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GZ is not the real problem

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I see this tirp to GZ and i ask what do you plan to get out of it? And answer? to what? why? no visa? we know why. Cuase the FBI and CIA has not apporved a security clearence for you wife/fiance. It all goes back to DOS and really to who is doing the check. the FBI and CIA. the only think i feel you can get form GZ is to make sure they have reasubmited your wife/fiance's name in the last 90 days. you dont wanna ask withing 90 days or it will get stuck in the duplicate status. Im in the same boat as the rest of you. im not trying to take away you great move to going to GZ, but i wanna be sure you right about this and would like to know you real goal. Im try to help us focus on the right place. wiether its dos, ca, gz, doj.. what? so many places we talk of. but when you think about it, its realy the fbi and cia we should look at. nobody here hasnt really spoken to them at all. right? but they are the ones clearly who have the control. we need to find out the department doing this, the guy who know about this. Also, my own doctor, who i told about my situtation with the visa problem is the really try and contacting your congressmen/women in your city district. they all have local offices and we all should march down to our own office in person and ask for help. that way its face to face service and we really can use them to look into for us. cuase they do care about here district more then the dos, doj,ga, ins. whaterver.. they care the most cuase they want your votes. what would be realy great if we all can group together in our own districts and visit them. as a group or 1by1. either way, just know were all doing it.


well these are my thoughts about our problem. ive read a lot and have called faxed and emailed till i cant think anymore. but this is what ive really concluded so far. and yes, i have talked to Mr. Hayes and GZ and he is a very kind and sincear man. i really do believe that. i do think he would do all he can but he really cant. he cant touch the fbi or cia and barely the dos for us. the only thingi can recomend is getting advice from him of who we can try to contact state side. he might have some good ideas for us.


well, thanks for listening,

i know im going to visit my congress man's local office this week and then start reading up on and looking into who i can speak to at the FBI/CIA. we shouldn't be afraid. were americans, were lawful tax paying americans and we just want our loved ones to come home.

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