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Posts posted by N&J

  1. I have been reading about the interviews and the problems some are having or were having with the VO saying no because of poor ENglish skills.


    Hui has done so well learning English. She speaks 80% of her answers back to me in English when we chat in MSN.


    She still dose however have trouble understanding me when I speak so I type out alot of what I am saying as I speak it to her.


    She is studying everyday and has 3 hours of private lessons a week starting from last week.


    I hope they dont white slip us because she is not up to a lvl they would like to have.


    Well we still have 8-10 weeks before the interview so I think she will have still have some time to learn.


    I wish they could let me come to the interview then they could see we have no problems talking to eachother.




    Hope you and your SO the best. I know it's hard, try not to worry. Just keep your fingers crossed, it's not guaranteed WHITE if her english is poor.


    Don't put too much stress on her to be able to speak english for the interview otherwise she may freeze.


    She can ask for to do the interview in Mandarin. She'll be fine. You'll have a blessed holidays.


    GOOD LUCK and Merry Christmas

  2. I would echo people who say not to reschedule. If you cannot make it, you cannot make it. Another point to note is that if you do reschedule, it may be close to the Chinese New Year. Trust me, you do not want to be traveling at that time within China (if your wife is not from Guangzhou she will be using train/plane to get there). When we traveled a week before Chinese New Year, I had a panic attack because there were just so many people in the train...couldn't even walk to the bathroom. So for that reason, as well, I would not want to risk rescheduling it and getting a date very close to Chinese New Year.


    Just by looking at your timeline, I would say you have a fairly strong case because you met while working together and waited almost a year before you filed. Of course I cannot say anything for sure, no one can, but if you have everything prepared for her, she should be fine at the interview alone if you should choose not to go.


    Best wishes and let us know how it goes!


    echo that


    with the Chinese new Year, you may not even be able to get a date until after it. and if you do, you may end up waiting or going back to get your visa since the consulate will be closed for the extended period of time.


    here is the 2010 holiday schedule




    good luck

  3. Just like everyone who got a white result, I now know their pain and anger. My fiancee got the blue during the interview for a K1 visa and we submitted everything on the list. I went back to China 3 times, have thousands of pictures from many places in China, have our engagement party and wedding gown pictures taken. I have a cosponsor and gave all the financial records. Plus I am in the military right now. I am baffled and angry and wonder why, why. I have moved from the shock and now plan on going back to China and get married with my fiancee and file a CR-1. It's going to be a long wait and take a lot of effort and money. Will I get an explanation of why the VO did not approve our visa? Did the same VO who interviewed my fiancee the same VO who reviewed the stuff we sent into the U.S embassy for review? That VO was a black lady and people have warned us that she is the toughest to get a visa. Unfortunately that's who my fiancee got during the interview. If anyone can help, I have several questions in going about CR-1 instead of K3. Is it easier to get CR-1 to approve than a K3 visa? What about the documents we submitted for K1 visa, will the Custom and Immigration Service send it back to the U.S embassy in China to add to the evidence for the CR-1? What do I need to do here in the U.S before I go back to get marry and file for a CR-1? I heard I need to have my passport and a single certificate notarized in a Chinese embassy in the U.S before I can go to China to get marry, is that true? Does anyone of you know anyone who got denied of a CR-1 visa? How long is the wait for a CR-1? Can someone who got a CR-1 visa approved give me some advice on what they did that made they successful. Thank you



    :D I want to give an update on our visa journey. My wife interviewed this past week for a CR-1 and was approved. She has the visa in hand and plan on arriving here in December. I want to give thanks to all those who help us along the way. I especially want to thank: splinterman (thanks for sharing your visa experience with me, best of luck with your wife's interview), joejoefta (thanks for helping me with the electronic processing), chilton747 (thanks for your advice and support), N + W (thanks for being the first to offer support to me), mei3935 (haven't seem you post on your wife's interview result, hope she got the visa that you guys deserved), SmilingAsia (good luck on your own visa journey), heyjimi (thanks for your advice), dnoblett (thanks for your continual commitment in helping those like me who needed the help) , and Marc Ellis (thanks for your guidance in our visa) . Without you guys and this wonderful website, we would not have gotten this far. As a lot of you have experienced the injustice denial of your love one's visa, it's a mixed feelings of horror, anger, and despair. I was afraid of our K-1 denial might mean I will never be able to get my wife here, especially the how insensitive the GUZ embassy treated us the first time as all of you who have gotten denial experience knows. I was very fortunate overcame some of the possible causes of our denial and able to get approved for the visa in 6 1/2 months with the electronic process. There's is no template from the USCIS on the visa journey, but this great website has guided me along the way. I want to congratulated all of those who have gotten your love ones the visa, and offer support for those who are having difficulties in visa journey. Thanks






    so happy your (visa) journey (horror) is over.

    Good luck and also thank you for your service to our country.

    God Bless and God Speed.


    Now we root for splinterman. He's up next. :)

  4. Is there a conversion fee from US to RMB? I've been using the global Remittance from Wells Fargo to Agricultural Bank of China when sending money. This has been the best and cheapest option, but is only limited to one bank account and one bank.


    I am checking on this with my paypal account rep. But he hasnt got all the answers for me yet. Should be soon. I will post once I hear.

    hello, did you hear anything back from paypal on a percentage fee when converting US to RMB, if any? It would be interesting to know where they get the daily rate. Thank you for your help.



    this is where they will probably make their 'money' ** Money changers


    maybe someone can try it, small amount and see how much really made it at the other end. :worthy:

  5. Here it is...Note though, it's been down all day today.



    Thanks so much, Squirty.


    Okay, now I'm NOT happy. Fiance just got an email saying that as of today they have not yet received his documents!! Impossible! We sent them over a week ago by EMS, and I tracked the package and it said it arrived the same day we mailed...!


    Alright, I'm trying not to panic, but this is discouraging. Is this normal? Maybe they just haven't sorted the mail yet but it's sitting in the building?!


    *helpless sighs* :)


    don't expect replies too quickly

    the answers to your email is not from the VO


    if the VO has entered the info into the computer, then your email will get answered.


    you got to be patient. takes times. Expect at least 2 weeks for it to get entered as received. They get a lot of mail


    then expect at least 1 month for the VO to get to it and make a decision.


    good luck on getting here by Christmas. It will be close

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