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"The Mystery of the Missing Paperwork"

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The other day, Jin emailed the consulate to see when our p3 information was entered into the computer. Last night she got a reply stating that the packet was never recieved and please resend.


I called the visa center today and they thought that was most strange, given we recieved it April 13, sent it express by EMS April 14, and was recieved on April 15, from the tracking number.


According to the computer, her background check was cleared out of GZ on May 15, yet they now claim they recieved nothing.


My questions to the troops are as follows:


1. How can they do a bacground check if they have not recieved the information?


2. If we resubmit the dats they request, what are the chances that they will just stick us back att he line and wait another 4 months more?


3. Any suggestions?


by the way, I have made sure to talk to the same guy at the visa info center. His name is Shawn and most helpful and courteous. He said all he can do is make a formal inquiry as to what has happened and he said he would email me any info that he recieves instead of having to call.

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The other day, Jin emailed the consulate to see when our p3 information was entered into the computer.  Last night she got a reply stating that the packet was never recieved and please resend.


I called the visa center today and they thought that was most strange, given we recieved it April 13, sent it express by EMS April 14, and was recieved on April 15, from the tracking number.


According to the computer, her background check was cleared out of GZ on May 15, yet they now claim they recieved nothing.


My questions to the troops are as follows:


1.  How can they do a bacground check if they have not recieved the information?


2.  If we resubmit the dats they request, what are the chances that they will just stick us back att he line and wait another 4 months more?


3.  Any suggestions?


by the way, I have made sure to talk to the same guy at the visa info center.  His name is Shawn and most helpful and courteous.  He said all he can do is make a formal inquiry as to what has happened and he said he would email me any info that he recieves instead of having to call.


They can do that stuff without the I-230 pt II and the I-169-I think those are the forms they say they haven't recieved==Right (maybe more-it's been a while)??? if you have proof--eg tracking number etc that they recieved them maube an email to them showing this and rhen resending the info to them might get you a spot in line--maybe!!!

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This stinks, but I am sure you have a few better words to describe this.


It appears the name check is performed by the NVC and GZ may do one based on the information they received from NVC. In our case 3 name checks were all performed before the file was released from NVC.


While I understand your concern about being stuck at the back of the line, you should get a new P-3 sent to them. I might suggest labeling this as "Resubmittal of Information originally received by Consulate on April 15, 2005" and include a copy of the delivery confirmation with your information. This may or may not have an affect on the manner they process the information. From my understanding your P-4 date would be soon if they had the original files.


While you will need to get the documentation to them quickly, this might be something to discuss with your congressman, I'd suggest going armed with a copy of the EMS confirmation and have your congressman request expedited treatment based on the loss of documents by GZ. Don't be surprised if they first send a request concerning the status of the case and ask if they received P-3 and then follow up. Hopefully you will be able to get the congressman's aide to move this to a direct action by the congressman.


Hopefully Shawn can come up with some good news for you.

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It is probably sitting on a desk and not yet entered in the computer. A friend was given the interview date but never received the P-4 (second date the first the P-4 was returned and he was notified after interview date) when asked for another date he was told they had no record of his case. Two months of hell later they sent the P-4. I don't mean to scare anyone but just advise to check the tracking and keep after them to find out if it was entered yet.


If you still have problems, I would write Maura Harty with all the info. After all this is probably an employee foul up and she's da boss.

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Trigg, you are correct. It is forms i-230/II and I-161/I they claim they do not have. Thank you for setting it straight about whether they still could proceed without that info.


Lee, thats a great suggestion on how to identify/label the resubmitted documents. Do not worry I will do my best to remind them that they messed up and we should not be penelized. I am also poised to bend congressional ears if the letter of inquiry results in a less than favorable outcome.


Dan, it is also my hunch it is sitting in some pile and they just dont know where it is. I am hoping that having a tracking number and reciept that this will give them a serious prod. Will have to see.


I have taken these suggestions and prepared appropriate counter measures.


Thanks all!



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Hi gang!


Still have not heard anything from the visa center folks. Hoever i do wnat to throw out advice from an attorney on what to do next. He said to resend your p3 doc, and all of your docs for p4 as well, even though it is not time yet, and see what happens.


We have the info for the p3 request, but it would be a scramble to pull all the p4 docs together at short notice.


Throwing this out to the veterans in the trenches: Does this sound like sage advice, or a Hail Mary? Should we just send in the p3 docs and wait another 6 months, or send in the p4 docs as soon as we scramble them together?


Opinions, advice and posturings always appreciated.



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Hi gang!


Still have not heard anything from the visa center folks.  Hoever i do wnat to throw out advice from an attorney on what to do next.  He said to resend your p3 doc, and all of your docs for p4 as well, even though it is not time yet, and see what happens. 


We have the info for the p3 request, but it would be a scramble to pull all the p4 docs together at short notice.


Throwing this out to the veterans in the trenches:  Does this sound like sage advice, or a Hail Mary?  Should we just send in the p3 docs and wait another 6 months, or send in the p4 docs as soon as we scramble them together?


Opinions, advice and posturings always appreciated.




I'm not sure which way is better but don't worry about the p4 docs. they are really pretty easy. Most of what you need for the interview isn't sent to them but rather hand carried to the interview/med exam. can't remmer all the numbers but i think it's an I-156 and 157 and?// someone can tell you--i've slept since i did it.

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According to the attorney's advice, i should also put my certificates of birth, police and marital status into the resending P3. but from the infomation i understand, those certificates and forms are all for me to carry for the interview and medical exam!


therefore, i do not think that the attorney's advice is right and useful, any suggetions and opinions here? thank you in advance for your reply!



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My question is, what is GUZ or DOS recommending or asking for?


I have heard in the past where GUZ is mistaken about something, but it takes a congressman to get someone to look around the room or form to fix it.


Sounds to me that it would be best to resend just the documents that are expected and missing. And that would be faster than involving a congressman anyway.

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According to the attorney's advice, i should also put my certificates of birth, police and marital status into the resending P3. but from the infomation i understand, those certificates and forms are all for me to carry for the interview and medical exam!


therefore, i do not think that the attorney's advice is right and useful, any suggetions and opinions here? thank you in advance for your reply!




Personally I would not send the certificates at this time, but if you decide to send them your should only send them copies. If they loose them you will need to show them the original certificates at the interview. (you should also have copies made for the interview)

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I think it is best to just resend the documents they are asking for, if you argue, it will just prolong the case.... something that they seem to like ....

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Guest ShaQuaNew
My questions to the troops are as follows:


1.  How can they do a bacground check if they have not recieved the information?


2.  If we resubmit the dats they request, what are the chances that they will just stick us back att he line and wait another 4 months more?


3.  Any suggestions?


by the way, I have made sure to talk to the same guy at the visa info center.  His name is Shawn and most helpful and courteous.  He said all he can do is make a formal inquiry as to what has happened and he said he would email me any info that he recieves instead of having to call.


Clearly something fishy. The process of getting the Visa is dynamic, in that everything seems to change from one moment to the next. I agree with your thinking is that they do in fact have your information, but everyone on their end is not properly communicating. Chances are quite likely that something got shuffled, and that it will show up.


Sending information again always seems to re-age the process and make it take longer.


J & L

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Resending the P-3 info might give it a jump start. Like the others I would not overload thtem with the things they are not suppose to have at this stage. I would also write a short letter saying these forms are in lieu of the P-3 originally sent on ----- . This way maybe they wont get confused wondering why they have two sets.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Resending the P-3 info might give it a jump start. Like the others I would not overload thtem with the things they are not suppose to have at this stage. I would also write a short letter saying these forms are in lieu of the P-3 originally sent on ----- . This way maybe they wont get confused wondering why they have two sets.


3. Any suggestions?


by the way, I have made sure to talk to the same guy at the visa info center. His name is Shawn and most helpful and courteous. He said all he can do is make a formal inquiry as to what has happened and he said he would email me any info that he recieves instead of having to call.


You said yourself that they have yet to perform an inquiry. Yes, agreed, you can compile your packet and send again. If you choose to do that, it would be a good idea to call this "same person" back, and request this inquiry to see if they can find the package laying around somewhere. At the same time, ask if it would be beneficial for you to send a duplicate copy while they are doing this inquiry.


You can be reasonably sure that when this "inquiry" becomes active, that your package will not have "disappeard," but rather magically show up. Unfortunately, you nor anyone else has assurance that this will happen. With that being the case, calling back again seems a good idea.


J & L

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