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Ya'll remember 'safe palce'

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Any of you new people who haven't read the Jany thread yet really should.  It is a perfect of example of the best and worst of human kind.  I would also urge USCONGUZ to read it as well.  Men such as Jany's ex husband should not be allowed to sponsor minor children. I find it very hard to believe that a convicted sex offender's record wouldn't show up on one of the many security checks.  The flip side is the heart warming story of a group of people who banded together to help this woman none of them had ever met.  CFL deserves a huge pat on the back for how we responded to Jany's need.  Trigg how about gettng in touch with Jany and getting an update for us.  Might even be fun for the group to get together and send her daughter some christmas presents.


Good Idea Carl. I'll see if I can get in touch with her and get an update and an address to send some Christmas goodies to her little cherub!


due to the overwhelming amount of PM's I got (None) asking for the address of 'A Safe Place' (the original topic of this thread), I thought I'd post it here.


A Safe Place

6 Greenleaf Woods, suite #101

Portsmouth, NH 03801


Is it a place for battered wives? I don't know anything about it. I have never been married so have no children. It would be nice to do something for the holidays. I wouldn't mind making a donation of $$ or gift.


Do they have a website or anything?



Edited by LiandLarry (see edit history)
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Any of you new people who haven't read the Jany thread yet really should.  It is a perfect of example of the best and worst of human kind.  I would also urge USCONGUZ to read it as well.  Men such as Jany's ex husband should not be allowed to sponsor minor children. I find it very hard to believe that a convicted sex offender's record wouldn't show up on one of the many security checks.  The flip side is the heart warming story of a group of people who banded together to help this woman none of them had ever met.  CFL deserves a huge pat on the back for how we responded to Jany's need.  Trigg how about gettng in touch with Jany and getting an update for us.  Might even be fun for the group to get together and send her daughter some christmas presents.


Good Idea Carl. I'll see if I can get in touch with her and get an update and an address to send some Christmas goodies to her little cherub!


due to the overwhelming amount of PM's I got (None) asking for the address of 'A Safe Place' (the original topic of this thread), I thought I'd post it here.


A Safe Place

6 Greenleaf Woods, suite #101

Portsmouth, NH 03801


Is it a place for battered wives? I don't know anything about it. I have never been married so have no children. It would be nice to do something for the holidays. I wouldn't mind making a donation of $$ or gift.


Do they have a website or anything?




Yup, it's a place for victims of domestic abuse. We learned about then the hard way when we read about a Chinese woman (Jany) who married an American man-then moved to the US with her 5 year old daughter. Her daughter was sexually molested by this man and she left with no place to go and no friends. CFL came through and sent money to her and 'a Safe Place' gave her and her daughter food, shelter, counseling and many other services--AT NO COST to Jany.


It's a long long story--you can read the entire Jany thread but I gotta warn you --it'll bring a tear to the eye of the strongest of men!


I don't know if they have a website. i have some of their pamphlets and a phone number and address.

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I feel honored to be amongst you.


HA hA Ha, you are so funny.We're all just plain ole goofey guys-who sometimes accidentally do something right--but not too often


I am SERIOUS! Don't be too modest, trigg.


Modest is not a word that is ever used in conjunction with my name. The CFL crew really came together on this one. And believe me when i say this, We got a helluva lot more than we gave-a helluva lot more.

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