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Everything posted by Ross

  1. HEy this is Ross again. My wife just got her background check fom the police and its one small peice of paper. Does this sound right? Its not even 8 by 11 but a small peice. Its got the red stamps but I am still wondering. Ross
  2. You guys have a problem wit the on demand water heaters? Right now im staying with my wifes parents as we are waiting for her visa and they have one of the water heaters that goes on when you need hot water and its BEAUTIFUL. I want to get one when we go back to the US, a freind was staying here also for a bit and we could take 3 back to back to back 30 min showers with hot hot water. Its great, and it never doesnt fire up, if you have it set right. YA the electric water heaters suck, short showers with only alittle pressure. Ross
  3. I filed direct, you need to show both your residence card along with your passport with a work visa/student visa. Also you dont file at the embassy you file at the ucbs? er the new office ucibs? erm? Cant rember the acronym. If you have lived here and have the stuff the people will take you right through it, if your wife is there you can fil out ALL the forms there and they will check to make sure if you have not made mistakes, then file it for you.
  4. The thing about the family helping, its always true, the family helps out a ton in China. My wife always says, why did i have to marry a poor american? kinda as a joke, but the thing is that my family and i are not poor, not even close really its just that americans dont share money in the family the same way that chiense people do. Ya and designer clothes i china for a chinese person are damn expensive.
  5. I just want to add me 2 cents in, a little late, but i just read this thread. Since my wife and i are younger 26 and 24 than jsut about anyone else on here, and comes from a different background than many others i just want to add that these type of things make a huge difference on some ones outlook. She never dealt with crushing poverty that you all speak of. I've been living in China for the last 2 years, where i meet her and i know that her family is not normal. However I would like to put a word in here for the affluent chinese. Some of the things that i have noticed is a HUGE reliance on what school the man, or even person goes to. My wife has a tendancy to look down upon anyone that didnt go to a good, tier one school. While height is very important as other people have mentioned coming from a "good"family is equally important. From what i have seen chinese girls like to shop just as much as american women, this is also from having taught in university here for 2 years. I have found people here very judmental of the lower classes, i have found very little sympathy among the higher class for those that have less money. Education is more important as stated so many times by me to them than a western woman. I have found that Chinese women want there guys to do more for them than a western women would, want the guy to pay, where as when i was in college most women would not let a guy pay. Dunno this i very disorganized, but my 2 cents none the less Ross
  6. Ya i know that i need the 864, but my 6 months ran out and now i have to do it again. I dont have a job line-up at all, but i tihnk i can do something. Ross
  7. yes i know, but i want jenny to answer, becuase she also did a direct filing, and it works differently than the people that do it in the US.
  8. The already married visa, which one is that? k-1? WE've been married for a bit under a year.
  9. Um jenny you there? i never sent my 864 to the nvc, since im doing a direct filing i havent sent anything there ever. What am i supposed to do with the 864 then? I thouht i was just supposed to give it to them. Ross
  10. OK, is the avidavid of support the -864 form? we are both pretty young, im 26 and shes 24 so i had my parents sign the 864 form, um, i dont have a job when we get back so im not sure on that. She worked as a translator in shezhen, and a university teacher in the 2 years shes been outta university, so her english is "pretty" good. Ive lived in China he whole time ive known her, so we have been living together for a bit.
  11. Ok we are wondering how you get the police record. We have not been able to figure it out. Also our interview is coming up and we are wondering for what reson that she would be turned down. We have lived together in China for 1 d a half years and meet here while we were working
  12. No, before i was wondering about the p-4, and the date of the interview. OK i have been eamiling them, i was just wondering if there was another way to do it. Ross
  13. I see that everyone knows the dates of the name check, how can i figure this out? There is something about checking via email, I've gone to the ucis websitebut all i have is a GUZ number becuase i did a DCF. How do i get this done? Ross
  14. Um we are already most of the way on the visa process we did a dcf 5 months ago, or so and are just waiting for the p-4 to be sent. We just want to be able to goback and get used to the US before we go over for good.
  15. Hey all My name is Ross and ive posted on here a few times before, im wondering what happens with the tourist Visa if my wife and i want to go back to the US to wait for the interview, we both live in Xi'an right now. Also would she have to have her interview in the place where her living permit is, or the closest to where we are living now. Her permit is for Jiangjiang, Guanzhou. Ross
  16. I an now at the stage where i need the police form and birth certificate for my wife, she doesnt have them. I am living in china so i am "helping" her with it. Does any one know the way that you are supposed to get them? Ross
  17. I was wondering if it ws different for people that are doing a direct consular filing will be faster?
  18. Hello all, my name is Ross and my Wife and I are currently living in Xi'an. Ive got some questions about the queue, onthe packet that we got from the Guanzhou Consulate it said that our date was sept the 28th. Which would be the day that i did a direct consular filing. So is it going to be about 4 to 5 months from that date? Or 4 to 5 months from the date that we spent the P-3 packet in? Also i know that it is much faster to do a direct consular filing. Heres my timeline so far. Sept 28 got to beijing, Filed out the i-130, paid for said 130, was in the system dec 27 filed p-3 packet.
  19. The Ni gai etc. expression is agood one, it means that you lose face for all chinese people, its not rude at all, but makes them lose a tremendous amount of face if they are at all educated. I also get stared at allot, Ive got curly light brown/red hair and a very light complaexion, it just shouts lao wei. However many chinese people dont think my wife is chinese, they seem to think she is either Japanese or abc and cant speak CHinese, because they continue to talk about us loudly on the bus like we dont understand, ok maybe i dont understand, but she definately does. Ive also pretty much gotten fed up with the rudeness and ignorance that you can find in China, and am very much looking forward to moving back to the states. Ross
  20. Shoot sorry i looked at your webpage, iyour in Dailian, theres not that many people here that are living in China. Ross
  21. You must be in Harbin, i am currently living in Xi'an with my wife, but in the last year we have also lived in Beijing and Shenzhen. I usually have one of three reaction when people are rude in China, first i just ignore them. Which happens the most often, second i will use some of my Chinese on them, something on the order of Ni ma biadza, cao ni ma, or someinthg of a similar order. Third if they are being to pushy i will just push past them. Usually it is not worth the effort to start an arguement, and the only people that the first words should be used on are peasants. However if the people look to be of a higher calss you can say Gei gongwen du lian. Ross
  22. Thanks so much jenny, ya i was getting the run around also. Look at the website is less than helpful. OK, thanks a ton again, ill messgae again if i have anymore questions. Ross Hey, could i get your beijing number by chance? You could send it some other way if you dont wanta post it here, since we are in the same time zone it should be easy to ask, if not it doesnt matter at all. Ross
  23. Ok my name is Ross Yarlott, im married and living in Xi'an, and I am about to get my residence permit, again, in a couple of days. I was wondering what is required to do a direct consular filing. I know that i am supposed to do it in the city that is in my district (beijing), but i was wondering what the proper procedure was. Thanks Ross
  24. Hello my name is Ross, i was wondering waht form to first fill out, i am currently living in China, right next to Guanzhou, so I am right next to where i need to get this done, I was woondering what form i first fill out if i was smarried in CHina, and am currently living here, becasue i know that it is differenet than the normal one Thanks in Advance Ross
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