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got the interview date

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Yesterday the P4 arrived at Liwen's apartment. The interview is set for June 28th. The timing was very close to the timeline estimate of June 27th (before the slight date revision). The date on the P4 was May 25th, 2005 and Liwen receved it on the morning of the 28th.

Now the fun begins: getting airline tickets, my visa, my forms filled, her forms filled, a new police report for her (her's has expired), practicing the interview questions, finding a place to stay in GZ, doing the medical exam, and taking care of a million lose ends here and there. Plus I am in the middile of negotiations on buying a house, need to fly to DC in two weeks for a three day meeting, work on a major project at work that is due around the first of July, help my daughter move to her new apartment, and let me think, what else??


Jumping for joy, clicking my heals, and going crazy all at the same time.

But the interview date is set; what more can I say?

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