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What happened to our P3?

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The message I sent to the Great GUZ, master of the non-sequitur:


"We returned the P3 on April 19. Have you received it? It has been two


If you have not received it yet, should we send those documents again?"


The reply I received today:


"This office has not received the completed Form DS230-1 and 169 from you. We are unable to continue the application processing unless you return these to this office."

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Dont worry yet, my girl got her P3 on the 28th of April (they day i flew to see her) and when i arrived on saturday (due to a plane cancelation on friday) my girl said she sent it back overnight on friday and she tracked it and the tracking number shows it was delivered on the 29th,but i called DOS on May 9th and they told me GZ has not received it yet, since i was just in China and GZ area they just got off the MAy holiday and i went to see the GX office just to see it and it was not open.

so dont worry, i called the DOS on a friday which would have been GZ's time friday evening and the DOS said they not get our package from the NVC,but on a monday when i called back they told me the p3 was sent on friday, so i think it takes a couple of days to show up in the DOS system also, all i can say is be patient because good things come to those who wait.


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Yeah, I have a feeling it is there and just hasn't been logged in. I am a little miffed, but not too worried, because I could just send the forms again, or wait for my I-130 papers to get there (the I-130 case is finished, NVC just hasn't sent it.)

I guess what makes me as mad as anything is that Guangzhou's response is completely dislogical when you look at the mail I sent.

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The email I got yesterday from Guangzhou in response of my question if they had received our P3 sent April 27th was " We have not finished processing the mail from April" My guess is your P3 is sitting in that pile from April just waiting ....

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I just sent an email off to the consulate asking about our P3 papers. It has been 3 weeks and still so far they cannot confirm or deny recieving them.


I included in my email that if they cannot confirm they have arrived yet, that I will ask my fiancee to fax them a second copy and also EMS a second hard copy. I figure, if they are smart, they will want to avoid a flood of extra papers and will at least try to find the first set.


Maybe we all should do this, fax and send copies until they finally realize it is easier to get the job done sooner rather than later?


The reply I received from my previous email request would be rather humorous, if in fact it were not for the most important papers and event in my life. Here was their reply:



We process thousands of cases, forms and written inquiries from

applicants, petitioners and lawyers of record. We handle them as fast as we can in the order received. We cannot confirm if we have received the forms yet. Please contact us in a few weeks to see if we receive them.



As I read this, it seems to basically say that we are too busy to figure out if we have received your papers, but you can check with us in a few weeks. But the logic would dictate that if they are too busy now, they will still be too busy in a few weeks, so it is a never ending cycle of never knowing if they have recieved papers.


I also thought ... how funny it would be to apply this logic in other situations ...


You go to a restaurant ... who severs thousands of customers each month. You place your order and sit back and wait ... after 30 minutes, you ask the waiter, are they finished with the meal I ordered. And the waiter comes back and says, I'm sorry, you know we get thousands of customers ordering meals each month, and we process them as fast as we can. As of this time we cannot comfirm we have received your order, but please come back in few weeks and we'll see if we have received it then.


You go to a bank to deposit $10,000. You give them the cash and expect a reciept. After waiting for 30 minutes you ask if your reciept is coming. The bank teller says, you know, we get thousands of customers each month. We work as fast as we can go get you your receipt. Come back in a month and we will see if we have your reciept at that time.


And so on ...


Unfortunately, knowing if the consulate has our papers and if they are all set, and waiting for the interview of much more value than these stories. It is too bad they do not treat our lives with a little respect and professionalism.


We'll see what their reply is to my latest email. Maybe after some extra fax copies of our papers and printed copies they will finally be able to acknowledge they have received our papers.


I also wonder if we are not beginning to see some delays in the system due to the consulate move. Maybe the papers arrived but they don't want to process them until everything gets move to the new office space. So they hold all the P3 in a holding area, and after the new offices are open, the send them there to be opened and processed for the first time.


Hopefully that is not true.


Time will tell



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Well, it looks like we're all in the same boat. I'm not too worried about it. At least that lets us each know that it's not likely to be a problem with our papers in particular -- they're just behind of entering P3s.

I also found out today that my CR-1 case got forwarded to Guangzhou on May 9. I hope my wife can get a visa based on that rather than K3. Sounds like it would be much easier. But I'm not canceling anything -- just going to take whichever one gets us an interview first. We have already waited too too long.

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James, this has been discussed before but I had heard it is best to ask Guangzhou to combine your K3 and CR-1 cases. That way when you would get your K3 interview it could be an interview for you CR-1. This way it avoids a delay because CR-1s are sent back to the US for a security check.

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My K3 case being slightly ahead of my CR-1, I think it will work out perfectly. They will, hopefully, schedule the interview based on the K3. Then, after it is scheduled, I'll say hey, you have my CR-1 case too, could we interview for that?

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Good news! Finally found out our P3 was in the computer, the oh so helpfull woman I talked to at DOS was just told me our case was pending and was going to hang up but I did get the information from her.


James, wulongtea, Inxsfan I think all of yours should be in the computer now too!

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