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CR1 and K3 visa petitions for Chinese spouses do lag behind those from other countries. I believe it's part of the policy.


Here is one case of K3 approval for a british spouse:

~I-129F Timeline~

01/11/05 I-129F sent to Chicago

01/13/05 received at Chicago

01/18/05 NOA1 Issued

01/19/05 *touched*

01/20/05 Received NOA1 via USPS

01/21/05 *touched*

01/26/05 *touched*

01/27/05 *touched*

06/08/05 NOA2 ~ Approved



Mine has NOA1 date of Dec 27, which is 3 weeks earlier, but my I-129F is not approved yet.


If anyone else find this type of discrepancy, please post it here and provide the link. We should compile the data and send it to State Dept.

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01/19/05 *touched*

01/20/05 Received NOA1 via USPS

01/21/05 *touched*

01/26/05 *touched*

01/27/05 *touched*

Ok, let me have it. What is touched? Used to mean crazy, as in "he's touched."

The date changes, but the message does not necessarily changed.. so something was done with the package but not noted.


The joke I liked best was someone referenced them placing the applications under their feet for a foot rest.. that would make it touched... :greenblob:

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i think it all depend upon which part of the game you are in. the part you mention is the approval of the initial petition which in my opinion is NOT dependent upon the beneficiary's country of origin. depends mostly on which US service center you had to file through.


for me my NOA1 to NOA2 was 89 days from nebraska service center... at the time, this was lightening fast for nebraska! i hung around VJ at that time of our initial petition and saw a lot of NOA2 come through, and our NOA2 wait beat most other beneficiary countries... england, canada, spain etc...


unfortunately, i think it just luck of the draw. there cannot be any hard predictions, only general expectations.


well, i truly wish you the best. hope your NOA2 comes quick!!! :ph34r:

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Guest aosnow

following the timelines for about 18 mos now, I noticed that visas for canadians, brits and other western europeans seem lightning fast. perhaps they do a shorter security check? Or less of a waiting list for interviews?

Unfortunately, we have been socialized to see everything as discrimination.

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I haven't kept track in a long time but I do recall some K-1 timelines about 2 years ago for English fiances in as little as 3 months filing through VSC.  Start to finish.

it's funny how fast the service centers can change. when we went through NSC, VSC was even faster ... they were pumping out approvals in 2 weeks to 1 month... no matter what country.


since the last fall, if i recall correctly (check VJ for updated data), VSC again has slowed down somewhat.

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I would agree with the "victim mentality" comments. I also remember how pissed off I used to get when I would see cases pass me up and get interview while I was waiting 6 months for NOA-2 from NSC. Suing someone because you think you are being discriminated against is different from wanting to change the system to make it more fair for all.

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I would agree with the "victim mentality" comments.  I also remember how pissed off I used to get when I would see cases pass me up and get interview while I was waiting 6  months for NOA-2 from NSC.  Suing someone because you think you are being discriminated against is different from wanting to change the system to make it more fair for all.

Amen to that...


Also, may need to try to keep things in perspective. We have SOs trying to immigrate from the most populous country in the world....and only have ONE consulate to go through for it.


The mountain of paperwork that any immigration office (service centers, consulates, etc...) must be enormous. Unfortunately, too much does fall through the cracks, but I find it hard to believe that they even have time for "singling out" groups or individuals.



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"victim mentality"

Not so. Definitely not the case. It may seem that way. Just like the rah-rah of wmd's where almost 90% of the population went rah-rah. Only a handful, mostly with scientific background, knew from Colin Powell's UN presentation that it was a far-fetched hoax. The rest of us, we just went rah-rah because the government said so and nobody dares to antagonize the government, or else be called "victim mentality". So did what took place in 1930's and 1940's Germany. Many others have taken place, only because no one should have such "victim mentality".


Take it the way it is?, like lemmings we are supposed to be?, and then let it stretch from an inch to a mile? I dread what the consequences will be.


We should want to make sure that equality of individuals regardless of race, color, social status, or country of origin, that idealism should be held and practiced, and not let it become mere empty symbolism.

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Every since those 10 commandments were hurled to the ground and nobody could pieced those slates back together, we've non-the-less be governed by the law and Rome made sure of that...


We are a law governed and judicially minded culture... 'fair, equality, etc' are strong demands... this leads to people taking a stand when they feel unfairly treated and abused by a system... This is an ego-centric way of life, since we want what we deserve and what should be coming to me... I think that the 'victim role' is inevitable in such a situation... and comments of discrimination.

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