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good luck OB, everyone is rooting for you guys

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Not to be a party pooper but, I remember how excited I was to have my K3 approved in only a few months. That was ohhhh.... about 1 year ago. Ya , wait in the US while the paper work gets approved my butt.... grumble grumble .... http://photobucket.com/albums/a19/freeTheInternet/Smiley/th_smiley-pissedoff.gifhttp://photobucket.com/albums/a19/freeTheInternet/Smiley/th_smiley-WTF.gif

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oh I'm hanging all right... now I'm just living for November when I return.  I'm sure I'll find constructive and creative distractions until then  :D  :P  :o  :drunk:  :drunk:


Bob, You changed your mind about leaving? I almost had the chance, but it got snuffed right as the economy started leveling out. dough!!! It would be exciting though.

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oh I'm hanging all right... now I'm just living for November when I return.  I'm sure I'll find constructive and creative distractions until then  B)  :drunk:  :drunk:  :drunk:  :drunk:


Bob, You changed your mind about leaving? I almost had the chance, but it got snuffed right as the economy started leveling out. dough!!! It would be exciting though.


Oh I agree Doug, but the air is so bad you have to push it out of the way during the winter.


By comparison, she makes a better living there than I do here. But a guys gotta do something constructive, I told her that I'm qualified to be the garbage man where she worked (that got nixed fast!), then I offerened to be her most personal assistant. She liked that idea!

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Oh I agree Doug, but the air is so bad you have to push it out of the way during the winter.

You ain't just a whiffin, Bob. Last winter it didn't rain for 5-6 months and you had to cut your way down the sidewalk. It's better now but I still have to sleep on my side at night so the days pollution intake doesn't settle in the back of my throat and drowned me. :drunk: B)

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