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  1. Returning to this thread 'cause I have another question about what you said, tsap seui! I know you said you got all the shots done in one day, but aren't there some shots which must be administered throughout a couple of months? Also, would there be any other potentially tricky business with the shots that would delay us? Just trying to cover all bases here. Thanks.
  2. The problem with that is that when I try to file for 2011 (using an online service), it only gives me the option of filling out a W2, which I of course do not have. Then I cannot continue submitting, 'cause the W2 requires Employer ID Number, etc. I do not have that from the university in China.
  3. I'm confused. I sent them the 4852's for 2010, 2011, and 2012, and I received a letter thanking me for the 4852 and "we have no record of receiving a 2011 tax return. You should complete & return a 2011 return as soon as possible." I thought the point of filing a 4852 was that I do not have a tax return to file. Does anyone know what I should do next? How do I file a 2011 "tax return" when I have no W2?
  4. Okay, got all that. I'll take care of it. Meanwhile, I went back to the co-sponsor and he swears he has absolutely no paystubs. Zilch. Only direct deposit. So, as Dan had mentioned earlier in this thread, I suppose this means he must give me copies of his monthly bank statements showing the salary he received for every month, izzat right?
  5. Has anyone heard of a police certificate proving no criminal record? Does my fiancee in China need this? Also, if she does, does anyone know what this is called in Chinese?
  6. Thanks 2mike&Jin for the sobering advice. I'm going to file the past years' tax returns, but I'm going to do my best to be grumpy about it. Randy, I just want to be perfectly clear about this, since I've never done it before. I worked in China 09-2010 to 02-2012. I then worked in Germany from 03-2012 to 07-2012. So I need THREE forms: 1 for China 2010, 1 for China 2011, and one for Germany 2012. Is this correct?
  7. lukoktonos, I didn't file any taxes while in China, it was the last thing on my mind. How could I file now? I never got any Chinese equivalent of a W2 from them. Dan, Regarding the matter of 6 months' pay stubs, my co-sponsor says he only gets paid with direct deposit, there are no paystubs to show. What should I do in this case, ask him to print out his monthly bank statements?
  8. Thanks, guys! Is it possible, just to be on the safe side, to sponsor her myself and then ALSO have a co-sponsor, or is it either/or?
  9. The past two years I was teaching English in China, making about about $640 a month, not including the two month summer break. I certainly did not earn > $8,000 per year. Before that, I was a student in New York and wasn't working. I thought the requirement was 10% above poverty level. For New York, isn't that around $16,000? In any event, I have a co-sponsor ready who earns $41,000. Many thanks as always.
  10. Thanks, I didn't know that. What if I got a job this year making well above poverty level (New York), but I do not have three years' worth of tax returns (I was abroad)? Must I still use a co-sponsor? What is the difference between tax transcripts and tax returns, should I (or my co-sponsor) get one or the other?
  11. Our interview won't be till end of this year, so I'm preparing well ahead of time. I haven't been able to find any reliable information on what exactly is needed when submitting an Affidavit of Support. For example: Tax transcripts or returns? Do they want a W2? How many paystubs (if a regular employee and not self-employed)? What other forms do they need? I want to prepare over and above what is necessary and give her every single piece of paper they could possibly request when the time comes.
  12. I wasn't aware #2 was an option, good to know. Ah, well. The K1 is already filed at this point.
  13. I too have thought about this. In fact, that is what I was doing when we met. Here's another issue, though: How would you satisfy the financial requirements when you're only making the equivalent of a few hundred American dollars a month?
  14. I too noticed when I go to work, out by JFK airport, I tended to get better signal. When I called from closer to the city where I live, the connection was never good. Must be nice to live out there instead of the antpile that is NYC. I'll be doing the same myself one day.
  15. No prob, tsap! It's not like it's your fault! I thought I had responded to the private message. Yes, I did print out the whole page, no problem there. Like I said, other people should still try this service. I think calling from my cell to California might have just been a bad connection. It's good that we have this thread to exchange these tips, so thanks again.
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