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Gift buying in China

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I bought 7 pearl necklaces, while in GZ. My GZ woman negotiated 1000RMB for them (=~$18/each). These are fresh water cultured pearls in white, pink and silver. They've been such a big hit with family and co-workers that I can see that if someone wanted to sell these on E-bay, etc it could pay for their trips to China. I'm almost thinking of having my GZ lady buy up more and sending them to me.

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I bought 7 pearl necklaces, while in GZ.  My GZ woman negotiated 1000RMB for them (=~$18/each).  These are fresh water cultured pearls in white, pink and silver.  They've been such a big hit with family and co-workers that I can see that if someone wanted to sell these on E-bay, etc it could pay for their trips to China.  I'm almost thinking of having my GZ lady buy up more and sending them to me.


Hi Denni


I'm sitting here in the GUZ waiting on the consulate to make a decision

would you share the part of the town or mall where you found the necklaces



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I bought 7 pearl necklaces, while in GZ.  My GZ woman negotiated 1000RMB for them (=~$18/each).  These are fresh water cultured pearls in white, pink and silver.  They've been such a big hit with family and co-workers that I can see that if someone wanted to sell these on E-bay, etc it could pay for their trips to China.  I'm almost thinking of having my GZ lady buy up more and sending them to me.


Hi Denni


I'm sitting here in the GUZ waiting on the consulate to make a decision

would you share the part of the town or mall where you found the necklaces




We bought them at the gift shop at the President Hotel. Most non 5-star hotels have independent gift shops that you can bargain for gifts. The 5-star hotels cater to those tourist who will pay the highest mark-ups, so they're not as likely to negotiate prices.


Note that real pearls will leave a chalky residue, when you rub two pearls together.


(Oh, and GOOD LUCK to you and your SO, Notrevorich!!) :lol:

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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I bought 7 pearl necklaces, while in GZ.  My GZ woman negotiated 1000RMB for them (=~$18/each).  These are fresh water cultured pearls in white, pink and silver.  They've been such a big hit with family and co-workers that I can see that if someone wanted to sell these on E-bay, etc it could pay for their trips to China.  I'm almost thinking of having my GZ lady buy up more and sending them to me.




I suggest that you be careful in your decision-making process. One of the things that US Customs looks for is "knock off goods." (e.g. Imitation Gucci bags, Rolex watches, jewelry, excess DVDs, CD, etc) They are on the "prowl" for people who are in their terms "commercializing." This means people bring goods to be sold on E-bay. Perhaps, one of the more up to date law enforcement officers can give you the most recent skinny! I assure you that they are aware of it and are looking. Two other sites I belong to this a hot topic. China with the intellectual piracy accusations in the media, has probably been moved to the top of the list, reaplcing #3 Philipines, #2 Thailand and #1 Korea.


Regard to mailing. I was at one time a postal supervisor at Portland, OR Processing and Distribution Center. We would commonly have customs agents enter and check packages. I don't mean just a few either. I'm talking about hundreds! They would specifically target packages, that had too many of one item. I won't discuss the means that they use, but it is effective and quick I can assure you. They didn't care about the assorted Care packages being sent home, with comfort items. They were looking for people that were going to E-bay, and wherever they go to!


In either case, if caught, you will have a nice record to go with your future K visa applications. For sure at NVC and US State Dept that handle passports will definetly be notified since this a felony, in essence a violation of of Customs and Duty Tax evasion. For some odd reason they don't have a sense of humor about this issue!


IMHO, I wouldn't even attempt to walk into this lions den, with an immigrant visa pending, and an AOS upcoming in the future with my wife. Just giving you a heads up, my friend! You must decide for yourself.

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I bought 7 pearl necklaces, while in GZ.  My GZ woman negotiated 1000RMB for them (=~$18/each).  These are fresh water cultured pearls in white, pink and silver.  They've been such a big hit with family and co-workers that I can see that if someone wanted to sell these on E-bay, etc it could pay for their trips to China.  I'm almost thinking of having my GZ lady buy up more and sending them to me.




I suggest that you be careful in your decision-making process. One of the things that US Customs looks for is "knock off goods." (e.g. Imitation Gucci bags, Rolex watches, jewelry, excess DVDs, CD, etc) They are on the "prowl" for people who are in their terms "commercializing." This means people bring goods to be sold on E-bay. Perhaps, one of the more up to date law enforcement officers can give you the most recent skinny! I assure you that they are aware of it and are looking. Two other sites I belong to this a hot topic. China with the intellectual piracy accusations in the media, has probably been moved to the top of the list, reaplcing #3 Philipines, #2 Thailand and #1 Korea.


Regard to mailing. I was at one time a postal supervisor at Portland, OR Processing and Distribution Center. We would commonly have customs agents enter and check packages. I don't mean just a few either. I'm talking about hundreds! They would specifically target packages, that had too many of one item. I won't discuss the means that they use, but it is effective and quick I can assure you. They didn't care about the assorted Care packages being sent home, with comfort items. They were looking for people that were going to E-bay, and wherever they go to!


In either case, if caught, you will have a nice record to go with your future K visa applications. For sure at NVC and US State Dept that handle passports will definetly be notified since this a felony, in essence a violation of of Customs and Duty Tax evasion. For some odd reason they don't have a sense of humor about this issue!


IMHO, I wouldn't even attempt to walk into this lions den, with an immigrant visa pending, and an AOS upcoming in the future with my wife. Just giving you a heads up, my friend! You must decide for yourself.


I here ya, David. It's not like I'm going to go into the smuggling business or anything. We're allowed to bring back a certain amount of goods from China. I declared my 7 pearl necklaces to the customs agent, when she asked what I'd purchased with my $180 that I'd noted on my declaration form. In any event, I seriously doubt that the FBI is going to waste their valuable time, if I chose to resell these on EBAY for their US value. And, if I were to import pearls for resale, it would be done on a legitimate license basis.

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I bought 7 pearl necklaces, while in GZ.  My GZ woman negotiated 1000RMB for them (=~$18/each).  These are fresh water cultured pearls in white, pink and silver.  They've been such a big hit with family and co-workers that I can see that if someone wanted to sell these on E-bay, etc it could pay for their trips to China.  I'm almost thinking of having my GZ lady buy up more and sending them to me.




I suggest that you be careful in your decision-making process. One of the things that US Customs looks for is "knock off goods." (e.g. Imitation Gucci bags, Rolex watches, jewelry, excess DVDs, CD, etc) They are on the "prowl" for people who are in their terms "commercializing." This means people bring goods to be sold on E-bay. Perhaps, one of the more up to date law enforcement officers can give you the most recent skinny! I assure you that they are aware of it and are looking. Two other sites I belong to this a hot topic. China with the intellectual piracy accusations in the media, has probably been moved to the top of the list, reaplcing #3 Philipines, #2 Thailand and #1 Korea.


Regard to mailing. I was at one time a postal supervisor at Portland, OR Processing and Distribution Center. We would commonly have customs agents enter and check packages. I don't mean just a few either. I'm talking about hundreds! They would specifically target packages, that had too many of one item. I won't discuss the means that they use, but it is effective and quick I can assure you. They didn't care about the assorted Care packages being sent home, with comfort items. They were looking for people that were going to E-bay, and wherever they go to!


In either case, if caught, you will have a nice record to go with your future K visa applications. For sure at NVC and US State Dept that handle passports will definetly be notified since this a felony, in essence a violation of of Customs and Duty Tax evasion. For some odd reason they don't have a sense of humor about this issue!


IMHO, I wouldn't even attempt to walk into this lions den, with an immigrant visa pending, and an AOS upcoming in the future with my wife. Just giving you a heads up, my friend! You must decide for yourself.


I here ya, David. It's not like I'm going to go into the smuggling business or anything. We're allowed to bring back a certain amount of goods from China. I declared my 7 pearl necklaces to the customs agent, when she asked what I'd purchased with my $180 that I'd noted on my declaration form. In any event, I seriously doubt that the FBI is going to waste their valuable time, if I chose to resell these on EBAY for their US value. And, if I were to import pearls for resale, it would be done on a legitimate license basis.


Dennis understood. It isn't the FBI that you worry about. It is US Customs. BTW Customs has it's own sting operations, that they run. The last thing they need is help!


Up to you and good luck with your enterprise efforts.

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1000RMB is about $125 not 18.?That isnt much different than US prices for that grade of pearl.?And yeah you might want to consider the ramafications to your visa if you get caught.


First, $125/7 necklaces = $18 each.

Second, I have no visa pending

Third, how do you know so much about the quality of pearls?

Finally, who said that I was considering doing something illegal?

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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1000RMB is about $125 not 18.?That isnt much different than US prices for that grade of pearl.?And yeah you might want to consider the ramafications to your visa if you get caught.


First, $125/7 necklaces = $18 each.

Second, I have no visa pending

Third, how do you know so much about the quality of pearls?

Finally, who said that I was considering doing something illegal?




LOL, perhaps you can tell me about the quality of pearls. Aren't they made by elves in a hollow tree? Just kidding!


I see what you are talking about now. Your talk about buying a ticket from the sales of them may have been a bit misleading. You are right, there is a certain amount that you can bring back as gifts etc. As long as it isn't grossly overdone and for the purposes of blatant evasion, US Customs has a lot bigger fish to fry!


Have a good day

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first - it was not intended as a flame reply, so please don't treat it as such. We're all friends here!


Your message was not clear on the value as per each or for the total. Customs wouldnt flinch at seeing $125 worth of jewelry. The implication as I read it was that they were each $125 and you listed them as $18, which might raise a red flag. It's moot anyway, since you clarified the math for us :greenblob:


three - Jewelry business employee in my younger years.


Again, not trying to be hostile, so please don't think I was :greenblob:



Edited by mercator (see edit history)
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