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Aug. 4th has been forgotten again?

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hey guys...


the last news i was able to get out of DOS before the pipeline was cut off:


1.) all of the cleared cases had been sent to GZ

(though we have seen on Candle that some were sent late)


2.) GZ had stated to DOS that all visas would be printed by 2/21

(no way to confirm this - might be a good topic for discussion in Tex's



3.) DOS was unable to determine if the EMS letters were printed and sent

a.) before the visa was printed

b.) when the visa was printed

c.) after the visa was printed

d.) whenever the heck someone got around to it

(sorry - i added that last one)


i hope to have a conference call between myself, my congressman, and GZ (adams?) this week. if we are able to make it happen i will post any info i obtain here on Candle.


good luck to everyone!

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1.) all of the cleared cases had been sent to GZ

    (though we have seen on Candle that some were sent late)

As I suspected. ;)

GZ has our cleared cases. Now we need to get them to send out our notices and print our visas. :angry:

Are there some new cleared cases coming in regularly? Or, the unlucky ones have to wait for who knows when next batch?


I think this is the real question.


We cannot expect everybody's clearence had been already sent to GZ. We know they are not! (refer to rfsun's post) We need confirm that clearences are coming in normally everyday.



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