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Interview date set ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Hello All,


I am happy to report that my SO just received her P4 and a interview date of mid November!!! Yes - and at 7:15am also!!!


YES - You can safely assume that the process has sped up quite a bit! We had predicted a January date - and are both very happy that they gave it to us 2 months early!


BUT - DOS had no clue of this when I called them on Monday. They said it was still in "administrative processing" on Monday 17......... the letter is dated October 13 ? ? ? How could they not know this when we spoke on Monday 17th? Are they really this "clueless"???


Anyway, I have some questions:


1) Our attorney said to include 3 months bank statements in the papers that we take to the medical exam. Is it really necessary to have them sealed in the envelope there instead of taking them to the interview??? I ask because I have them still here in the US and don't think I can get them to her by the time she goes to the doctor next week? Would a copy of these documents be aceptable to go in the package if I can produce the originals at the interview?


2) I unfortunately just returned from a 2 week stay in China, 5 days ago - so this news is not only good for us - but is also very untimely, as I just spent all my spare cash to go there recently. So now I have to scramble and try to raise the cash to return now for the interview. This is my question two: 2) How important is it for me to be in china for her interview? I have already been there 3 times in the last year - so we have proof that I come to see her. But we are both worried that if something goes wrong at the interview, that maybe my being there will help to resolve some issues that may come up? How important is it that I be there and what could come up that I can help to resolve on the spot? If I don't go - what risks are we taking? I really need some input here on this subject!!!


Well, it has been a long journey and may soon be over. I will not celebrate until the visa is in hand - I have heard the horror stories. I don't doubt that many of you wouldn't mind to have my probelms right now if it also came with this early interviw date - but it is hard to be too happy when this came so sudden and I now have the money problems created by the early date.


Anybody have any tips on how to get the best (cheapest) flights to Guangzhou right now?




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My understanding is that the financial information is for the form I-134 which is taken to the interview. If the VO wants to look, he will ask. Send bank statements, brokerage statements, receipts for house payment, reference letters from bank and employer - everything asked for in the I-134 form, anything that indicates financial stability, net worth, and income.


I am unable to be at my SO's interview, since I have no more vacation time.



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It's clear that DOS and GUZ are having a delay (or maybe a brain cell delay) with the information... others are reporting the same.


If you want to hear the confirmation from DOS,then call and talk to another operator or wait a week... but you have P4 !!


You do not need to include any financial stuff for the medical exam. Have her bring to interview..




Here is a recent discussion on the financials to bring... draw your own conclusions and comfort level...


I-134 & kitchen sink





For flights, here are what appears to be the ones mentioned over and again here:





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Take a breath.... and congratulations on the scheduled interview date...

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