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An Impressionable Child

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Thinking back to my childhood I remember our family Dr. that was probably close to 80 and quite the card. Always joking around, he would have you believing your arms would fall off before you got home. I can't imagine the effect this would have on someone new to the country. Wayne had a great idea I hadn't thought of about finding a Dr. that speaks Mandarin. I will look for one in the DFW area when we get home, but I'm not really sure where to start.

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Thinking back to my childhood I remember our family Dr. that was probably close to 80 and quite the card. Always joking around, he would have you believing your arms would fall off before you got home. I can't imagine the effect this would have on someone new to the country. Wayne had a great idea I hadn't thought of about finding a Dr. that speaks Mandarin. I will look for one in the DFW area when we get home, but I'm not really sure where to start.


Did a quick search I'm sure there is more Dallas Chinese Community Center also found some links at this site http://www.sunraychinese.org/.


Perhaps one of these will give you a head start.

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You may want to try this tactic....


After asking them as to just why they feel that moving to the USA would be a better life to them, have them or get them to say in their OWN Words, that in the USA, everything is better. The foods, the Medical treatments etc.


Then explain to them that even though you may not be a doctor, that many americans have been trained to treat most common ever day ilnesses or problems (Which we have, the common cold, head aches, hang overs, feavors, etc, Right?) And if we have been trained, & if are So's truely Love us, They will put their full trust in Us & Listen to us. If they refuse to believe us, then should we begin to question their love for us?


I did this, and believe me, it wasn't an easy block of ice to break, but I finally was able to get the message accross. And, after giving her, her sister, her Nephew & her mother, a nothing quick disolve tablet & 2 Nite-quil liquid gells, and a few hours, they no longer questioned any of my suggestions when it came to medical treatment. (They all had flu like symtoms, & their doctor was trying to tell them that they had some kind of intestinal virus & would require a few nights in the hospital)


Warning!! If after successfully accomplishing this task, You may find yourself as being seen as the Local Mirrical Doctor. Being seen as such may & will bring you many sleepless nights assisting the locals. Especially if there are many infants close by. LOL


Hey, But it worked. No more Doubts, Much Gained Respect :greenblob:

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You may want to try this tactic....


After asking them as to just why they feel that moving to the USA would be a better life to them, have them or get them to say in their OWN Words, that in the USA, everything is better. The foods, the Medical treatments etc.


Then explain to them that even though you may not be a doctor, that many americans have been trained to treat most common ever day ilnesses or problems (Which we have, the common cold, head aches, hang overs, feavors, etc, Right?) And if we have been trained, & if are So's truely Love us, They will put their full trust in Us & Listen to us. If they refuse to believe us, then should we begin to question their love for us?


I did this, and believe me, it wasn't an easy block of ice to break, but I finally was able to get the message accross. And, after giving her, her sister, her Nephew & her mother, a nothing quick disolve tablet & 2 Nite-quil liquid gells,  and a few hours, they no longer questioned any of my suggestions when it came to medical treatment. (They all had flu like symtoms, & their doctor was trying to tell them that they had some kind of intestinal virus & would require a few nights in the hospital)


Warning!! If after successfully accomplishing this task, You may find yourself as being seen as the Local Mirrical Doctor. Being seen as such may & will bring you many sleepless nights assisting the locals. Especially if there are many infants close by. LOL


Hey, But it worked. No more Doubts, Much Gained Respect :D


Sounds like Sean Connery in "Medicine Man.".........


Thanks jtaylo69, I'll keep that in mind.

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You may want to try this tactic....


After asking them as to just why they feel that moving to the USA would be a better life to them, have them or get them to say in their OWN Words, that in the USA, everything is better. The foods, the Medical treatments etc.



LOL - Are you serious? She's moving to the US for me. Otherwise, everything in China is better :D

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Wayne had a great idea I hadn't thought of about finding a Dr. that speaks Mandarin. I will look for one in the DFW area when we get home, but I'm not really sure where to start.


We are limited by our Insurance of the doctors we can visit. We pay a small co-pay for authorized doctors and insurance pays the rest. If we see an unauthorzed doctor they only pay a percentage, this works out much higher.


We did find a women's clinic who uses an interpreter service. At the start of each visit, they call the interpreter and have them on the speaker phone. This way anything the doctor says, is sure to be understood by my wife. Still my wife can be worried at times by what he says. Now she is worried she is too old to have a baby that is healthy. The risk does go up at age 35, but not very much. At 20 the risk is 1.9 in 1000, at 35 it is 5.2 in 1000. Still a small percentage, but trying to convince her of this has been difficult.

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You may want to try this tactic....


After asking them as to just why they feel that moving to the USA would be a better life to them, have them or get them to say in their OWN Words, that in the USA, everything is better. The foods, the Medical treatments etc.



LOL - Are you serious? She's moving to the US for me. Otherwise, everything in China is better :greenblob:


I agree with you on this. My wife thinks many things in China are stupid, except the medical treatment. It is difficult to see a doctor here. You have to wait for an appointment. Then she is not sure they know as much. Because they do not incorporate naturopathic medicine and herbs into the treatment. This she feels China is very good and US stupid. Trying this aproach might backfire. Especially since it was not the kids idea to move, she may or may not feel it was a good idea. She is probably here because mom said.

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Wayne had a great idea I hadn't thought of about finding a Dr. that speaks Mandarin. I will look for one in the DFW area when we get home, but I'm not really sure where to start.


We are limited by our Insurance of the doctors we can visit. We pay a small co-pay for authorized doctors and insurance pays the rest. If we see an unauthorzed doctor they only pay a percentage, this works out much higher.


We did find a women's clinic who uses an interpreter service. At the start of each visit, they call the interpreter and have them on the speaker phone. This way anything the doctor says, is sure to be understood by my wife. Still my wife can be worried at times by what he says. Now she is worried she is too old to have a baby that is healthy. The risk does go up at age 35, but not very much. At 20 the risk is 1.9 in 1000, at 35 it is 5.2 in 1000. Still a small percentage, but trying to convince her of this has been difficult.


Actually the risk of a trisonomy 21 baby (downs syndrome) increases significantly each year after age 35. Even at that the odds are still overwhelmingly in your favor. you can have an amniocentesis. done and there is also a simple blood Test that can be done in the very early stages of pregnancy. Then you have options.

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