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Guangzhou Theft

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I just heard from a friend who is in Guangzhou to get marriage permission papers that two guys on a motorbike grabbed his fiancees purse containing cash, their passports and her ID while they were on Shamian island not too far from the consulate.


There have been previous reports here on Candle about the Guangzhou train stations and SO's losing all their papers to theives on their way for an interview, it would be an ordeal to try and rebuild all the documentation.


I have never before seen such a collection of scum bags as I saw at the Guangzhou train station. It appeared 25% of the people milling around were waiting for an easy score. It's definately a place to avoid.


Remind your SO's of the dangers when they go to Guangzhou, apparently not even Shamian island is safe, although we did not have this experience.


Good luck to everyone on their journey!

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I just heard from a friend who is in Guangzhou to get I have never before seen such a collection of scum bags as I saw at the Guangzhou train station. It appeared 25% of the people milling around were waiting for an easy score. It's definately a place to avoid.

If you liked the train station you'll :wub: the circus outside the USA consulate.


No matter what the color of her slip after the interview, have her keep it hidden from view and both of you should be poker-faced until you are well away from the consulate!






Even if you feel a murderous rage turning your vision red. (Bad memories about my ordeal).

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I read tons of interviews of people waiting at the Blentz (?) and saying how the SO shows up there, etc... I've never read where someone said, "you won't believe what happened to my SO on the way over"... Obviously, this is a small window of time that they are alone and in route out of the consulate.


So is it better to be waiting outside the consulate for them ?

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Yeah, be careful anywhere in GZ. We had a carry on bag snatched at the airport when we were leaving China. Fortunately, it did not contain the visa papers, but it did carry $500 in cash, many valuable photographs and over 10 computer disks containing writing I had done during my five years in China.


Really try to keep an eye on things, especially at the airport, train station or bus station. :lol:

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I went to a tourist place east of Nanning called Monkey Mountain. My friends warned me about the monkeys. But, oh no, it can't happen to me. So, one monkey stole my bottled green tea out of my hand and another monkey stole a bag of peanuts by jumping on my bag and grabbing them.


Keep a tight grip on your stuff and a swivel head for your eyes. My SO said the 'human' thiefs teach other how to steal and they practice it regularly. Remember- a thief is always watching you.

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