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Interviewer's Name

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This is a very quick review of what has been submitted.


Back to VO names for a minute.


Even if we knew the names and or physical attributes of the VO's I wouldn't tell my SO about them or their past reputation. They'll be nervous enough going to the interview as it is. All we need is high anxiety from our SOs hoping they don't get (for example) the black pearl. If the black pearl is at the window will they freak? Who knows? I just don't want to put that or any type of pressure on my SO.


Just arm them with the documents and rehearse questions and they'll be calmer and do just fine.

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...I wouldn't tell my SO about them or their past reputation. They'll be nervous enough ...

Just arm them with the documents and rehearse questions and they'll be calmer and do just fine.


I completely agree with you! She's scared, worried, uncertain if she really does have ALL of the documents and then sees 'Danny the Denyer' or 'Vicky the Visa Killer'.

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...I wouldn't tell my SO about them or their past reputation. They'll be nervous enough ...

Just arm them with the documents and rehearse questions and they'll be calmer and do just fine.


I completely agree with you! She's scared, worried, uncertain if she really does have ALL of the documents and then sees 'Danny the Denyer' or 'Vicky the Visa Killer'.

and I'll continue that agreement.. let's stop giving them names, reputations, and the like and don't worry our SOs about them...

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Well, there was a time. . . . way back in the days of the Black Hole, when we had a member named So-and-So who just had this piece of information -- which he gave me. The embassy actually answered the phone back then, hard to believe I know, and I called and asked for the VO by name and asked him if he knew of my wife's case, which he did, and I asked if he was going to be the one to interview her, and he said he was. We then went on to talk about the Deep South and China and the visa process and I said I was sorry to make trouble for him by calling and he said that was okay, that those were unusual times. And so it came to pass that when she got to the window he was waiting for her and wanted to see a picture of me and complimented the beauty of my wife's daughter and told them their visas were approved. When they came to America I called him again to say thanks and he spoke to Ping and told her good luck. Back then our great founder, PJ, actually talked to Maura Harty on the phone. They felt bad about what we went thru back then and wanted to make an extra effort to get the visa process started up again. Now, of course, things are back to normal. :P :o :blink:

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any old timers remember "only the names have been changed to protect the innocent" - - -


The privacy of the VO needs to be maintained.

All they need is for one hothead who didn't deserve to get a visa to stalk, threaten, bribe or otherwise hassle the VO's and then we would all have a lot more problems! That is why they do not have name tags and only use initials.

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I don't think that is the reason. As Americans working there they are highly visable and easily followed stalked etc if someone wants to. I think it is more the general rules of interogation where the interogator is anonymous but knows all about the interogated. It is just part of the power positioning. If someone wishes to complain to a superior, a description of the individual time and date of the interview would pin point them as easily as a name.

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It wasn't us who named her "The Black Pearl" David.  She was made famous on 001.  That is where most of the horror stories about VO's get started.

I know that.. but we continue to use this name and spread any reputation (real or not), which frankly I think is a little insulting considering the known prejudice that some chinese have about african americans...

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