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(hope those guys who are ahead of me would be frozen for a while till I come back to catch them up! :lol:)

Not a chance. To catch up, you must post 24x7. And then some.

... then frozen them much longer... :)

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Thanks for posting this Lurker. It is both helpful and interesting. And yes, at present you have me in the right column, "Status Unknown". One source told me last week my case was "ready to be sent back to GZ. But then, who knows for sure. :lol: :)

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Thanks for posting this Lurker. It is both helpful and interesting. And yes, at present you have me in the right column, "Status Unknown". One source  told me last week my case was "ready to be sent back to GZ. But then, who knows for sure. :lol:  :)

You're welcome, Mick. I just elevated you to "Clearance probably issued"--with a parenthetical disclaimer.

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I have been told that my wife's case is cleared, but we are waiting for the pickup letter.


This ranking by number of posts . . . whatever. It counts as a post if you just use one emoticon with no message at all. There are a lot of interesting posters who do not have 100+ posts who deserve just as much attention as you are lavishing upon us.

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This ranking by number of posts . . . whatever.  It counts as a post if you just use one emoticon with no message at all.  There are a lot of interesting posters who do not have 100+ posts who deserve just as much attention as you are lavishing upon us.

Robert S.: I take your point--I've seen some interesting posters with less than 10 posts. But choosing among them is a judgement I didn't want to make. The advantage to tracking the most frequent posters is that they tend to post frequently--so they'll probably tell us when their status changes.


Think of this group as the Dow Jones Industrial Average of CDL. ;)

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markimwaiting was the group's most proactive, loudest, most consistent, activist.  They finally gave him his visa and shut him up.  I learned something from that, and became proactive from that point on.  :D

frankly, I think it was still LOTTO, and still is. He got his visa ( I communicated recently btw ) , but yet it's lotto. Many people wrote many more letters than Mark , I or whomever did........ Lotto folks. Period. Prove me otherwise

Unequivocably! No doubt whatsoever - his writing, IMHO, had little or no effect except heartburn on his part, a large long distance bill (which the phone company appreciated) and little or no ink for his printer in Staples/OfficeMax/you name it stationery store in anytown, USA.


Plain facts are, they're not listening, they don't respond well (dare I say, if at all - with due respect to Adams - graciously meeting with Owen and Mick) [sidebar, ok Owen, what did you promise Adams to get that leter? LOL - ooooonly kidding)...


to pressure of the "average american male/female petitioning there tax-payer supported services, and there isn't a representative/Congressman/Senator/page/ (even Adams?) in hell that's gonna tell them otherwise.


If you agree, press 1; if you disagree, press 1, if you don't like this statement, and there is another statement which better describes the "August waiting" debacle that has put our lives - literally - on hold, press 1 ALSO - it won't matter frankly...


Addendum: listen my fellow waiters (with allegiance to the TOP 25 who've lived on this board created by our beloved PJ) this is ONE lottery I never want to be in again.


Trust me, I can't convince myself anymore this thing is real/happening to someone OR ANYONE HERE, who's given 100% dedication/faithfulness to their fiance throughout every minute since first meeting her face-to-face. That contact, that look in her eyes that I HAD to see to convince myself this was the one...that was August 8th to 16th, 2001!


Can I also be frank here with my family of candle? After reading the post earlier today of 'Debate on Sex, privacy, values' dammit, I wish those kids ALL the legal blessing in the world! - I've been faithful to one girl, all this time...no one came between her and my love, period.


Knowing OUR (referring to USofA here) cultural mores that have gone, as seen in some circles, to hell in a handbasket (the handbasket having broken along with the condom), I have taken on those same chinese values of purity and respect. I wanted it that way.


Though I haven't been the "markimwaiting" type, as I like to get some sleep, work for an employer and not my government, (ie, typing, calling, begging for answers,etc., no offense to Mark or JonInDenver, or anyone who's put hours of sweat and blood into this campaign) I sit in the "lottery" like everyone else whose still out here, out numbers dwindling by the day it seems, and wonder if the karma isn't right, the stars aligned wrong, God's not happy with my choice - what the &)*(*&% did I do to deserve this? (PJ, I consider myself blessed, believe me - she's hanging tough - thanks to Candle supporters who bailed me 2 months ago)


Feeling sorry for myself? No Way - get that idea out of your head guys - I'm not from THAT mold. I needed to express what's going through Liyan's head and mine these last few days - again watching the "lucky" ones get it, others sit and 'pending', and just wonder when it will end? I have no way of knowing...I have run out of words to tell my fiance (this is a spinoff of a post today - you're right Jon, if you're reading) and can I have (let me lighten a little here - this is making me cry too much) a child before I'm 50? Can I play ball with this child without arthritis in my knees?


I congrat those who've moved on...I pray for the speedy visas for those with "letter in hand", a safe trip home (the states) for the "Visa in hand crowd", best of luck in the lottery to the newcomers and pre-interviewees (did I miss anybody here?) and if I'm the last one on this &(&%&) board to get the Visa, I'LL BE BACK EVERY DAY watching (Luker2?) and inputing support.


I encourage you all to keep the Candle alive forever! Let's have our reunions; let's exchange phone numbers...let's keep our love growing that INS can NEVER, EVER do this to such a wonderful bunch of Americans, of whatever descent, again!!


Yelling at this monitor - EVER!!!!!!

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I hear you Joe, loud and clear. I, too, am of the opinion that it is lotto. Always has been, always will. I feel your frustration as well. You have my number, share it with Liyan. Either of you call anytime. We stand united with common heart and common purpose.

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