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  1. Update: Naturalization approved! The officer commented that since it was over 10 years ago, there were no issues. Not even any questions about it — the reason, how quit, etc. He just examined the case notes from the 2020 interview, and said now it’s approvable. No requests for evidence. Thank you all for your guidance and encouragement!
  2. Hi, I'm the original poster. I have a new username because I don't have access to the old email account I had used to sign up. The denial was based on the fact that at the time of the first N-400 application, it had only been 9 years and 10 months since the membership end date. So she didn't meet the length of time exception. And they construed her few months of attending meetings as "meaningful." Our update is that after our denial in 2020, we got consumed with starting our new family. Now, two kids later, we re-applied in 2023 and the interview is next week. We did work with a lawyer on our second N-400 who is familiar with CCP issues and overall, I recommend this. Because of the difficulty of traveling to the PRC with young kids during the pandemic -- and all the downsides of trying to request certificates of termination -- we did not try to get any documentary evidence of the end date. Our lawyer thinks the oral evidence -- that for more than 10 years she's been telling the U.S. Government that she stopped being a member in 2011 -- is strong. I'm still curious if others are bringing documents proving termination or these approvals are happening just based on statements.
  3. same question - sorry of this is spammy, I couldn't figure out how to tag multiple posters -- did you submit documents proving membership ended 10 years ago, or just stated that?
  4. Hi - same question -- did you bring evidence that the membership ended 10+ years ago like the old dues booklet, or just stated that more than 10 years had passed? My spouse's interview is next week. For her too, it was just a couple months membership during college, then no more contact, meetings, dues, etc. We weren't able to get any official PRC documents, so our only evidence is that she has been saying the same thing for 12+ years about the dates. She even had disclosed this information before we met because she used to work at one of the U.S. consulates there and it was part of her security investigation.
  5. Hi, may I ask -- did you have documentary evidence of termination? Or it was just based on your wife's statement? Thanks!
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