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$30 civil surgeon, problem solved

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It is funny how life can be so ironic sometimes.....


after calling dozen of civil surgoens, with their high $ charges we almost gave up our hopes and was ready to just go with it. The civil surgeon list on the USCIS website is useless as every single one of them seems to be such an rip-off. We did a search in google just for the fun of it and found couple other civil surgeons that were NOT listed on the USCIS website. We called the first person on the list we found and scheduled an appointment, only $30 dollars would be needed to sign off the form.


Well, the funny part was...we went to the doctor's office thinking we just needed to get the form signed because my wife had all the required shots and we brought a record with us. Everything seemed to be fine and he was ready to sign it for it, he paused for a second and said she needed one more shot. So we said ok whatever, just get it done. We did not know a pregnancy test was required before getting any shots, well, okay we did it and it was POSITIVE. Our brains just went blank for senconds and did not know how to react. my wife just said to the doctor," so you are telling us that I AM HAVING A BABY?!?!?!"


Now comes another challege - INSURANCE. we need advices. Most insurances companies do not cover pre-existing conditions and I won't forgive myself if there anything happens to my wife and she does not have coverage. Please help!

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1. Make sure the doctor is still approved as a civil surgeon - if not your $30 will be completely wasted. They don't have to be on the website (and some that are on the website are not good, based on my phone calls), BUT they DO have to be approved. I mean, heck, I'd take $30 to sign off for you, but it won't do you any good.


2. Congratualtions!


3. Check different policies. "Pregnancy" may not be considered a "pre-existing condition" on all insurance policies. I think generally insurance companies don't want to get themselves on the hook for a disease that will cost millions of dollars and several years of treatment if you know you have it already. I mean, it's not really "insurance" then .. it's just passing the bill to someone, and your costs should reflect that. Pregnancy on the other hand is a one time thing (well, you can get pregnant again .. but only once per baby :blink: ). Costs are fairly well known and the majority of women in child bearing age have a child. On the other hand, if you wait too long, the policy say it may not cover it as you will be just passing the bill. So do some research ASAP - hopefully they don't ask about pregnancy, and if they do .. .. maybe you don't know for sure yet ...

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It is funny how life can be so ironic sometimes.....


after calling dozen of civil surgoens, with their high $ charges we almost gave up our hopes and was ready to just go with it. The civil surgeon list on the USCIS website is useless as every single one of them seems to be such an rip-off. We did a search in google just for the fun of it and found couple other civil surgeons that were NOT listed on the USCIS website. We called the first person on the list we found and scheduled an appointment, only $30 dollars would be needed to sign off the form.


Well, the funny part was...we went to the doctor's office thinking we just needed to get the form signed because my wife had all the required shots and we brought a record with us. Everything seemed to be fine and he was ready to sign it for it, he paused for a second and said she needed one more shot. So we said ok whatever, just get it done. We did not know a pregnancy test was required before getting any shots, well, okay we did it and it was POSITIVE. Our brains just went blank for senconds and did not know how to react. my wife just said to the doctor," so you are telling us that I AM HAVING A BABY?!?!?!"


Now comes another challege - INSURANCE. we need advices. Most insurances companies do not cover pre-existing conditions and I won't forgive myself if there anything happens to my wife and she does not have coverage. Please help!




Many insurances have a 12 month wait to cover pregnancy. Get something in place as soon as you can. A simple pregnancy should cost you about$6,000. Insurance will kick in for her if there are complications. That is important because that can add big bucks.

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It is funny how life can be so ironic sometimes.....


after calling dozen of civil surgoens, with their high $ charges we almost gave up our hopes and was ready to just go with it. The civil surgeon list on the USCIS website is useless as every single one of them seems to be such an rip-off. We did a search in google just for the fun of it and found couple other civil surgeons that were NOT listed on the USCIS website. We called the first person on the list we found and scheduled an appointment, only $30 dollars would be needed to sign off the form.


Well, the funny part was...we went to the doctor's office thinking we just needed to get the form signed because my wife had all the required shots and we brought a record with us. Everything seemed to be fine and he was ready to sign it for it, he paused for a second and said she needed one more shot. So we said ok whatever, just get it done. We did not know a pregnancy test was required before getting any shots, well, okay we did it and it was POSITIVE. Our brains just went blank for senconds and did not know how to react. my wife just said to the doctor," so you are telling us that I AM HAVING A BABY?!?!?!"


Now comes another challege - INSURANCE. we need advices. Most insurances companies do not cover pre-existing conditions and I won't forgive myself if there anything happens to my wife and she does not have coverage. Please help!




Many insurances have a 12 month wait to cover pregnancy. Get something in place as soon as you can. A simple pregnancy should cost you about$6,000. Insurance will kick in for her if there are complications. That is important because that can add big bucks.


Congrats on the little one. Good luck, not sure about the insurance. I was able to get mine on my insurance at work. I had thirty days after we were married to sign her up. Our prgnacy was learned about after, but I was told it would not have been a problem.

Wait any longer, then came the hoops to jump through with fire and a waiting period that you could only sign them up on each odd tuesday if the sun was out in the morning and it snowed in the afternoon. Good luck.

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