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It just keeps getting better

Guest R2D2

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Just got off the phone with my gal and new daughter. I was able to communicate well with my newly learned language skills thanx to Pimsleur. The more Chinese I learn, the better the relationship. They both told me that my Chinese was very good!!!! :D :D :D :D

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xie, xie, ni, Dave! :D  :D

good Chinese R2D2! :D


I noticed you even wrote it in a Chinese way insead of a western way xiexie ni, :D



was real upset these two days as I have read so much ... posts here, ... I just read one new post of today before, and more and more upset...


honestly, I am regret to introduce my fiance Alan to here now, wish I never did, wish we never read those ugly stories,


love isn't easy, especially for the foreign country love, I hope we all have faith in our relationship, even if have had any changes or up and down in life, hope we still keep the faith in the God and the good side.



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Hi All,


Yesterday evening, my friend and his wife invited me and another friend over. It stormed like crazy but we all stayed in.


We watched a very unusual movie, Cube 2 on his incredibly big theater type TV. I know envy is a vice, but I am jealous of his TV, I'd recommed it for anyone who is really into science fiction, though there were some aspects that were a letdown.


And we had the hottest wing sauce I've ever had in my life. woke up this morning thinking I was going to throw up, my stomach burned incredibly ... I should know better, but when someone puts hot sauce in front of me, I AM going to try it! :P :D :lol:


All my family and friends have been so supportive and wonderful, I do realize that I am fortunate to have a great life.


Today is a good day. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL here in Tampa, Florida. Yesterday it stormed, so today is lovely. Deep, rich clear blue skies, fresh air, about 70-75 degrees F.


I went for a drive in my convertible, drop top, smiled at some cute girls, they smiled back, and I drove on (obviously not interested in dating these days), realized that everything will be okay.



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Good to hear good news, PJ. I tried to give you a crutch and I hope it helps. Things could have been worse. It has been cold and miserable here. I will move to Reno in the near future. I like the diversity of cultures there. God bless, my friend. :lol: :D :P

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Guest Snowbeast

I am also furtunate that my fiancee speaks great English! I guess I am pretty spoiled. I have tried to learn a little, and have succeeded to some degree. I know I don't have as much incentive as some though. I'm just happy I met her, regardless of language.

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one thing i have found - though the chinese i speak is very little and very poor - the effort is always appreciated.


it seems to make a big difference with my father-in-law. gaining his respect is paramount to me, so i always try to brush up on some key phrases and topics that i want to discuss with him.


again, sometimes he understands my chinese about as well as my english (wode hanyu shi bu hao!), but he appreciates the effort and sees it as a sign of respect.



and heck, it can't be a BAD thing to learn how to communicate with 1.something billion people!

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