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When Contacting the Media...

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it will help the media (or even your senator's office) get a feel for the personal side of your case if you can send them web links to your story and pictures of you with your loved one at the bottom of emails.


dont send these as attachments, as these emails tend to be deleted without being opened.


for example, i just sent an email to the nytimes, as others have done (national@nytimes.com; washington@nytimes.com) briefly explaining our situation. but i wanted the email to be at least somewhat brief, so i didnt go crazy outlining my entire case history.


at the end of the email, i included the following links:


Web Addresses Related to My Story:



My Story:




Websites Devoted to Visa Delay Issues:




Government Websites



Good Luck!!!! :D

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Aloha from Hawaii,

Does anybody know of Chinese language newspapers in the USA?

Mainstream media may not be interested in our story but the Chinese

night be interested. They would be looking for items that are not in

the mass market media and have an effect on them. Little by little

we can expand the number of people who are aware of our situation.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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