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Everything posted by Kinemaman

  1. Thanks to all who read this and respond. I am in a tizzy about this. On December 30 my fiancé had her interview in Guangzhou and she was approved for a visa but additional information was required from us. During her working career she worked for the government in an agricultural management position. During her life she never joined the CCP but at the interview when the VO asked her if she was or had ever been a member, he did not believe her when she answered “NO”. He concluded the interview giving her three sheets of paper with instructions to submit a Resume and a document stating her experience in the CCP. Well, we submitted that same day the resume and two letters explaining that she was not nor had ever been a member of the CCP along with very detailed reasons why she had never joined. We are now completely up in the air as to what to do next. On other CCP threads on CFL I have read about a 3 to 6 month wait for an application to be submitted to, reviewed by, and sent back to Guangzhou by someone in Washington DC. If that is the case, we are resigned to waiting the additional time. That is not the problem here. The problem is that on the three page form she received at the interview it stated: “Your immigrant (or K) visa application has been approved; please follow the above instructions and submit your passport(s) with at least 8 months validity, new visa photos taken within the last 6 months. When your passport has been received and your visa has been printed, your passport along with your visa packet will be delivered to your selected document pick-up location.” This has us a little puzzled. Does it mean the visa is approved and there will be “no” additional processing time? Unlikely I think, but one can dream. Or… are we to continue to wait until we receive a mailed letter (or will it be an email?) from the Consulate on when we are to return, and we are to deliver the passport directly to the Consulate at that time. Or… are we supposed to submit her passport and photos now?… and then wait for the passport to be returned with the Visa?? Will the 3 to 6 month wait still apply? Or were they just after her Resume and statement, with no wait for submission to Washington DC for review and approval? If this is the case, I can not figure out how we are supposed to submit the passport since they did not take it at the interview. Do we mail it (and help me here… what address and in care of who???) or do we send it through the CITIC branch where we are supposed to ultimately pick it up? Thanks again for your assistance. P.S. Has anyone ever deliberately lit a match to $3,000.00? I did, when I hired a local Idaho immigration attorney. They are only good for illegals.
  2. Greetings, everyone. This is my first post as a new member. I am a 61-year-old gentleman who, after being a bachelor all my life, has finally found the love of his life. And of course, she is on the other side of the planet in China. She is nine years younger than myself and is elegant, educated, intelligent, and treats me like a king. I am ecstatically happy. But, of course, I now face the inevitable morass of American Immigration. For my first post I have two questions I would appreciate some help with. The first question deals with the evidence data that we are to submit with the I-129F. I know we should “Front Load” so I have amassed quite a large collection of material. What I would like to know is what is the best way to submit it. I have everything printed on high-quality inkjet printer paper and I will be printing the photos on photographic quality paper. Currently I have all printed pages inserted into sheet protectors and everything neatly placed by category (letters, emails, Skype data, etc.) inside professional grade binders. It all looks pretty good, but is bulky as an African Bull Elephant. I would have to ship it all in a large box and I am afraid the huge, awkward nature of the binders may be an annoyance to whoever inspects them at the Immigration Service. I am considering having all the printed materials professionally bound into nice books, sans the bulky binders and sheet protectors. What does anyone think about this issue? Any comments gratefully appreciated. The second question deals with my age and the age of my fiancée. Does an older age of an applicant, and that of his beneficiary, reflect positively or negatively on an application? Because of my age, this is essentially my “last chance” at this kind of happiness and I cannot afford to go through a massively extended process filled with problems. Nor can I do a lot of “repeat” filing or long-term legal work. And neither can I go looking for a new lady, if I loose this one due to government red tape. I would not want to look for a new lady, as this one is the only one I ever would want. Any comments on “older-age-applicants” would also be very gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
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