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Hi all,

For the last ten days I have found myself checking this board 3 or 4 times a day. I come home from work and immediately boot up the ole computer, checking to see if there's some new nugget of information....again when I wake up in the morning, yet again before I go to bed....maybe my subconscious is hoping that one of these days I'll open the page, only to find that everyone has left, having finally received their visas.....Is there something I can take for this? :lol: :o Lastly, is this contagious?


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Me too, and I don't even have a fiancee (I've been married for 21 years). I started out reading on behalf of my stepson and *his* fiance. She now has her visa and is expected in the U.S. this week. But if CFL were a book, it would have a great plot with memorable characters, and, I'm convinced, multiple happy endings. I can't put it down.

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I knew you were in trouble a while back when you said you were in love with this little guy. :greenblob: :lol:


You post has started something percolating in my demented mind. Perhaps I will post it in another thread once it takes proper form.


Seriously, I don't think you have anything to worry about unless you find yourself saying things like:


"You know, that Eric guy makes a lot of sense". :lol:


Just kidding Eric...JJJuuussstttt Kidddding!!!!! :P :D

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Maybe that's myy problem, whenever I get on the computer my boss for life finds some way to make me stop what I'm doing.  She loves bothering me when it comes to the computer and DVD's. :ph34r:

Most girls get jealous when we ignored them and played with PC. It happened to me in China. My gal said "How come you always play with the computer?" :ph34r:

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Are you kidding that is the most fun place to be bothered. :ph34r:

oops... I thought 'bathroom' means 'toilet'?


boy... have fun! lol

In China, the bathroom is tiny with the hole in the ground. It is hard to fit two people. Not too romantic. In Western bathroom, there is space for whirlpool and bubblebath. :ph34r:

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