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Everything posted by NicolaNSam

  3. Well its done! We are finally married. Everyday is like a dream. All this waiting and BS was bootcamp and now that i'm through it all I'm glad I went through it. I now realize how much Nicola means to me! I will never take her for granted! Every second of the wait was hell but with bootcamp over I am stronger because of it. I know everyone waiting HATES hearing this at this time but trust me once she or he arrives in America it will be like a dream. Can you just imagine getting up in the morning with your MM right next to you. Can you imagine driving and visiting friends and she's with you. Dreams do come true. Some people dream of making millions and other's just dream of having thier loved ones with them! I can't believe it! I'm the type of person that wishes pain upon myself before I see other's suffering and I can only promise everyone that this day will come for all of you. Let us all never forget what we went through. Good luck to all of you! I couldn't of made it a single day without all of your support and kinds posts!
  4. Jeff Run and Run like hell!! Your talking about volunteering for 13 hours of make up and patience. They brought us outside and took pictures. I'm glad we took them now but it was HELL! I was dying! If you hate shopping this is worse! They put makeup on me for the love of God! The pics cost us around $250 or so. Actually it was a little fun (I'll never admit that again!) If you need any numbers for Zhongshan PM me. Sam
  5. Shantou!! Do not get me started with Shantou and Chaozhou!! Anyone have fiance's from there? I lost SOOOOOOOOO much from that town!! The first time I went to China to order vases the guy that was with me had more experience. I met a guy from Shantou and my friend left the guy's place. I ordered and he begged me not to. I said how can you judge a guy from his entire town! Well he cheated me sooooooooooo bad! I almost lost my business before I started! Then........I go back and find another guy from Chaozhou.....next to shantou.......and he was SOOOOOO nice. He cheated me BAD too. I realized maybe the majority of people from that area are hard to deal with! No offense if anyone's MM is from there.
  6. Great News Terrence!!! Congradulations to you and your wife! We are out of here on the 13th!! Hope you see your wife soon!
  7. Nicola said the oath thing was kinda long and hard to read. I would think everyone had to read it. She said the paper was taped to the VO's window and it started something like: I sincerely affirm that blah blah blah (Something like my information was true......she said the other words were easy as hell but the part of I sincerely affirm was hard to read. It ends with "this information is correct to the best of my knowledge) She practiced in the waiting room while sitting down, before the interviews were open. She said there is another copy of the oath on the wall and it states that you have to read the oath before the interview. It was also written in Chinese so I would guess you can also read it in Chinese. I would teach the words sincerelyand.....these are not common speaking words. Also.......(She is asking me to tell you guys this HAHA) She said she had to go to the interview window three times total. All she had to do was go inside the interview room and wait until they ask you to hand in your Hospital paper work and get your interview number (not window number but interview number), give your fingerprint to another window, and wait till a electronic screen shows your interview number which will then show your interview number. For example, the screen showed 1-11. She was first to be interviewed and had to go to window 11.
  8. Sesame! Thanks so much for the information! Its always good to have more than one person to ask a price from! Kim I can't wait to get home and see New Orleans! We may be up in Baton Rouge sometime. If your ever in New Orleans let us know so we can all meet. I always get jealous about these oregon guys having get togethers while us loners are left to wonder how the rest of our family is Thanks again guys I hope its as fast and painless for everyone.
  9. Trigg!! We're trying for June13th departure and then get home to New Orleans about June 14th but this early notice and tickets are expensive!! I gotta get home 2 months here!
  10. Thanks guys so much!! Nicola said that the 60 or so people inside the room (Some had to stand because there were not enough chairs) were either K Visa's or CR1 the business visa H1 people were in another room. They looked at nothing of her's at all! We went back at 4:00 and picked up her visa the same day. She got window 11 a women and she said that it was soooooooooo hard to understand them because there were people getting interviewed on both sides of her, the loud speaker was calling names and numbers out, and they were talking through a thick glass but she did say that the lady talked slow and repeated herself. The lady asked her to raise her right hand and take a oath that Nicola read by herself. I'm not sure if anyone knows anything about the oath and what it states. It would help to go over the oath if your MM's are going to read it. I stick with the nice clothes helped story! HAHAHA Think about it! Its an interview! You make a impression with how you appear during your interview! There is NOOOOOOOOO way anyone on this site can tell me that people don't get judged by appearance! While I was waiting for Nicola to come out the people with slippers and cut off shirts were ALWAYS carrying blue slips (These people were going for their business visa's not K visa's) and the guys that came out in suits and ties came out smiling! That's the business section but I think it still applies to the K-Visa section. Even if it didn't make any impression during the interview, it helped! Why? Because women love clothes! Who can deny that! Nicola wore comforable nice clothes that she liked and it made her feel more confident and relaxed during her interview! I hate wearing formal things and 90% of the time i'm in shorts and T-shirts but when its interview time I think its important to be formal. The other thing that helped us get this misery over with was the fact that we went out there around 6:40 and were let in at 6:50. She got in and out fast! She was the first to be called to get her visa too. Two America guys were waiting outside with me and they said the VO never looked at any of their information either. We did all agree that our MM's had a HUGE stack of evidence ready though. One last thing! I was waiting right outside the gates and these two girls that give advice and what not to people and print forms were trying to give their business cards to the same person. One started yelling at the other and the tall one starts pointing her finger in the little one's face. I saw the little one move back and the tall one kept going until she started slapping the poor little girl! A left and a right and finally the short girl had enough! AIIIIIIIIYA! A kung fu kick to the tall girls stomach and down she went! The tall girl who to me appeared the instigator went down and acted like she's crying and started pointing at the little girl and tried to get pity. Well a few police and a couple of witnesses later they throw out the tall girl! What a day!!! HAHAHA I'm a business man and I have to admit that if I knew enough Chinese and knew it was going to happen I would have sold tickets and refreshments! HAHAHAHA I brought my digital camera but forgot my memory stick at Nicola's house! I'm a genious! Sorry to blab so much I don't think i'm a professional just cause we got our visa. I just wanted to be as detailed as I could and give my opinion about what we did right so it would help other people. I'm 100% sure that all the evidence we needed was that Nicola was pregnant but these were some issues that other people could benefit from! (My God my fingers are tired from typing too much) Talking about Hands getting tired! HAHAHA Anyone with a craving for American groceries or the ever famous Cheetos can stop by beatrice grocery store on Shaminia island! They even have ravioli, doritos, pasta, cereal, real bread, pancake, and cream chease!! I got SOOOOOOOO much junk food from there!
  11. Yes! They told her to come back the same day at 4:00
  12. I also forgot to say that we woke up at 6 AM were in line at 6:35 were let inside at 6:50 and then she was the first to get interviewed and came out with her approval by 9:20. Waking up a little earlier helped save us time because there were about 60 people inside waiting to get interviewed and they probably came 30 or so mins later. I think the clothes helped a little because its an interview and just gives a good impression. You can't lose asking your fiance to dress nice it can only help.
  13. They looked at nothing!!! Just asked a few questions: 1) When did you two meet? 2) Where does he work 3) Do you plan to marry when you arrive in America 4) Have you or your fiance married before She said sign here and you will get your visa TODAY at 4:00. That's it!! They also complimented her three times on her english. Nicola wore a really nice outfit that we bought from G2000 here in China for less than $100 and I think it made a difference. She said they never looked at our financial papers or ANYTHING!
  14. Robert I re-read my post and it seems like i'm being a smart ass! LOL! Really I didn't mean anything personal towards you! I know exactly what your talking about Shanghai, Shenzhen, even Nicola's home town of Zhongshan all have areas where you can buy items just as good as America. We went to furniture stores in those areas that sell their items higher than American stores. I'm talking about $5,000 USD bedroom sets Again! Nothing personal
  15. Anyone have a typical rate for the victory hotel and their phone number. I looked all over this site and couldn't find it!
  16. I agree with sylinchinastill 100%. There is no doubt in my mind that products made for export are MUCH higher quality then the crap the Chinese sell to their local market! You have no idea how many Chinese people I have seen buy things made in China from America and bring it back just because they don't have access to such high quality goods! Our furniture factory boss visited us a few months ago and bought $500 worth of made in china watches to bring back to China! Most of the companies in China brag about making "export quality" merchandise! I have disscussed with sooooooooooooo many Chinese people about the poor quality and most say the same thing. A factory in China doesn't usually get repeat business and 90% of their customers only care about the price! I'll be the first to admit that there was a factory that used to sell an item for 50% higher than other factories but it was much higher quality. I bought from him and everyone that came to buy from me said they saw the same thing for MUCH cheaper. Its not the same mine was nicer quality but you can only tell if you put the two next to each other. Quality is important up to a certain degree. I took my loss and ordered from the cheaper factories the next time around.
  17. Here's the link from Don's post: http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzho...u/iv/email.html Good luck and make sure you put your GUZ # on everything you send to them
  18. It will be over soon enough Wayne. Just take your time. Let them pass your wife up now and you can show them how strong it made you in the later years when your both together!
  19. Hey! This is great for us because we won't have a mob to pass up to get to our interview line!! Yeah!! I also hope that it helps everyone else waiting for their P4's!!!
  20. Doesn't Disney have those "Advance Ticket" thingies now? Get a ticket with a time that lets you skip to the head of the line when you show up? hmmm.... maybe Guangzhou could use those. advance ticket I like that! How much of these line can I be with Nicola during? Am I just walking her up to the first line and waiting or can I at least wait in line with her till she gets inside?
  21. Thanks again guys! Carl I think she will love the lines.....its good practise for Disney world! HAHAHA Wait in a 4 hour line for a 5 min ride! HAHAHHA
  22. Way to go Jason!!! Take your good news and run!! I can't go to your site! Let us know when its up!
  23. Thanks Guys! We already finished all our medical stuff and not very nervous. Hard for them to tell a pregnant women she is not in a relationship! HAHAHA
  24. Okay simple question. Our interview says 8:30 interview. Does everyone's say that and it takes 2 hours to get inside? What time should we arrive. I know this has nothing to do with us but we passed the consulate last night and there was a HUGE line of people waiting outside already!!! (Night before!!) just to get a good spot for their business visa since there is no longer a interview schedule! I couldn't believe it! So how do we pass these people up? Just tell the guard that we're K1? What time should we arrive? Thanks guys!
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