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Action Plan-My Opinion

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I am in areement that we need to go back in to action. The fax that we received from Maura Harty seems at this point to be nothing more than a way to get us off their backs. It worked. I believe we need to combine our efforts as some one suggested a couple weeks ago. I believe we need to come up with a campaign designed not on a personal basis but stating the facts and what we have been told would happen and didn't. If we share these letters with each other or better yet if a couple people design the letter or letters and then ask for input we can design a powerful response and then blitz every source we can think of, DOS, FBI, News Media, Congress, Senate, etc.


"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"



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If you look at the posts of the past few days, you will see that this is already beginning to happen. More of us are becoming proactive. We are becoming organized and even at times coordinated. Several of us have begun the protocol of posting our letters and ideas and giving express permission and encouragment to copy and paste. We are about to become a force here at Candle.

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If you look at the posts of the past few days, you will see that this is already beginning to happen.  More of us are becoming proactive.  We are becoming organized and even at times coordinated.  Several of us have begun the protocol of posting our letters and ideas and giving express permission and encouragment to copy and paste.  We are about to become a force here at Candle.

AZ you are right...

But the "force" is startling to dwindle, which is I have to say great news overall for our plight, as it means more and more are getting visas, but not that great news for the unluckier still waiting..

I can be as good at copy and paste than State or the IV unit however....



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