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Xiao Hua

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Everything posted by Xiao Hua

  1. Guess we'll have to wait and see who gets the labor pains? Oh, a couple of funny guys, aye? I guess I will defer to Li and let her tell you which I am. Mick is without a doubt a man. A real man! After all, he put a bun in my oven. Xiao Hua
  2. I have the same kind of worry as yours about some food I saw in not only that Chinese store, but some other stores. Sometimes it's hard to find expiration dates on the wrapping bags of the foods. Luckily, that "Lao Gan Ma" has the expiration date on it and according to the date, it's surely safe to eat now. Li
  3. Don, can you explain to me what is a snipe? And a gunney sack? Mick already told me about the pump handle.
  4. Hi, Christina, We were only charged $45 when I was given a blood test in the doctor office. Then I got two vaccinations of TD and MMR without paying any fee in Healthy Department. As Mick said, the doctor gave me the report form in the same day as I got the injections. It seems that you are working on the adjustment of status process. Best wishes to you as well as to everyone. Li
  5. Don, your instructions are very clear, but I am too clumsy. I tried, but failed. Li
  6. Jennifer, you show up eventually!!! Deng Ni Deng De Hao Xing Ku!!! I miss you. Li
  7. Tony, I found Toufu in Publix this morning. Hooooray!!! Thanks!! Li
  8. You are so kind and encouraging. Frankly, I think Mick is very good at writing. You must know a Chinese saying:" one who stays closed to red becomes red; who stays with black becomes black." I hope I can steal some of his talent. Plus reading all of you guys' posts is a good way to learn English. So, if I do well, I should thank all of you. Li
  9. I didn't know Mick already log in his account. Sorry for mixing up. Li B) B)
  10. Thanks Tony! Next time I will look for toufu harder in supermarts. I miss toufu very much. As for growing vegs, I thought of that, but I cannot grow them without a piece of my own yard. I hope some day I can do it. Yep, Yellow Mountain is very famous for the four unique and exquisite scenic factors: queer pines, grotesque rocks, cloud seas, and a hot spring. Tony I want to paste pics, but I don't know how to do it. Can you tell me? Thank you again. Li
  11. Tony, I understand your lady. At least in my family (I mean in parents'), my parents do regular cleaning every day. My sister and brother intend to do so but if they are too busy working, they may do a thorough cleaning once a week or more often than that. How busy people's life is sometimes determines how often they clean the houses. But I still think there exist some reasons for this difference between Chinese and Americans on this point. First, generally the air in many places of China is polluted pretty badly. (If I am wrong, please forgive me, my dear countrymen ). Secondly, not most houses are equipped with air conditioner. So we can open the windows or doors any time we want to, especially in rural area. Last, it seems kind of a habit for many Chinese to open windows in the morning to let the freshest air come in. Personally I love to keep the windows open especially in breezy spring days. I enjoy the flow of the cozy wind. I even slept with the windows in my bedroom open until one night a “smart” thief hooked my clothes out through the window. BTW I lived in Anhui most time when I was in China. What I said is based on where I lived and where I have been. Li
  12. Hey when did Mick steal my words from my mind? What he said is what I want to say. Well, it seems I am stealing his words from the board. Anyway, my impression is: a pretty girl, an excellent website and a happy couple. Best wishes for both of you!!
  13. I think if those people don't quit eating those weird things, at least they should wear those animals with masks first in case they get infected by SAARS before they become the dishes in the plates.
  14. Thanx, Li: I bought a roayl cooking book to cook according to that guides. Then in the future when friends come to our house, they can enjoy the traditional Emperor and Empress dishes! Because Dave advised Mick lots of vegetable dishes and Tofu also, it seems my Dave starts to like those things , so I think I will especially prepare those things for him (I wish he can see this post ) Maybe we can meet together in the future sometime, then you and Mick can also surprise at my excellent Royal cooking skill, just pls don't praise me too high. Sarah (btw, which part of China are you from?) Sarah, I can't wait!! Personally I love fresh vegs and toufu. Pls bring some of them secretly when you fly to the States. I couldn't find them easily here!!! Li
  15. Randxuej, I am sorry to hear that your sweetie is suffering the loss of her grandpa. I will cross my fingers for her and her grandpa as well. I can imagine how hard facing the cruel fact like that. My grandpa passed away in an accident when I was four years old. I cried so hard that my family often praised me later how mature I was for my age because they thought I could understand the loss of a dear family member. But in fact, I was not as smart as they assumed. I guess my fear of death weighed more than grief. After I grew old enough to really understand this kind of grief, the first person I lost was my beloved grandma (Nainai in Chinese). She was the kindest woman I have known. She died half a year before my graduation from college, which really struck me. The shadow of losing her still exists in the bottom of my heart. I often dream of her. I regret that I didn't accompany her much because I too focused on my study when I could have chance to be with her. When nainai was alive, I shared the same bedroom with her until I went to college. Usually She couldn’t see me until I came back from the school in the evening. In the night when I was doing evening self-study in my bedroom, she often tried to chat with me. Instead of considering old nainai's loneliness, I always felt annoyed by her interruption and refused to talk to her with a sound good excuse that I wanted to do well in my lessons and was so innocent to promise that I would talk with her after I got into college. At that time I thought only after passing the entrance examination to college, my study would be finished. Childish! Due to a kind of joint problem nainai was not able to walk in her later life. I also promised her that I would take her to the downtown of our city to see the changes, which had taken place there after I finished my study in the college. I thought only after then I could have time. Stupid!! I even planed to give her money to buy what she might want after I became to work. I can't find a word to describe how silly I was then. Those dreams and plans were broken until that afternoon when I came back to my dorm from classes in the college, the telegram found me. As soon as I read that worst news, I realized I made the biggest mistake that I didn't spend any time with my amiable nainai when I could. I would not have chance any more though I wanted then. I caught on a long distance bus and rushed home and knelt on my knees in front of nainai's bed and confessed my stupidity and unawareness in front of her, whose consciousness was already not clear. She didn't stop her last breath until I talked to her eventually. Relatives said that she was waiting for my return. I believed. My nainai's death struck me deeply. However, from her death I learned a valuable lesson: Never hesitate to give my love, care or help to the people around me as much as possible when they need it. The day never can come if I think I only can give my help when I have plenty time or display my love only when I have lots of money. Even it can come; maybe my love and help are meaningless to them at all. Like now, even I want to talk to nainai or take her out; she doesn't need them any more. Love can be expressed by many means besides time or money, but cannot be waited to give, I learned. (Is this sort of Chinglish? I hope I make myself understood. ) If we can give our love and care to the people around us, even one day they have to leave us, we can have more happy times to recall rather than regret as I do now. I cannot make up any happiness, which I was supposed to be able to create for nainai. What I can do now is to realize my old dream that I chat with my nainai in my real dream when I dream of her in the tranquil night. Sorry, I just wanted to express my consolation to Randxuej's girl, but end up with writing my own grief in those long words. Thanks for your patience! Li
  16. Hey, Littlebear, did you receive my Easter card? Where is Jennifer? I miss you guys!! Li
  17. Hey, guys, I am here I like Li's childhood story. Best wishes for your couples! Thank you, Sarah. The same to both of you. I hope that you can reunite with your sweetheart in the U.s. soon. Li
  18. Hi Ms. Xiao Hua. Yes I am from Beijing...are you in Beijing? Doris Doris, I am not from Beijing. My hometown is in Anhui. I was teaching in Shantou university with Mick before we left China. Have you been to the Yellow Mountain, which are located in south Anhui province? It is famous among Chinese, but it seems few people I met in Ala know that mountain. Li
  19. Li, please don't apologise. I loved your childhood story. I have always loved the ocean and its many moods. You expressed your first visit perfectly! Don, thank you for your encouraging words.
  20. Many Chinese foods are not healthy either. "Fire pot" also increase inner fire. Personally, I like fresh vegetables and light food. I totally agree with your diet suggestion. We used to have a walk on the campus in China until his heart problem turned to bad around a year ago. After Mick feels better, we will begin to have a walk daily again. Taking a walk is not only good to health, but also provides a good opportunity for us to share ideas and enjoy time together. B)
  21. Thank you Beijinglady. Are you from Beijing?
  22. Good grief. Now even my own wife is calling me Mike! B) My God Eric, look what you started. First you, then Manhattenmoon, now Li. Oh no! Now I am even posting under the wrong name!!!! I give up! B)
  23. Thanks for your nice compliment. B) It's my pleasure to cook and I enjoy that too. Tell you the truth. Before I stayed with Mike, I didn't have chance to cook in my family. He gave me oppertunities to challenge my creativity of cooking. (Thanks, Mike!) So I often "invented" dishes with the ingredients I could get at hand. Good or not, God and Mike know. But I never forget that the principle of food is healthy. A Chinese old saying goes:" Health is the foundation of revolution". Since we came back to the States, I have found there are a lot of things about cooking I should learn. I am sure in future you guys can lend me some ideas. Li
  24. When I read what I typed, I find there are several mistakes. Shy. B) Li
  25. Good photos. Your wife seems so happy playing with sand and water. She looks so young too (20's). Mick feels a little hurt in his leg, so he goes to rest for a while. He doesn't let me post under his name. So I try to get access to my own account. Luckily I did successfully. Hehe I do enjoy the water very much. My mom told me that my grandma went to see a future teller when I was born. The future teller said I would love playing with water when I grew up and I might drown in the water if I wasn't specially taken care of. It is half true and half not. I love water since I could remember. When I was around 4 years old, I began to sneak out to swim in the pond in front of my house with my dear brother, who wasn't able to escape being beaten up for what he did. My parents tried many means to stop me from the water, such as examing my eyes when my parents got back from work, writing the characters on my arms and laps. The more punishment or restrictions my parents gave us, the farther we swam away from the bank of the pond whenever we succeeded to sneak into the pond. That really scared my parents and my grandma. So finally they decided to adjust their limitations and made a great compromise that my grandma sat on the bank of the pond to watch us whenever we swam. Since then when we wanted to swim, instead of sneaking out, we just told our grandma. I still can recall those times vividly. While we were enjoy swimming in the cool water, my grandma was suffering from the torrid sunshine. I felt guilty for that when I grew older. Now your words remind me of this cherished memory. A Chinese writer said that water adds the life to the place. To me, water is kind of inspiration. The softness of the water can comfort my heart. The depth of the water teaches me to hold and to be tolerant. The flowing of the water washes away my annoyance... By the way according to another famous writer called Cao Xueqin who is the author of "The dream of red mansion", female was made of water. Maybe that is the real reason why I love water. Before I came to the U.S, in my hometown I only saw water in the pond or in the river. When Mick drove me to the Venice beach, as soon as I saw the green sea, I shouted who dyed the water so blue. Sorry, please forgive my silliness. The blue sky, the green water and the soft sand took my breath away. Truely I was so happy to see the sea. B) Li
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