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AOS interview yesterday

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We had our AOS interview yesterday. Afterwards, our interviewer said he would have to complete a security check later that afternoon, but there didn't seem to be any problems with her getting the green card.


Here's the details:

I noticed there were 4 interviewers (at the downtown Los Angeles office) and most of the people waiting for interviews were groups of more than 2 people.


One interviewer gave me the impression of being an ass because all of the other interviewers asked the whole group to come in through the locked door, but this guy stood guard at the door and seemed to give short pre-interviews. I was hoping I wouldn't get that guy!

After waiting over an hour our turn came up and it was that guy. He asked if we had all of the required paperwork and we said yes (even though I didn't have copies of my previous divorce!). He asked Amy if she could speak English and she hemmed and hawed a little (even though I told her to just say YES!!!). After her reply, he told us that he would interview her first and afterwards call me in to finish the interview.


This is where the anxiety set it! I did recall him doing this with one other family where one guy was excluded from the interview and then called in later so I just sat down and tried my best not to freak out!


He asked Amy:

Where did you meet.

Do you have the I-864, copies of his tax returns and pay stubs.

He asked for copies of our passports, birth certificates and ID.

He asked for evidence establishing our relationship. Amy showed him a picture of us in traditional Chinese wedding garb. He looked at the picture and asked if we got married in China. She told him, No, in Las Vegas, and showed him a Las Vegas wedding picture. Those were the only pictures he wanted to see.

Then he asked to see the marriage certificate and to give him a copy. He asked for insurance papers so Amy showed him my car insurance which shows that she is an excluded driver from my policy :o She showed him our names on the utility bill, our joint checking account and a credit card bill in both of our names and he took copies of these documents.

Then he proceeded to pull out a paper and ask Amy questions off of it. Amy did not fully understand the questions as he read them off in English but she recognized the paper as the I-485, the part with the checklist that asks stupid questions like are you are a prostitute or do you plan to overthrow the govt. Amy smartly replied no to all of them :(

Amy wanted to show him other some other pictures and some other things we prepared that were on the "required" list, but he was not interested!B)


He kept the passports and ID's and sent her out and called me in.

He asked me how we met and I said on the internet.

He then informed me that there doesn't seem to be any problems with her getting the green card and gave me a receipt of sorts that has her A number and a check next to a box stating additional security checks were necessary and said that if there were no security issues, we should get the green card within a month.

He gave me our passports and ID's and there was no I-551 stamp in her passport. I breathed a sigh of relief as we left and now we get to play yet another waiting game!!!!!

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Congratulations Steve! What a relief to have that finished I bet.


When we met Amy's English was already understandable. I am sure she has improved, but who wouldn't be nervous at an official interview in a foreign language.


We've already done the biometrics. I hope all goes as smoothly as yours.

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That just shows each office is even more different. We were asked quite a few questions and chided a bit for not having exactly the kind of proof our interviewer was hoping to see (even though I had more than enough in my opinio).


But, at least WE were interviewed together. None of this divide and confuse & conquer stuff.


Congrats and enjoy!

Edited by ndjarrett (see edit history)
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Thanks everyone!

I will post the results of the interview as soon as I hear anything.

And, as to be expected, when I inquire about the status of our case on the USCIS webpage, they are still at the "We have received your biometrics" phase. I have a feeling that a few weeks after we get the green card in hand they will finally update their web page!!! :offtopic:

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Well, congrats, as others have said!


And also like others have said, I hope the security checks don't take long. However, that is EXACTLY what the IO told us when we were done with our interview. He said we should have the card within a month, and if it wasn't here within two months to give them a call. Well, hind sight- CALL??? WHERE?? (I should have asked him that then i see now...)The National Customer Service center could care less about what happens in the New Orleans office, so when I called them after two months they pretty much laughed in my face and said there was no one to call about this...you cannot call the local service centers, you have to go there or send a letter, we have done both, and NOTHING has come of it!!!

so anyway, our one month, two month max has turned into....that was 11 months ago he told us that, and we still have no card and no more info about the security check than we did THAT day!!!!


NOT TO BE DISCOURAGING, but I surely hope y'all's turns out different, and comes quickly!!!



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Well, congrats, as others have said!


And also like others have said, I hope the security checks don't take long. However, that is EXACTLY what the IO told us when we were done with our interview.


That's what I was told too, except she said it might take longer than a month.


7 months later and still waiting. A friend of mine has been waiting for 12 months.

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