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You got it Carl!!! Put passive in the back seat. If we are willing to accept status quo then that is indeed what we will get!!! perhaps we should ignore this so it can happen again and again??


What did Ghandi say about cancer?? Cut it out or let it destroy you???


It isn't about revenge DAVID, It isn't about an eye for an eye and it isn't even about punishmnet!! Changing what happened to Alex can't happen!! Stopping it from happening to the next guy can and damned sure should happen--It could be you!


Would Ghandi let this happen again and again--hope not-iy would blow my perception of him all to hell!!!!!!!


Besides, none of us are Ghandi!!!!!

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I know that Alex gave his feeling and theory... I don't know all the facts and have yet to see anyone pressed with criminal charges.. so I'm not ready to put forth the call to put anyone's head on a chopping block.


Seems that there are quite a few who had to get involved to get this cleared up... will they ignore the issue and turn a back to all the criminal activity that took place? Seems that would be as criminal...


It would seem to me that to prove someone on the inside was a part of it would be incredible hard to prove in terms of mounting the effort and getting the judicial outcome as desired.



Visa Journey is read to do war with the problems at Nebraska Service Center.... and most of them still get their visa in six months who go through there.


And what was pointed out at VJ was that changing these issues take a congressional investigation. I guess I just don't see it happening... but I don't want to stand in the way of any effort.

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Who was it that said "If you're not part of the solution then you're....??


Difficlult to proove???? VERY!! Lengthy with doubtful outcome??? ABSOLUTLEY!!! Take a congresional inquiry?? MAYBE.



So if it is a difficult task that takes effort and does not have a guaranteed outcome we should give in and be walked on??? The fear of losing and/or hard work and long odds hasn't really detoured many succsefull people that I am aware of. Ya'll do whatever blows your skirt up. IF we get any resonable facts i'll be happy to lead the march on this loosing cause!!


sorry guys but i can't even spell passive!!!!!!!!

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You got it Carl!!! Put passive in the back seat. If we are willing to accept status quo then that is indeed what we will get!!! perhaps we should ignore this so it can happen again and again??


What did Ghandi say about cancer?? Cut it out or let it destroy you???


It isn't about revenge DAVID, It isn't about an eye for an eye and it isn't even about punishmnet!!  Changing what happened to Alex can't happen!! Stopping it from happening to the next guy can and damned sure should happen--It could be you!


Would Ghandi let this happen again and again--hope not-iy would blow my perception of him all to hell!!!!!!!


Besides, none of us are Ghandi!!!!!


Well put. There seems to be confusing in the USA between Revenge and Justice. Exposing corruption is a step towards Justice.

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It would seem to me that what happened to Alex is just as much a matter of corruption, as it is of security, National Security.


If someone from the outside is able to influence who gets and does not get visas, then it can work both ways.


They can hinder legitimate people like Alex from getting a visa, but can't they also help other people get visas that maybe should not get visas?


At least if there is a possibility of either of these types of inside corruption or outside influence, then any consulate, and any congressman should take it very seriously, and I would think the news media would also consider it very news worthy.


I would suggest for Alex, once he has recovered from his ordeal, that he demand that his congressman get the full details of what happened. I would think with freedom of information, he should be able to find out what happened for his own case. Who the outside person was, who inside the consulate stopped his visa from being issued, and present his case to the news media as a serious security concern that anyone should be interested in.


If I remember it only takes 15 days for a person in China to get a student or business visa. That includes background checks, and scheduling of their interview. (while we wait 3-6 months just for our interview to be scheduled)


During those 15 days, I can imagine that someone with the right know how, can allow an applicant through the process and allow them to enter the US. After that it is anyone's guess for what they would want to do.

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I will say, it's all good rhetoric and well put.... but just not my cup of tea to go demand to a congressman what he should do, or to call everyone to arm's to expose corruption.


We're surrounded by corruption but seems we will stand up against it only when it stands in our personal path... The closer you live to Washington DC the more you realize it exists (I grew up just outside of it), and the daily onslaught of trying to expose it, and daily reporting of it, and the daily inability to do anything was too much for my stomach growing up.


I'd say that there's a better chance of trying to find someone on the inside to expose the problem than getting someone from the outside to probe at it. China is a land of connections... so somebody knows somebody on the inside...


I guess I'm glad that some like to draw a line in the sand and start the good march to capital hill or whereever it takes. My only recommendation is that with Trigg at the lead, have a proof reader nearby for reviewing the submitted documentation... :unsure:

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I will say, it's all good rhetoric and well put.... but just not my cup of tea to go demand to a congressman what he should do, or to call everyone to arm's to expose corruption. 


We're surrounded by corruption but seems we will stand up against it only when it stands in our personal path...  The closer you live to Washington DC the more you realize it exists (I grew up just outside of it), and the daily onslaught of trying to expose it, and daily reporting of it, and the daily inability to do anything was too much for my stomach growing up.


I'd say that there's a better chance of trying to find someone on the inside to expose the problem than getting someone from the outside to probe at it.    China is a land of connections... so somebody knows somebody on the inside...


I guess I'm glad that some like to draw a line in the sand and start the good march to capital hill or whereever it takes.    My only recommendation is that with Trigg at the lead, have a proof reader nearby for reviewing the submitted documentation... :P


Maybe we should go back and re-read Carl's thread which started this discussion about what to do.


I think it is very important that once this case is resolved and if there is enough evidence to substantiate that there was some corruption involved someones head rolls. It is simply intolerable that this be allowed to continue.  This would be an excellent story for a news program like 20/20



I hope that you are not saying that even if there is enough evidence to substantiate corruption, you would let it go.

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I don't see it as 'letting go' or 'holding on'... There's nothing for me to 'let go of'.. Let go of the evidence?


If this is criminal, then there are people who are in the legislative and judicial and law enforcement which has to make this truly happen...


If someone investigages it and find evidence, they should do what is right under the law... I'm not in a position to let go of anything in this regard, it's not my job to prosecute.


You want something signed.. I'll sign. I have no problems with that.


My gut simply says that it's a losing battle and nothing will occur differently in the long run. I would love to be proven wrong...


If this opinion is not accepted as the free speech we all scream for, then I am more than happy to suppress my opinion and delete the comments.. I have no problem with that.

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I would think that by the time it is substantiated (implies proof), then it should be in proper hands.. how else did 'proof' come about?


If those in a position to know that something is wrong 'let's it go', then the problem is much bigger (this is just a rehash of one of my previous comments).


I think it's wrong to call someone to task on a single issue... there is probably substaniated proof of corruption and wrong doing every hour of the day... if I use a slightly looser meaning, that it is known on some level. If I think of all the people who come to my door with every possible "save the ... " , and even of the thread of shark fin soup...


In this specific case, there is only talk and no action. As soon as some action reveals itself, I am sure that people (and myself) will decide where, how, when, if they can help.

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I would think that by the time it is substantiated (implies proof), then it should be in proper hands.. how else did 'proof' come about?   


If those in a position to know that something is wrong 'let's it go',  then the problem is much bigger (this is just a rehash of one of my previous comments).


I think it's wrong to call someone to task on a single issue...  there is probably substaniated proof of corruption and wrong doing every hour of the day... if I use a slightly looser meaning, that it is known on some level. If I think of all the people who come to my door with every possible "save the ... " , and even of the thread of shark fin soup... 


In this specific case, there is only talk and no action.  As soon as some action reveals itself, I am sure that people (and myself) will decide where, how, when, if they can help.


One of the thing that conerns me is even if there is evidence of corruption, since there is international politics involved that it may be swept under the rug and forgotten. Probably the employee transfered somewhere where they could continue their graft. This is why media needs to involved.

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If Alex's congressman is going to try to find out what happened then the least we could all do would be to contact our congresspersons and ask them to join in a call for an investigation.


And there will be a lot more to be done to try to get the attention this question deserves. This is not corruption involving Air Force procurement or some nebulous issues regarding clothing tarriffs or gerrymandering of voting districts or any other of the many well known areas of corruption in our government. If there is corruption at GUZ it is our duty to question it.

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Who was it that said "If you're not part of the solution then you're....??


Difficlult to proove???? VERY!! Lengthy with doubtful outcome??? ABSOLUTLEY!!!  Take a congresional inquiry??  MAYBE.



So if it is a difficult task that takes effort and does not have a guaranteed outcome we should give in and be walked on???  The fear of losing and/or hard work and long odds hasn't really detoured many succsefull people that I am aware of.  Ya'll do whatever blows your skirt up.  IF we get any resonable facts i'll be happy to lead the march on this loosing cause!!


sorry guys but i can't even spell passive!!!!!!!!


The only cause that is truly worth fighting for is the "lost cause". Count me in.

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While talk of congressional investigations is all well and fine, I have serious doubts that our congress is willing to do much of anything that would have a positive affect on situations of this type in a reasonable time frame and politics would become a major factor when it has no place in correcting the issue.


If evidence of corruption by one or all of the visa unit is able to be located, I would recommend that the “injured parties”, specifically Alex and his SO along with any other persons who might be identified as being harmed by this type of action initiate a civil suit against the individual person(s) who are in the employ of the US Government, the illegal act removes the shield of being a government employee.


While the ability to collect damages would be minimal, the example it would set for others in similar positions would have a long lasting affect on others who might consider playing the same game. Evidence proven in a civil court can also be used to force criminal proceedings even when the government would prefer the case to go away. Plus I am sure the media would somehow hear of this from many interested parties.


I am personally willing help provide financial support to a civil suit of this nature and I am sure others would join the cause, there might even be an attorney who would be willing to take the case at a reduced rate.


The object is to make this type of behavior extremely unprofitable.

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