and 18 are "N/A" if you are filing for your wife. Please read the instructions. This is number 11 in the instructions for I-129F.


well I-130 if you are married, we are not married, just doing the K1 for now

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Sorry for saying this but I was wondering if you (jean-charles) have taken the time to read the newbies/FAQ's above.




well I actually did and had found on the pre-filled form sample:


"[mark additional sheet as: "I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 19: Has your Fianc¨¦(e) met and seen you?"]"


which I am sorry to say but doesn't help me at all.


does that mean I must have a separated sheet and tell our life in 4 pages or, ... a nice sentense should nicely fit in one line.


I am most not certainly the first one to meet on the net and go meet her and decide to do this, ...

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Guest pushbrk
discribe how you meet?


on the internet on AFF ?

what's a nice way to put it that INS will like ?



we meet on the internet, wrote to each other and then meet in person while I traveled to beijing ?


If I remember correctly you are first filing an I-130. If so, you'll find that the instructions for the I-129F indicate your answers to questions 17 and 18 are "N/A" if you are filing for your wife. Please read the instructions. This is number 11 in the instructions for I-129F.


well I-130 if you are married, we are not married, just doing the K1 for now


I'm sorry if I confused you with somebody else. I thought I remembered you asking questions about getting married in China. Was I wrong?


Anyway, you can write one sentence or write a paragraph or two on a separate page. It is up to you. Write several pages if you wish but I doubt any government official will read more than one page of relationship explanation.

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Guest pushbrk
discribe how you meet?


on the internet on AFF ?

what's a nice way to put it that INS will like ?



we meet on the internet, wrote to each other and then meet in person while I traveled to beijing ?


If I remember correctly you are first filing an I-130. If so, you'll find that the instructions for the I-129F indicate your answers to questions 17 and 18 are "N/A" if you are filing for your wife. Please read the instructions. This is number 11 in the instructions for I-129F.


well I-130 if you are married, we are not married, just doing the K1 for now


I'm sorry if I confused you with somebody else. I thought I remembered you asking questions about getting married in China. Was I wrong?


Anyway, you can write one sentence or write a paragraph or two on a separate page. It is up to you. Write several pages if you wish but I doubt any government official will read more than one page of relationship explanation.




I checked and it WAS you inquiring about marriage in Beijing in March. If you've changed your mind, fine. However, once you have filed for a visa for a fiance, you DO NOT want to complicate the issue by getting married during that process. You certainly want to check out all the ramifications of such an action. You also asked about the relationship between the I-130 ad the I-129F.


You don't owe us any explanation of your plans but it is much easier to give you the correct assistance if we have a more complete picture of your circumstances and plans.

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Question #18 I-129F...maybe something like the following:


We met in Beijing, China during the month of xxxx 200x. We found that we are very compatible and love each other.


The question is asking, "Describe the circumstances under which you met........"


Therefore, you stated that you met her in Beijing. I would add the month and year in which you met her. Then just a short sentence stating that you fell in love with each other. This question is to show that indeed you met each other in person. It is not asking HOW you met. However, the question 18 further ask if you have not met each other yet, please explain in detail any reason that you and your fiancee have not met in person yet. Therefore, asking USCIS to waive the REQUIREMENT of meeting each other in person. Of course, this would go on a separate piece of paper. Finally, when you send in your petition to USCIS, you should add a separate type statement explaining that you first met each other on the internet. After emailing each other we found that were falling in love with each other. It was decided that I should plan a visit to China to meet each other. Then expalin what your feeling were for each other during your visit and how long you were there. This only needs to be a few paragraphs. Attach all pertinent documentations about this trip, such as airline tickets, boarding passes, hotel receipts, pictures of you to together and etc. I believe you can find more info on this site of what proof that you were in China in the newbie faq area as posted above.


Hope this helps :whistling:

Edited by chef4u (see edit history)
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discribe how you meet?


on the internet on AFF ?

what's a nice way to put it that INS will like ?



we meet on the internet, wrote to each other and then meet in person while I traveled to beijing ?


Question 18 is asking for information on your meeting in person. How you first made contact (internet or AFF) is not really relevant. Rather, a short statement giving the date and place and duration of the trip along Chef4u's suggestion should do the trick, but I'd probably drop the lovie dovie part. :lol:


One thing though. Don't confuse question 18 with the requirement that you also submit evidence that you and your fiancé(e) have personally met within the last two years and the requirement that you provide original statements from you and your fiancee whom you plan to marry within 90 days of her admission, and copies of any evidence you wish to submit to establish your mutual intent to get married (this is from the instructions).

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We used "Visited her in China Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2004 and introduced to family and friends." Must have been OK since she just got up and asked me what I wanted for breakfast.  :lol:


Geez Lee...I must of not answered the question correctly because I only get to watch her make breakfast on my cam :(


But, it's better than nothing :D :D

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We used "Visited her in China Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2004 and introduced to family and friends." Must have been OK since she just got up and asked me what I wanted for breakfast.0„2 :(


Geez Lee...I must of not answered the question correctly because I only get to watch her make breakfast on my cam :D


But, it's better than nothing :D :D


You could always send an ammended form to CSC, I'm sure it wouldn't slow down their extremely fast processing times. :lol:

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We used "Visited her in China Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2004 and introduced to family and friends." Must have been OK since she just got up and asked me what I wanted for breakfast.0„2 :(


Geez Lee...I must of not answered the question correctly because I only get to watch her make breakfast on my cam :D


But, it's better than nothing :D :D


You could always send an ammended form to CSC, I'm sure it wouldn't slow down their extremely fast processing times. :lol:


Yeah...if they move any slower, I think I will be asking my computer for marriage.

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We used "Visited her in China Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2004 and introduced to family and friends." Must have been OK since she just got up and asked me what I wanted for breakfast.0„2 :lol:


Geez Lee...I must of not answered the question correctly because I only get to watch her make breakfast on my cam :(


But, it's better than nothing :D :D


You could always send an ammended form to CSC, I'm sure it wouldn't slow down their extremely fast processing times. <_<


Yeah...if they move any slower, I think I will be asking my computer for marriage.


Now that's just plain kinky!!!!!

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discribe how you meet?


on the internet on AFF ?

what's a nice way to put it that INS will like ?



we meet on the internet, wrote to each other and then meet in person while I traveled to beijing ?


If I remember correctly you are first filing an I-130. If so, you'll find that the instructions for the I-129F indicate your answers to questions 17 and 18 are "N/A" if you are filing for your wife. Please read the instructions. This is number 11 in the instructions for I-129F.


well I-130 if you are married, we are not married, just doing the K1 for now


I'm sorry if I confused you with somebody else. I thought I remembered you asking questions about getting married in China. Was I wrong?


Anyway, you can write one sentence or write a paragraph or two on a separate page. It is up to you. Write several pages if you wish but I doubt any government official will read more than one page of relationship explanation.




I checked and it WAS you inquiring about marriage in Beijing in March. If you've changed your mind, fine. However, once you have filed for a visa for a fiance, you DO NOT want to complicate the issue by getting married during that process. You certainly want to check out all the ramifications of such an action. You also asked about the relationship between the I-130 ad the I-129F.


You don't owe us any explanation of your plans but it is much easier to give you the correct assistance if we have a more complete picture of your circumstances and plans.


heheh no I understand.


We started by thinking mariage would speed up the process. However we are not sure yet and might just do the K1 visa.


Being an efficient person I am trying to get wize about the forms and how to fill them before the last minute.

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Guest pushbrk
discribe how you meet?


on the internet on AFF ?

what's a nice way to put it that INS will like ?



we meet on the internet, wrote to each other and then meet in person while I traveled to beijing ?


If I remember correctly you are first filing an I-130. If so, you'll find that the instructions for the I-129F indicate your answers to questions 17 and 18 are "N/A" if you are filing for your wife. Please read the instructions. This is number 11 in the instructions for I-129F.


well I-130 if you are married, we are not married, just doing the K1 for now


I'm sorry if I confused you with somebody else. I thought I remembered you asking questions about getting married in China. Was I wrong?


Anyway, you can write one sentence or write a paragraph or two on a separate page. It is up to you. Write several pages if you wish but I doubt any government official will read more than one page of relationship explanation.




I checked and it WAS you inquiring about marriage in Beijing in March. If you've changed your mind, fine. However, once you have filed for a visa for a fiance, you DO NOT want to complicate the issue by getting married during that process. You certainly want to check out all the ramifications of such an action. You also asked about the relationship between the I-130 ad the I-129F.


You don't owe us any explanation of your plans but it is much easier to give you the correct assistance if we have a more complete picture of your circumstances and plans.


heheh no I understand.


We started by thinking mariage would speed up the process. However we are not sure yet and might just do the K1 visa.


Being an efficient person I am trying to get wize about the forms and how to fill them before the last minute.


I see. Then it is important to remember that the I-129F form is filled out diffferently when applying for a K1 fiance visa than for a K3 visa for a spouse. There is not "one correct answer" to our question. Since you did not clarify the context of your question, I first answered it in the context of the marriage for which you indicated you were planning. Now you have answers in both contexts. Good luck on your process and relationship, no matter what you decide.


I think you'll find that there may well be considerations that trump "speed to visa" as you move forward.

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