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Posts posted by Bparks777

  1. I was reading on a previous post where Randy W mentions.




    This means answer "no" for question 6 as being associated with a totalitarian organization may cause issues?


    Does anyone know where to check if someone is still enrolled / involved with the CYP? Because if she isn't that means she was withdrawn before her 16th birthd day. Meaning its not needed to be listed...

  2. Good day, and happy Chinese new year!


    I Haven't been on in a long time! Much has changed, and I am currently preparing I-130 / I-485 for concurrent filing. I have questions regarding the Chinese Communist Youth League in relation to I-485 :gleam: . My wife joined the Communist Youth League entering middle school as it was mandatory. She paid the fee one time, and hasn't thought about again it until it came up under (I-485).


    (Part 3. Q6).

    "Have you EVER been a member of, or in any way affiliated with, the communist party or any other totalitarian party?)


    From what I have read it is best to answer (NO). Then list the youth league under.


    (Part 3. C).

    "List your present and past membership in or affiliation with every organization, association, fund, foundation party, club, society, or similar groups in the united states, or in other places since your 16th birthday."


    Here is where the questions arise. We have heard mixed things.

    1. If you haven' t paid the annual fee to the youth league, then she is automatically withdrawn, meaning she would have been withdrawn before her 16th birthday, and we shouldn't list it.


    2. Even if you don't pay the annual fee your still considered enrolled. We then should list it, and withdrawal. Problem is we cannot find a way to see if she is still involved, and how to withdrawal if so.


    Checking for advice on how to handle this in the best way.

  3. I should actually specify this is a Chinese company. They run these schools all over the place teaching all sorts of languages k-6 it's a pretty impressive operation. So the compensation wouldn't technically be from a U.S. entity. They supposedly use the H3 visa on a regular basis, but this was a unique situation simply because of time. Being that they wouldn't have time to get the H3 through USCIS in time for the program to start.


    I'm correct in my presumption that the duration of stay is detirmined at POE? So could they stay during the time the request for status change is with USCIS, even if initial duration expired? How does the POE agent decide the duration is it always 6 months? Is it based on return ticket? Agents discretion?


    The biggest worry is the event of possible overlap from duration expiring, and waiting for USCIS.


    Thanks for all the help.

  4. Greetings everyone! Long time no see!


    This is slightly off topic from the usual immigration questions for loved ones. I ask because I have found this forum to be incredibly knowledgable. I spent quite a bit of time on here previously for a loved one. I come back to you with some questions, for a friend that approached me because they knew I was somewhat familiar in dealing with USCIS.


    Issue Begins:


    My friend lives in Chongqing China, they are a kindergarten teacher. They were recently granted a 10 year multiple entry B1 visa to attend a couple meetings / conferences conducted by a charter school in NJ. These meetings are specifically geared towards early childhood language education.


    Their english is very good, and because so they were approached by the school asking if they would would like to work in a training / assistant position teaching Chinese to the kindergarten class in the school. The program would last 21 months, and they would compensate with some money/housing, the charter school will petition for a h3 visa, and the program would start shortly after the meetings (beginning this school year).


    So for the problem of time, they would enter under a B1 visa, and within 3/4 months change to a H3visa.


    It seems pretty straightforward but I wanted to ask a couple clarifying questions.



    1. I read that current wait times for H3 is up to 3 months. So if I'm correct the duration of stay under B1 is determined at point of entry for maximum 6 months or less. So if the agent grants 30 days, can they stay after the original 30 days while waiting for the H3 petition in USCIS's channels?


    2. Is this difficult?


    3. Could it ultimately harm the B1 visa?


    I apologize for various grammatical errors. I am trying to jot this in between doing some work haha.


    Any advice/suggestions welcomed.

  5. So as some of you may know, I finally officially proposed in February. We took a little bit to think about how to go about the process of getting married, and immigration. We decided it would be best to do it in China as it would be easier for her family to attend.

    We wanted to do it in May, but her cousin is getting married that month, and we don't want to hypothetically steal their thunder in a sense. So we were thinking of getting our certificate in May "essentially a courthouse marriage" dressing up a bit, and having a small, but nice dinner with some family members as a proto-celebration. I will then return to the United States, file for her Immigration Via CR-1, and return in October to have an official celebration and ceremony. By the time her interview comes we will have had the ceremony, and have some nice pics and so on.

    My question, do you think this may raise any eyebrows in the embassy? Would this create any problems?

  6. Thanks guys, the support is appreciated! I just dropped her off, and am sitting in my hotel room. I will walk her to the hospital she is interning at in the morning, and I will visit her on her 30 minute break, then its off to the airport. :( Here we go again.


    I will be returning in May to attend her cousins wedding with her family! I am going to fly her up to Beijing, and Tianjin with me for hopefully a little bit longer stay.

  7. http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z312/Bparks777/IMG_2310_zpsf6d36c00.jpg




    "Thank goodness for that tiny finger making that .33 diamond look huge!


    I asked her while walking next to the lake at night after an amazing meal. Her mother is excited, and gave us her blessing. Somehow I messed up the ring size and need to have it resized... oops.


    Now starts the real work! Depending on how her, and her family feel as to where we should have the wedding we will either use a CR-1 or a K1. It's driving me mad thinking that if we get married late this year, it will like be nearly 2015 before I can get her in the USA. These times apart, along me working nights, are really starting to take a toll. I visit every 3/4 months for about 14 days, then spend another 3/4 months apart. These goodbyes with tears in her eyes are really starting to kill me. I wish with all my heart I could find work in Shanghai, but because I don't posses my bachelors yet, people wont even give me the time of day. Tough times like these, really make me thankful that I inherited my fathers stubbornness.


    I leave tomorrow, and it's really starting to sink in how much I don't want to leave again, especially after this! Here is hoping for quick progress!

  8. I just spent the New Years Eve with her family. I will be returning tomorrow to have another meal. Im so excited to finally pop the question, and dreading having to come back to USA, and once again spend time away from her.

    I'm taking her on a 3 day trip Feb 13th - 16th to Qiandao Lake, "Lake of a thousand islands" I booked a beautiful hotel room, a boat tour of the Islands, and a day at a hot springs. I figured I would pop the question on Valentines after dinner!


  9. I use Rosetta Stone, and the Pimsleur Method. I personally prefer Pimsleur, because it really stresses your intonation. I have received many compliments on my pronunciation which I credit to the Pimsleur Method. Above all else I believe curiosity is the best tool, my lady speaks perfect English (corrects my English often) and I have learned more vocabulary by simply asking questions, and by practicing talking with the people. At night I often visit the local convenient store for water, and more mainly to practice interacting with the clerk. Start watching Chinese movies and really immersing yourself in hearing the language.


    I'm no pro, but I do believe I have learned very quickly. I believe Rosetta Stone is very very helpful in quickly expanding your vocabulary, while Pimsleur helps you with phrases, and trains you on how to properly construct sentences. While like I said watching Chinese movies helps you get use to hearing the language. My original problem was that many Chinese speak INCREDIBLY FAST so even though I knew vocabulary, at the speed they spoke it seemed all the words blended together. The more I watched movies, and heard the language the better it got. Good luck on your trip, and have fun!

  10. I used FlyChina.com for 2 trips, but my last and current trip I joined Delta Sky Miles. I was hesitant because all my previous domestic flights with Delta were horrible, I was a big continental/United fan. Delta seems to be much higher quality on international flights, and they seem to always offer prices at or below what I was finding on the 3rd party sites. Plus now I am collecting miles and should be good for a free flight probably mid next year! WOOOO!

  11. Just so I understand correctly, I now have to present an Invitation letter from an individual in China, or show hotel reservations, with round trip airline tickets to process my tourist visa?


    So what are the chances of them accepting an invitation letter from my girlfriend?


    I have a 1 year M entry Tourist visa that will be expiring soon, I was really hoping to be renewed under the multiple entry, it really cuts out a lot of head aches should I be worried?

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