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Guest Gene

Someone just posted in another thread that they talked to him and the USCIS told him it looked like he had a valid relationship....But I guess until he chimes in we won't really know what the status is :unsure:

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I am in touch with Ricka all the time, and he is in constant touch with Alex. Alex has been getting others involved, to the point they know who sent in the false information, yet the embassy wont do anything about it. It was one of the ladies outside the embassy trying to get his fiance to give her money for help. In a nutshell, they know.. the case was on hold for so long, nothing happening. He has some big help, but they are still delaying and obstructing. My guess is because they would have to admit the corruption that is going on in this specific case...


Just my guess, and a rough overview of what is happening. Alex or Ricka, if you read this.. sorry if I missed anything or confused something.



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Hi My Little Republican Buddy Michael,,,, Your so right.

I just talk to Alex about 1 hour ago. He is really on Cloud nine and will post when all is said and done.

The Supervisor at the Texas Center check his paper work and call his Congressman, Yes, Yes, Alex and Ping have a Valid Relationship and She (the supervisor) will forward his Documents to one of the Staff there that was suppose to review his case and have this person Date and Sign.

The supervisor got involved through a Congressman helping Alex and intersepted Alex's case and reviewed it to see if there was any reason or if Alex needed to provide a reason WHY this happened. As we all know,,,, There was no reason for this to happen to Alex and Ping,,, Some-one has connections in the Consulate and wanted MONEY!

GEEEEEE :unsure: Does that surprise any of us here?

To make a long story a little shorter,,, Alex is waiting to here that his Documents are signed and sealed and the Visa is being issued. Really, you can't blame him. He wants to besure there are NO-MORE surprises!


Michael,,,,,, Your Wife will be here any day now :P ,,, I'm happy for you!

Rick :)

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I think it is very important that once this case is resolved and if there is enough evidence to substantiate that there was some corruption involved someones head rolls. It is simply intolerable that this be allowed to continue. This would be an excellent story for a news program like 20/20

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I think it is very important that once this case is resolved and if there is enough evidence to substantiate that there was some corruption involved someones head rolls. It is simply intolerable that this be allowed to continue.  This would be an excellent story for a news program like 20/20


You guys that have the facts send it in E-mail 20/20 Producers for TV and radio are always looking for juicy stories just like this. Even if no one can prove it, it may draw an audience. The story will raise the need for change (or at least the perception) at GUZ and possibly other places.


Of course the challenge is to convince the Producers to care about a bunch of middle-aged men getting their Chinese wives into the USA. I'm guessing here, but I don't think we'll get much sympathy from the population as a whole. Even at that, will it bring up the ratings?


Your thoughts?

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There was a high emotional toll taken I am sure and totally unjustified from our perspective...  but I'd say it would be simply time to move on.


As Gandhi said, an eye for an eye and soon the whole world is blind...


Gandhi was also instrumental in change through passive resistance. If nothing is ever said nothing ever changes. Moving on without addressing as serious a wrong as this is immoral. If we let stuff like this slide we are no better than any corrupt 3rd world government. It is unconscionable. If these charges have any basis in fact and indeed someone inside the consulate is taking bribes they should be in prison. Simple as that. Emotional? you bet.

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You guys that have the facts send it in E-mail 20/20  Producers for TV and radio are always looking for juicy stories just like this.  Even if no one can prove it, it may draw an audience.  The story will raise the need for change (or at least the perception) at GUZ and possibly other places.


Of course the challenge is to convince the Producers to care about a bunch of middle-aged men getting their Chinese wives into the USA.  I'm guessing here, but I don't think we'll get much sympathy from the population as a whole.  Even at that, will it bring up the ratings?


Your thoughts?


I think that corruption and bribes being taken by people inside the consulate would be enough to get their attention. Middle aged men waiting on Chinese brides would be irrelevant.

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