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Ying is on her way here

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Yesterday Ying finally left Shenzhen for Beijing. She is planning on taking a United Airlines flight from Beijing to San Francisco then on to San Antonio. She should be here around 5 PM Tuesday. Since my father does not trust my car to make the trip (120 miles round trip) he has offered their minivan. It just so happens my mother is also off on this day so it looks like meeting Ying at the airport will be a family affair. I asked Ying what was the first thing she wanted to see and she said she wanted to see our streets.


After she gets here I will quiz her and post her information on the visa interview and her entrance into the US.


I want to thank all in our family here on candle for your support, your timely information and most of all your understanding that made a particularly difficult visa process more bearable.


I know Ying will also thank you.


The only sad thing about this reunion is it will Ying's son Peter will not or ever be a part of our family. Ying and I will have some personal healing to do together, but love will overcome.


For those who are new to the board and don't know our story, please take the time to read it. In these posts you will see the true heart of the members of this board and how they will all pull together to help in times of need. I want to thank all from the bottom of my heart for all your support.


A Sad Day......Death of a Child.

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Yesterday Ying finally left Shenzhen for Beijing.  She is planning on taking a United Airlines flight from Beijing to San Francisco then on to San Antonio.  She should be here around 5 PM Tuesday.  Since my father does not trust my car to make the trip (120 miles round trip) he has offered their minivan.  It just so happens my mother is also off on this day so it looks like meeting Ying at the airport will be a family affair.  I asked Ying what was the first thing she wanted to see and she said she wanted to see our streets.


After she gets here I will quiz her and post her information on the visa interview and her entrance into the US.


I want to thank all in our family here on candle for your support, your timely information and most of all your understanding that made a particularly difficult visa process more bearable.


I know Ying will also thank you.


The only sad thing about this reunion is it will Ying's son Peter will not or ever be a part of our family.  Ying and I will have some personal healing to do together, but love will overcome. 


For those who are new to the board and don't know our story, please take the time to read it.  In these posts you will see the true heart of the members of this board and how they will all pull together to help in times of need.  I want to thank all from the bottom of my heart for all your support.


A Sad Day......Death of a Child.


Carl, you are right, love will overcome, and what great timing God has planned for you to be together for the Holidays ! Congratulations and welcome home to Ying ! ! ! :yahoo:

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Guest pushbrk
Hey Carl!  Are you cleaning up the place? 


tic-toc-tic-toc  B)


I've been cleaning for the last week and a half.....do the final mopping in the morning.


PSSST, carl. There is no such thing as "final mopping". There is only the most recent mopping and future mopping. No final mopping. :wacko:

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Well there has been some changes in the arrival time. Because of a delay in the arrival time of another flight United has delayed their departure from 1:55PM to 7:30PM. Because of the delay she will miss her connection in San Francisco. She told me that United has offered her a hotel room in San Francisco and will reschedule her flight to San Antonio the next day. I was looking on the United website and there is a way she can get into San Antonio the same day she arrives, but it is a roundabout route through Los Angeles. I told her to call me when she gets into San Francisco and I will suggest it to her.


I figured I waited this long, one more night won't make any difference.


I'll at least know where she is

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Congratulations Carl, staying overnight in SF might be good for her. We did something similar when we came back together, after her first international flight a hot bath and good nights sleep will help alot.


Remember to have her set a wakeup call or maybe you can call her so she makes it to the airport for the flight home.

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Congratulations Carl, staying overnight in SF might be good for her. We did something similar when we came back together, after her first international flight a hot bath and good nights sleep will help alot.


Remember to have her set a wakeup call or maybe you can call her so she makes it to the airport for the flight home.


I will do that. I talked to the airline this morning when I got up. They said they looked at putting her on the last flight out of San Francisco to San Antonio, but they decided with the clearing of customs and emmigration she might miss it, and with the Christmas holiday she might not get another. As is the flight she was rebooked on was so full they had to put her up in first class......She will enjoy that!!!!!!!

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In a few hours my parents and I will be leaving fo the airport to get Ying.

Needless to say everybody is excited about meeting her, but for me it will be the culmination of a long drawn out and sometimes painful process. For those who have completed it and given me their support I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


For those just starting and those still in the process, take heart from the many success stories here and know that the day will come when you and your SO's will be reunited. :(


Remember "Love conquers all"

Edited by Carl (see edit history)
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