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Internal USA Immigration Checkpoints

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I was waived through a Border Patrol Checkpoint in the Carlsbad Cavern area of Texas/New Mexico but was stopped at a Checkpoint outside El Paso, Tx.


He said: Are you both citizens? No? What country? Please pull aside and bring the passport. This I-94 is expired. Me- 'yes, but...'


He quizzed us on how we got the K-1 visa, where it was issued, where and when we got married, and seemed to checked my identity papers against the sponsor name on the I-94. Finally he let us continue.


If you travel along I-10 or other SW highways take all your papers.

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This is one of the things about the AOS process that has always bothered me. We at CFL all know that filing a valid I-485 keeps our SOs legal, but I'll bet it can be a real bit*h trying to explain that to someone who may not be in the know. I guess the moral is like you said. Carry your papers (and a copy of your marriage certificate) with you.

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I helped a friend move to Oklahome a few years ago and we took Highway 10 from Los Angeles. We did a slight detour to see Carlsbad Caverns (the apparent grandaddy of all caverns, a must see if you are anywhere near there!!). As we were heading north, well within the USA a border patrol checkpoint stopped us and as we had a U Haul moving van, we were instructed to pull over and 2 agents climbed all through my friends belongings looking for human cargo!

We were both US citizens so there was no hassle in that respect, but I found it very strange that they would have a border patrol checkpoint when we were at least 100 miles from Mexico!

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You can pretty much expect a checkpoint like that about 100 miles from the border - be ready for it. Mexico has them on their side of the border also.


Hey, man, where've you been?

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Very distracted lately. Jiaying mowed the lawn (mostly weeds) for the first time today, although she had a hard time stopping at the property line.


She's an excellent cook, and we've had lots of good meals. Still several Chinese markets we haven't checked out yet.

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Very distracted lately. Jiaying mowed the lawn (mostly weeds) for the first time today, although she had a hard time stopping at the property line.


She's an excellent cook, and we've had lots of good meals. Still several Chinese markets we haven't checked out yet.


You're in Houston, right? Maybe we can meet up on one of my trips to Houston soon. I have a buddy who has been asking me to come meet his new chick, maybe in a week or so. But when SO gets here, we will need some friends from all over ... you guys into things like the beach at Galveston?

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Very distracted lately. Jiaying mowed the lawn (mostly weeds) for the first time today, although she had a hard time stopping at the property line.


She's an excellent cook, and we've had lots of good meals. Still several Chinese markets we haven't checked out yet.


You're in Houston, right? Maybe we can meet up on one of my trips to Houston soon. I have a buddy who has been asking me to come meet his new chick, maybe in a week or so. But when SO gets here, we will need some friends from all over ... you guys into things like the beach at Galveston?




Sure - let us know next time you're down this way!

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You can pretty much expect a checkpoint like that about 100 miles from the border - be ready for it. Mexico has them on their side of the border also.


Now that you mention it, you're right! I have been to Rosarito Beach in Mexico a few times and on the way back I did have to drive through a checkpoint with a half dozen guys dressed in camoflage brandishing some kind of nasty looking (semi automatic?) weapon! Scared the hell out of me when they motioned me to pull over, but they just looked inside the empty van and motioned me to move on.

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Been to Europe? Cross over any borders there? Yes? Then you know that (most) nations are dead serious about their borders, every inch of it. Border crossing areas are definitely no place to be jerking around or yuking it up.


The state can and will stop anything resembling a cargo hauler in Texas and do so at the complete discretion of the officer(s).

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Very distracted lately. Jiaying mowed the lawn (mostly weeds) for the first time today, although she had a hard time stopping at the property line.


She's an excellent cook, and we've had lots of good meals. Still several Chinese markets we haven't checked out yet.


I lived in El Paso most of my life...and there's no way out of that place by road without hitting a checkpoint...and depending on which highway, you'll hit a second one as well.


They seem to have one on every roadway crossing the CA/AZ border, too.


Last time I took Wendy to El Paso...every checkpoint was closed for the holiday :angry: :lol:


I agree...have your papers in order. But, no matter what, don't panic. As long as she's here legally, the worst you're going to get is a hassle.

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Been to Europe?  Cross over any borders there?  Yes? Then you know that (most) nations are dead serious about their borders, every inch of it.  Border crossing areas are definitely no place to be jerking around or yuking it up. 


The state can and will stop anything resembling a cargo hauler in Texas and do so at the complete discretion of the officer(s).


Hey, you from Dallas ...cool, we need to meet at four-bux for coffee, what say ye? Paul

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