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When in China

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Chinese. :rolleyes: But I digress. The resurant as it seems serves chicken that is killed fresh for each meal. Sooo, I was sure I would be challenged. It was in a hot pot format so no biggie, but, I was offered a foot. :blink: And yes, it tasts like chicken. :lol:  Biggest problem was figuring out what to do with it. In all, not bad, but I'm not going to make a habit out of it. B)

Just before returning the last time I was cooked silk worms, had to explain my mind couldn't get past them.:unsure: Wish I'd been offered a chicken foot, could have made that one. :P

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Lee was it the worm stage or the pupae or chrysalis stage? I've had the roasted pupae and have heard they also serve the worm. At a really nice Shenyang restaurant we had great food and I was told my So had ordered her favorite dish and I must try it. That was the chrysalis which I ate a few of but she polished off the plate witrh gusto. I was surprised how large they were.

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No but I hear they are very healthy food. Are they on menus or is that home cooking? What areas?

When I was travelling in Qingdao, in a seafood restaurant, someone offered that to us. Very very greasy. You have to be brave enough to try that

Glad my husband was not there that time, it was a company outing.

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I was in Yantai and Penglai but they didn't call cicada seafood there :P They had very interesting sea creatures in pails and tubs at each restaurant. The fancy places used aquariums. You got to pick and I had very interesting as well as tasty snails and mollusks.

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When I was very young a school mate gave me some chocolate then after I started eating it he showed me the label on the candy container "chocolate covered beatle".

I had a teacher who had chocolates on his desk. A boy who was always misbehaving went up and asked for one. You should have seen his face when he bit into the chocolate covered grasshopper. The teacher nearly fell out of his chair laughing. :P

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Must be one of those new American style places. :lol: Actually while American Chinese is a unique style in itself it is closest to Guangdong style (Cantonese) from which it was introduced. Mandarin restaurants were taboo as being "the Communists until Nixon visited China and made it OK. THey spread fast from that time but most were a mix of styles. By that time the American Chinese and its off shoot "New York Chinese cooking were well established. Both are taught in cooking schools as regional types.

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Must be one of those new American style places.  :lol:  Actually while American Chinese is a unique style in itself it is closest to Guangdong style (Cantonese) from which it was introduced. Mandarin restaurants were taboo as being "the Communists until Nixon visited China and made it OK. THey spread fast from that time but most were a mix of styles. By that time the American Chinese and its off shoot "New York Chinese cooking were well established. Both are taught in cooking schools as regional types.

American Chinese food is not real Chinese food. These restaurants are owned by Chinese-Americans who came from Guangdong Province.




"American Chinese cuisine (ʲËéð^ or ësËéð^) is a style of cooking served by many Chinese restaurants in the United States. However, it is considered to be not authentic Chinese cuisine by ethnic Chinese but instead a cuisine geared towards Westerners."

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