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It just keeps getting worse ...

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Guest janean2

I don't want to judge,but I don't like this Guy on the picture, I tell something from this man's face that he may be make using this girl too, he doesn't look like a man who will be only loyal to one woman and his family,no man can permit his lover to live with another man, once she loved him, she may be casted by this man someday once she has no value to be made used of,because it is very immoral and shame in China , no matter how it is tragedy.

P.J , I think what you need now is to calm down and have a rest, don't make you hurt more because of angry, it is better to know the truth now than later, take care!!!

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I don't want to judge,but I don't like this Guy on the picture, I tell something from this man's face that he may be make using this girl too, he doesn't look like a man who will be only loyal to one woman and his family,no man can permit his lover to live with another man, once she loved him, she may be casted by this man someday once she has no value to be made used of,because it is very immoral and shame in China , no matter how it is tragedy.

P.J , I think what you need now is to calm down and have a rest, don't make you hurt more because of angry, it is better to know the truth now than later, take care!!!

Janean, You bring up an interesting point - and I don't want to "beat this horse" any deader than it is, but this guy doesn't have REALLY traditional chinese features either...anyone notice that? :o :lol:


Wonder where he's orinally from, or his parents/"genetic line"? I'm with you on the first impression of a prankster/playboy/scum, without his even speaking a word. :angry:

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IMHO that's over the line! Genetics? Doesn't look right? What, are you a member of the Master Race? Give it a rest.


Bad things happened here, no doubt. Let's not make it worse by prejudging people based on the way they LOOK :angry:


How would you feel if someone said the same about you?


You'd think members of this group would be a little more sensitive about blatant prejudice.

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When you meet a person for short period of time, you can't judge the person by her/his face.


Like you can't judge a book by its cover. I am not talking about photos of a person. I am talking meeting a real person. The girl can be so sweet-looking from the outside. Inside she is so evil. Have you seem "Beauty and the Beast"? The beast is so ugly from the outside but inside he is very sweet. How about the Hutchback of Notra Dame? I know they are only cartoons but they are teaching kids of not judging people by his/her appearance.

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I don't think that anyone can say anything that will take away the heartache that you feel now. Only time will do that.


I've been there and I know how hard it is to get through. I spent two weeks in absolute misery and disbelief that someone who I loved and trusted could betray me.


After two weeks of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to take a friend's advice. Instead of looking at the situation as a loss, I began to see it as an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.


I started going out again. I wasn't looking for anything serious or anything to take the place of the relationship I'd lost. I just wanted to have fun and enjoy life.


Two years later, I met a very special lady. We've known each other for more than 3 years now, and hopefully one day she will get her k1 visa and join me here in the U.S.


Don't let anger or hatred guide you. Every day will be better than the one before, and eventually, it won't hurt anymore. One door is closed to you now, but it doesn't have to be a tragedy.


You were deceived, but now you have the chance to find another, a true heart.


By the way, don't but that top of the line photo printer unless you actually want a top of the line photo printer. Most photo processing shops can print a high quality image from a CD.

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Edited to remove the link to my story of what happens if you don't immediately discover the scam. The INS tells me that scams through the I-751 are common, and that people like me couldn't possibly know that it is happening because they aren't allowed to tell us. I complained to the INS, the FBI, and congress people, and there is no doubt in my mind that the visa delays / more thorough checks in two particular cities are because of the preponderance of complaints about scams, not because of the threat of terrorism.


PJs quest for sites that maintain information about fraud -- there is a very good site that is maintained by a Russian woman who runs a dating service. I'll PM it if you are interested in seeing how she is running hers.


Apologies if some folks are offended at hearing that scams exist and destroy lives.

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Thanks Bobzy,

Interesting and scary read.  However, Gold Diggers come from everywhere.  Thanks for the

warning signs that can be applied to any marriage.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

Your "however" interjection just made my point about a commoner's reactions to trained scammers. If your fiance is well-trained and quietly waiting to submit an I-751 without your knowledge or approval, you will be dead long before you even have the opportunity to feel any pain. If you are a trusting person, you are all the more vulnerable. Somehow I don't think you get it - I doubt that you could even explain the mechanics of how it is done.


The lid came unglued after I found a picture of her and a Chinese boyfriend, a Ph.D. student who had traveled from Oklahoma to Pennsylvania to stay at my house while I was out of the state on business. I called the INS to complain, only to find after several calls that she already had permanent residency and I wasn't permitted to see "her" file. I don't know if it is possible for her, as a permanent resident, to marry student visa holder and for him to stay in the country to adjust status, but as near as I can tell, that was a part of her hopes.

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Doesn't make any difference where the gal or guy, for that matter, came from. Could be your next door neighbor that you married. Go to work. Come home. Furniture gone. Please try to keep it in proper prospective and text. There has been to much negativity here of late and I see a few are trying to create more positive topics and that is a good thing, as Martha would say. :D :D :D

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