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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Scarin' 'em?? Ain't you western coastal folk ever heard 'o truth in advertizn'???
  2. Just in case some of you haven't been following the Oregon get together 4 thread that is pinned at the top of the general discussion forum ( see said same for details), the Oregon thing has gone national. It will be featuring famed guests from all parts of the world. there will be several of the infamous CA bunch along with Oregonites, sheepherders and animal lovers of all persuasions. Celebs will abound lead by the Donmeister himself (he said he's buying al the beer you can drink and will be available for an autograph session on Sunday-if we can learn him to make an X by then). This promises to be THE event of the mullinea, a true extravaganza, the likes of which may never be legal in any western states again. Those who are week of heart need not apply. Activities scheduled thus far will be the first annual sheep dipping contest and my, my favorite, the spelling bee which I hope to win. After I am victorious in the contest I will be offering spelling lessons and the semi-famous Triggctionary will be unveiled. But wait, THERE'S MORE!!!Carl will be donating his time and money in the traditional "fleece the west coasters pokerathon", kim will be on the barbie (not the doll the outdoor cooking thing and Dan will be advising posters on the using ten thousand words to say absolutely nothing. But wait!! THERE'S MORE I will guarantee that NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE will go home the same person they were when they came. Soooo,, HURRY HURRY HURRY. make your reservation now before it is to late. BE THERE OR BE NOWHERE. Trigg disclaimer The viewpoints and guarantees wether explicit or implied do not reflect the philosophies of the management and may in fact all be lies.
  3. My mop slappin' woman does an hour of Tai Qi every morning. She will be avalable for lessons-as i am available to give spelling lessonsese
  4. Yea, those damned goats ruin everything!
  5. WAhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! congrats and welcome to our world
  6. The rules are comin' back to e.Yes, now i remember playing at least once or twice. me thinks me sees a potential income enhancer
  7. Poker!?!?!??! hmmm, I will give it a try--what beats what???
  8. Anton Cermak was mayor of Chicago from 1931 until 1933 when he was shot by an assassin who was trying to kill FDR... Chicago -Cicero-close enough. the only mayor i ever knew was his majesty King Richard J Daley. well i was in the ball park with Cermak-at least he was a mayor. Maybe it's cermak in the city and 22cnd in cicero?? Hey North side boy. You a Cubbies fan?? You lived there when it was 'say hey kid' E. Banks SS- 1st, Beckard 2cnd, D. Kessinger ss, R santo 3rd, R Hundly C , 'sweet swingin' Billy Williams L, J Pepitone Center, F Jenkins P , and someone i can't remember in right- maybe Rick Monday. I've been drunk with all of them. Most fans headed to the Cubbie Bear loung on Addison after the game. I always went to Lefties Bleachers bar and grill off of Shelton avenue (maybe) that's were the Cubbies hung out after the games. Ahhh, memories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I could be wrong but i think it used to be 22cnd street. I thought Cermak was a mayor of Cicero and they named 22cnd st in cicero after him--He man, i've slept since i left there-I can't be sure about everything.
  10. they never used to call it Cermack there. They called it 22cnd street. Tt bacame Cermack in Cicero and Berwyn--me thinks.
  11. Now that i think about it -I-57 does go close to the city but way too far south to be China Town.
  12. I'm not sure which one he is talking about but I think it's I-55 around Archer avenue. I don't remember I-57 goimg into chicago!
  13. Probably late July. Not sure when but we are definatly going to head up that way this summer. late July will give me time to grow my mustache back--don't wanna make you look bad dude!!
  14. Yea Frank, one of your better traights. Actually, we DID get asked where we have traveled and what vacations we have taken together during the AOS interview so he wouldn't even need to tell a real lie--save those for later!!
  15. How dare you go to Chicago china town and not invite me!!! hey, how come i didn't know you were from Chy town??? Where 'bouts?? Next time you go ya best lemme know dude!! I thought you knew I was from Chi town. I think you are probably getting CRS in your old age... I am a North side boy.. lived in the northwest suburb of Norridge from the age of 6 until I skedaddled at 18 for college in the wilds of Wisconsin... Ahhh. Northside-that explains it all. I grew up on the southside near 63rd and cottage (helluva neighborhood). I my late teens I moved to the near west side-then Cicero. Off to Wisconsin for a year then TN. Sometime before the sommer is over my wife wants to visit the windy. Wanna hook up around china town??
  16. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) B)
  17. I live near nashville now but i grew up in Chicago. i moved to Tn when i was jsut a puppy in my late twenties.
  18. And Carl, we are looking forward to being met. Hey!! D'ya think we should mention this near national get together somewhere other than the pinned oregon thing?? Maybe some folks don't look at it thinking it is only for left coasters. I'd like to have a big turnout--wifey almost never mops slaps me in large crowds!
  19. How dare you go to Chicago china town and not invite me!!! hey, how come i didn't know you were from Chy town??? Where 'bouts?? Next time you go ya best lemme know dude!!
  20. You asked for it!!!!!!! Two normal guys and an Aggie decide to go to the desert. They each bring one thing.The first guy brings water so they don't dehydrate. The second guy brings food so they don't starve to death. The Aggie says, "I brought a car door so if it gets hot, I can just roll down the window!"
  21. I have been using Globalspeed dial for two years. 2.2 cents a minute and no other fees when you dial. Never had a problem but I don't think you can get logs with it.
  22. Yup it will be Danny Boy. Are you really gonna wear shoes and socks at the same time?? Both of 'em?? I've been watching the Portland weather. I put away all long pants and other warm weather gear on the first of May. I gotta say that those tree trimmers up there must be a hardy bunch. Looks damned cold on that part of the left coast. Think i should wear my heavy winter shorts???
  23. Welcome Gene. You have come to the right place if you want information, advise (some even good), to meet those in the same situation as you, or just wanna kick back, kill time, and be silly. Welcome to the Candle Trigg
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