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Strict US visa policy scares away students, investors Wed May 4, 3:30 AM ET



WASHINGTON (AFP) - A teenage Asian girl with a valid student visa was handcuffed and deported for entering the United States five days earlier than stipulated, highlighting strict American immigration policy.




A 79-year-old British historian, who came to work at the US Library of Congress on the life of US former chief diplomat Henry Kissinger, was herded on arrival in a wheelchair at Washington's Dulles airport to a small room facing a superintendent with a revolver in his hip for no apparent mistake.


Although all his travel papers were in order, "I was stopped and treated rather disgracefully," lamented Sir Alistair Horne at a conference in Washington Tuesday.


Stringent enforcement of US visa policy and seemingly overzealous immigration officers following the September 11, 2001 terror attacks are not only scaring away foreign students and tourists but dampening the investment climate of the world's richest nation and taking a toll on its economy, experts told the conference organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.


Among the other cases cited to highlight the economic, security, scientific and diplomatic implications of changes in US visa policy were:


-- An international business conference in Hawaii had to be shifted to Hong Kong at the last minute because the organizers could not obtain travel papers for most of its participants, who were from China.


-- Some of US aviation giant Lockheed Martin Corporation's testing of its civil space activities have been delayed because visas could not be obtained on time for Russian scientists.


-- A company in northern Illinois waited in vain for seven months for its prospective buyers from China to get a visa to inspect its products and close a multi million dollar sale. Eventually the company became bankrupt and was auctioned off.


According to one private sector study, US businesses lost nearly 31 billion dollars in sales between 2002 and 2004 because foreign executives could not get into the United States to purchase American goods and services or attend trade shows.


From 2003 to 2004, there was a roughly 30 percent decline in the number of applicants for US graduate programs and correspondingly 20 percent decline in admissions, university figures showed.


The situation is critical and requires the personal intervention of President George W. Bush, former defense secretary Frank Carlucci told the conference.


He said Bush should act to stop further erosion of US popularity overseas.


"It is part and parcel of the anti-Americanism around the world and if the President is serious about addressing that, in that context, he has to address visa policy," Carlucci said.


" President Bush can demonstrate leadership and demonstrate that the country is not anti-foreigner and that we are not closing the gates and he can encourage the bureaucracy to make sense out of a patchwork quilt -- it is slowly coming together but needs to come together much faster."


Lockheed Martin's corporate international business development vice-president Richard Kirkland said "what is important is predictability and process" of getting approval for visas.


Nearly 100 percent of aerospace programs in the United States involve some form of foreign participation or content, he said.


"America's post-9/11 visa policy is threatening our country's economic security, and reforms are needed to boost US exports, maintain our technological leadership and create jobs," said Don Manzalo, head of the small business committee at the House of Representatives.


"Multinationals are setting up shop overseas to avoid our arbitrary visa process," said Monzalo, who is campaigning for a fast track visa program for companies.


He had brokered a deal between the United States and China earlier this year allowing executives to travel between the two countries under a single visa for 12 months instead of seeking new visas for each trip.


The Migration Policy Institute, an independent think tank which studies movement of people worldwide, said Tuesday it was convening a bipartisan panel of US lawmakers, business leaders and public policy and immigration experts to consider immigration reforms.


"Neither national security nor individual liberties can be properly safeguarded in the United States without sensible and effective immigration laws," said Lee Hamilton, among those who led a special commission that investigated the 2001 terror attacks.


William Webster, former CIA and FBI head, said by scaring away foreign students, "we are losing an opportunity for public diplomacy because the best ambassadors we can possibly have are these students."


Jordan's ambassador to Washington Karim Tawfiq Kawar said there had been a drop of more than 30 percent of students from the Arab world coming to the United States to study.


A survey showed 65 percent of students from six Middle East countries still wanted to study in the United States but "only one quarter of those who came here had a positive experience."

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Guest aosnow

on the other hand...I read that there were 16,000 people in NY City alone who had already been ordered removed by an immigration judge and now can not be found.

Maybe we can relax after we get a handle on who is here, why and whether they should be here.

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on the other hand...I read that there were 16,000 people in NY City alone who had already been ordered removed by an immigration judge and now can not be found.

Maybe we can relax after we get a handle on who is here, why and whether they should be here.

I have seen numbers like this before... if they were really serious, they'd go door to door.. since it actually shouldn't be that hard to predict where they hang our or are...


Apparently it's about $2500 to get a visa on the black market or through a 'friend'.. so they get here and never return...

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I just got a call from the National Republican Commitee for a donation. Guess what I told them. "When it takes a year and a half for my wife to be allowed entry to the US and Bush is proposing amnesty for illegals......".


The guy said he would pass along my comments and wished me a good evening.

I'm suprized he didn't do an Archie Bunker on you and call you a pinko commie for marrying a Chinese national! B) :lol: :lol:


OR, he could have done an Ahhnold on you "Ve need to klose all za borders" :o :o :o

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