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INS has a social disease

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I set out to write to the NY Times, but my first draft caught me going off on a wild editorializing tangent - way off subject. So I had to completely start over. I post this original here in case anyone thinks there may be some use for it somewhere. (Don't worry, this is NOT the letter that I sent to NY Times)


The INS is very sick. Shredding is not the disease. No, the shredding of 90,000 documents (American and foreign passports, applications for asylum, birth certificates and other documents supporting applications for citizenship, visas and work permits) just to ease the work backlog is just one of the symptoms of this social disease that is hurting our economy and tearing our families apart. It is causing our families great expense, time, psychological trauma, separation from loved ones, has driven some of us from our beloved country, and in at least one case has even contributed to death (see CNN story - Aaron Brown 'Visa Delays' [sandy Booker]).


This disease has kept students from studying in our universities, has prevented scientists from bringing technology into our country, and has cost our economy hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost sales to foreign buyers, and prevents expansion of American business into foreign countries, thus worsening our trade balance. The disease has not yet been named, but could be called Ineptitude, Paranoia, Indifference, Apathy, Prevarication, Incompetence. Since only our government is infected with this disease, let's shorten this name to an appropriate acronym: IPIAPI (ih-pee-aw-pee).


This disease, IPIAPI, has infected our government agencies, notably the Department of State (DOS), Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Consular Affairs (CA), possibly even the FBI and the CIA, and even the U.S. consulates abroad such as the one in Guangzhou (GZ), China. It is the GZ consulate that I am most concerned with, for it is personally affecting me and thousands of others. IPIAPI crept into our government agencies under the guise of counter terrorism. It was a byproduct of our DOS attempting to secure our borders. But does the DOS really think that our wives and fiancees, who have presented all paperwork and have been approved for visas many months ago by the GZ consulate are out to harm our country?


Is there a cure for this awful disease? Of course there is, but it requires the help of each and every one of us Americans. We must become aware of this disease, and we must shake off the "terrorist paranoia" that our government has thrust upon us. Yes, we need to be watchful and protective of our borders, but we must be sure to allow the good in. Now that we are aware of the disease, we need to tell our friends about it. We need to let our elected officials know that this disease has not only infected the government, but is also causing grief and disruption in American families which is the very backbone of this great country. Once the effects of this disease are known to the public and to our government, our government will take steps to cure itself. How does the government do this? That is an easy one: ISSUE VISAS NOW! to our families.

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Hi Wolfman.

Another name for the social disease is Zero Defect Mentality. Our educational system

has created less than competent workers. Anyone over 50 can compare what was taught

to us with today's lesson plans and can see a vast difference. The dumbing down of America

is a result of lowering standards. Self esteem has replaced competence in our education

system. Part of the end result is the Zero Defect Mentality. The simple way to avoid

defects ( mistakes ) is to do as little as possible. You avoid making errors by not doing

anything. This should help you to fine tune your argument.

Aloha from Hawaii Myles

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Another name for the social disease is Zero Defect Mentality.

Yes, Ms. Randall at the Laguna Nuguel INS apparently had an advanced case of the ZDM. That was really sick. Let's hope this disease doesn't spread. I hope the court case gets lots of public attention. That, along with our letters to our media might help bring our plight to the general public awareness.

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Any one knows whether this INS disease will influence those who has already had visa interview? Do we need to call INS to find out? I am just too worry about anything now!

I doubt that they will tell you anything negative about them. They want to get rid of the bad publicity. They will say everything is fine because of backup.

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Any one knows whether this INS disease will influence those who has already had visa interview? Do we need to call INS to find out? I am just too worry about anything now!

I'm afraid the disease has infected the entire INS and DOS. But if you had your interview already, you were not among the 90,000 shredded documents. Those docs were at the Laguna Nigel, CA office. Once your petition is approved by that (or one of the other 3 regional offices) and sent to GZ, the INS regional office is out of the picture.


The treatment for this disease is public awareness. The NY Times article about the shredding at Laguna Nigel is a first step in that awareness. We just keep telling our stories to our public officials, media, people we meet, etc., and eventually the INS will be cured.


You do understand that this began as a metaphor, right? :ph34r:

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