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First of all, thank you all for your help information and support. It has been invaluable to both of us.


Heres the lowdown:


Dan goes to the consulate armed to the teeth with every possible bit of documentation under the sun. She arrives at 7:45AM on the 30th to find a long line already formed. She waits and waits and waits. At 11:30 she is told to go to lunch and to come back at 1PM. She comes back and waits and waits and waits with no chairs to sit in. One woman mildly complains and gets yelled at by a guard. At around 3 PM, she is advised to go to number 11 (interviewer? window? I'm not clear on this).


The interviewer is a pleasant man in his thirties. He asks her if she speaks English. She responds "Only a little" He proceeds in Chinese. He asks if I speak Chinese. She advises I do very well. She asks if he wants to see my degrees. He does not. He asks how we met. How long I lived in China. If I am in China or the States now. Finally he asks to see a copy of my passport and tax forms. He then advises her she passed and gives her the pink slip. :D


Overall, the interview seemed very much decided before it even began.


Thats about all the info I have. My main concern was her lack of English, but given our history, this did not appear to be an issue. Once again, thanks to all. Dan will go scouting for plane tickets tomorrow. :lol:

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Congrats, welcome to the alumni.



Must feel good to use the word Alumni. Has Mom started the cleaning yet? Remember I won the raffle for next to be cleaned. I'm worried she'll she my comfortable bachelor pad and head straight for the nearby hotel. GUZ was never this rough :D

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Congrats, welcome to the alumni.



Must feel good to use the word Alumni. Has Mom started the cleaning yet? Remember I won the raffle for next to be cleaned. I'm worried she'll she my comfortable bachelor pad and head straight for the nearby hotel. GUZ was never this rough :greenblob:

Yes it does Dan...


Mom will arrive here Jul 5, and stay for about 3 days... might just get the dust up by then. She wants to paint, reorganize all my kitchen cupboards, etc etc... I said "In 3 days???"


See, I have had quite a few years and havent done that much..


Alumni is the best word I have heard in a while. Nothing better then getting Triggs wooohoooer up and running..



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