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thank the lord !!!

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My beautiful wife passed her visa interview with flying colors!!!

I was waiting on pins and needles at work for 2 hours waiting for my wife to call me with the results of her interview. my heart would beat to hard every single time the phone rang at work hoping it was my wife. it there was at leased 4 calls that got my blood pressure thru the room.

then at 9:00pm (10:00am hong kong time) i heard my name over the intercom i think i ran to the phone my heart was racing!

i was praying on the way to the phone when i picked it up and said hello i heard my wifes voice screaming with excitement " I PASSED! I PASSED! with flying colors. all i could say was i love you honey and was lost for words with a HUGE smile in my face my friend that was standing next to me when i got the call knew right away that my wife passed and gave me a hug and asked to talk to my wife to congratulate her.

i think that was the longest day of my life and i had 3 more hours before i got off of work i could not wait to get home to here all the details! next to the day i married my wife i think it was the most happiest day of my life hearing those words flow out of my wifes mouth.

god truely blessed me the day i married her and i was blessed again on 10-19-05 ( 10-18-05 here).

i will post all the details of the interview after i calm down right now my head is in the clouds ( way in them).

thanks to all that helped answered the many many question we had and for all the advice and suppport! GOD BLESS YOU ALL and i pray for a fast and happy ending for you all good to all ! todd & dhel.

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