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Finally -- EMS sent with a tracking number

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If you case is cleared, you need to call GZ info line if you don't see your your notice within a reasonable time frame. I saw Ella's post on 001 that her case cleared for 2 weeks, no notice. They resent it out on Monday.

Same happened to me too: my daughter's visa was processed on 2/18, but no notice sent out until I called on Monday, Finally, I got an email stating the EMS tracking number -- they sent EMS on Monday. She will get it tomorrow i guess.

With this huge volume clearance process in GZ, who knows what kind of ooopses it may produce again!

Bob -- Try to get an email or fax from them, but they rather sent an EMS!!!!

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great news Charlotte JJ!




we are very happy to hear your daughter is going to get her EMS and your families will be reunion again !


your daughter will get it tomorrow! :D


Alan & Kate

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The EMS tracking number for China is 185. Good luck with using it though. It is strictly according to where you live and who is answering the phone as to how cooperative they will be. I know some people have just gotten the "mao" answer with no real attempt to help. In Dalian last year the post office was cooperative but slow with tracking such things.

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Congratulations, Charlotte!!!!! You will see your daughter soon!! :D  :D  :D

Thank you, Xiao Hua -- what a cute name!

Wow, how did you manage to kick Mick off the computer! Good for you! I am glad we have one more girl in our alley! Slowly but surely, we will catch up with you guys! :angry: :o ;) :angry:

you wish !! Besides.... we add blue thinggies anyway, so you'll never catch up :D

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Congratulations, Charlotte!!!!! You will see your daughter soon!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Thank you, Xiao Hua -- what a cute name!

Wow, how did you manage to kick Mick off the computer! Good for you! I am glad we have one more girl in our alley! Slowly but surely, we will catch up with you guys! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Coongratulations from me as well Charlotte! :lol:


I had to teach class this morning so Li (Xiao Hua) had the computer all to herself. All this while I was slaving away in the classroom. :huh:


Again, so happy for your good news.

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