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wife benefits in usa?

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Ok, that is almost a given, right? ;) But how would our SOs apply or obtain such assistance in lets say, any of the following, if Any:


She wants to start her own Business - Say Hair Dressing or a Clothing Store


She wants to Buy a House - Should she feel our house is in adequet or what ever


She wants to Buy a Car


She wishes to go to College - say to get a lisence for hair dressing, message, or what ever.


Any input of knowledge on that? ;)

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If your wife is a legal permanent resident she can apply for home loans via the government or banks, she can apply for small business loans, student grants and loans, etc. Any "Non-Welfare" benefits.


If she comes on a Fiancee visa or a k3 non-immigrant visa then you are out of luck. She can't get anything as she is considered a foreigner on vacation so to speak. She would have to get an AOS before she can do much of anything.

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Ok, that is almost a given, right? :D But how would our SOs apply or obtain such assistance in lets say, any of the following, if Any:


She wants to start her own Business - Say Hair Dressing or a Clothing Store


She wants to Buy a House - Should she feel our house is in adequet or what ever


She wants to Buy a Car


She wishes to go to College - say to get a lisence for hair dressing, message, or what ever.


Any input of knowledge on that? :D


I believe there is listing under "hot topics" on the USCIS home page.

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