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Well, first Jun "wasn't in the system yet" so we were told it would be around 6 weeks. A month later we recieved a letter that she could expect her SSN in 2 weeks, and to call if it didn't arrive. We waited three... no SSN yet. Called the office and got "well I see her application, but there is no number so one wasn't issued... but I don't know why something obviously got messed up somewhere" after holding for 30 minutes, got "our systems person is based in Baltimore, and she's not in her office... she might not be back until Monday. We'll call you when we know something"


"When we know something" lol this is the government... I'll die of old age before they "know something"


All of this BS DOES stop at some point, doesn't it?

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Jason: We went to our local SSN office 3 days after she got here. Nice lady tells us that her name won't show up in their system until 10 days after she enteres the country. Lady says if she submits the forms now it will create an inquiry and that could easily take a few months to resolve. She tells us she will hold on to our forms and submit them in 10 days. Waited for 2 hours to find this out. Gave us a phone number to call after 2 or 3 weeks. 3 weeks later still have not heard from them. Called them. Could only leave a message so I left one, what's up? 2 days later called again. Got another lady. She cant find my papers and says my name is not in the system. Go back to SSA office and wait another 2 hours. Get the nice lady I talked to on the phone. She says only the case worker that started my case can check the status and she isn't in today. Went back a THIRD time (only had to wait 1/2 hour this time). Guess what - she was out sick that day. Called again a third time. Lady says I am in the systm and she should get her card any day. Wait another 2 weeks to find out that since we moved, the post office will not forward the SSN card. Go back to our local office a forth time to change our address. She almost told us to come back with our ID and file again!!! She started to see smoke come out of my ears so she realized that she had made copies of all the forms. Then she said wait a minute and came back with our papers. Ohhh, here is her SSN and you will get the actual card in 2 weeks. We did get the card as stated and it all worked out in the end. But it did take 4 visits and 4 calls to their special inhouse number that I wasn't supposed to have!!

MORAL OF THE STORY: Wait 10 days before appliying for SSN and do not change your address while waiting for the card!!!

Whew, I feel better now! :D

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called AGAIN. Got... "We WERE going to issue the card, but then got an 'integrity report' asking among other things if she had informed DHS that she was married and no longer K-1"




I said she IS still K-1... we filed AOS, and when we applied for her card, it was in her married name, we brought her marriage cert in as proof... we were married BEFORE application.


"But has she notified DHS?"


Of course!


"That's all we needed... she should get her card within 2 weeks and another approval letter"


WTF again?? That simple? Why do I not trust this?

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