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Everything posted by Iris2014

  1. I'm a beneficiary of K1 visa and I started following this forum after I was put in AP because of CCP. Yesterday I finally got the visa, so I'd like to share my experience here for future reference. The initial application was filed in the beginning of March. The P1 to P4 parts went fairly quick. I went to take my interview on June 26 this year. At the interview, the visa officer told me that I need to get a police certificate from the UK since I spent 9 months there. According to their K1 instructions at that time (I don't know whether they have updated it since then), I don't need a police certificate if I haven't stayed in that foreign country for over a year. However, she told me that they had shortened the time period to 6 months, even though they hadn't made any changes to the instructions... Oh well... I had no choice but to get it. Interestingly, the question of CCP didn't come up in the interview and I thought I got lucky. Such an illusion. After I finally got the UK police certificate and submitted it a month later. They wound up sending my passport back with a letter asking for a statement on CCP and my resume. I really don't know why they couldn't ask for everything they need at one time. I sent my statement and resume to the consulate by email on that same day, August 13, and started the long wait. The first few weeks were pretty tough. I kept checking the CEAC websites a dozen times a day. Later on, it got easier when I set my expectation to 6 months according to what I read on this website. To my happy surprise, 98 days after I submitted my statement and resume, I got P5 on November 18. During these 98 days, my status on CEAC updated for 10 times. By the time I got P5, my medical report had expired, so I got a new one, submitted everything on November 26, the status on CEAC changed to Issued on December 8, and I picked up my passport in CITIC Bank on December 17. Overall, it took us 9 months to get the visa. I was quite impatient during the AP, so I really want to thank my fiance for his great support and I'm very grateful for everyone who has shared his or her experience on this forum. 98 days seems to be a relatively short wait compared with what I saw on this forum. I hope everyone else can also get the approval at an early date.
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